Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 45 Two New Group Members

Chapter 45 Two New Group Members

Xiao Longnu: "Then tell me who my apprentice is?"

Lin Yuan: "Funny expression. His name is Yang Guo, and he is currently suffering in the Quanzhen sect."

Xiao Longnu: "A stinky Taoist priest from the Quanzhen sect? Then I don't want this apprentice..."

Lin Yuan: "..."

Xiao Longnu: "Laughing expression. How about this, I will accept him as an apprentice in the name of Big Brother Lin, and I will teach him martial arts."

Lin Yuan was a little speechless, did he have multiple apprentices for no reason?
Lin Yuan: "Your world belonged to Guo Jing's era before, and it will belong to Yang Guo's era in the future. He is the Son of Destiny, so it is beneficial to accept him as an apprentice.

Xiaolongnv: "Well, then it's decided like this. I will accept apprentices for Brother Lin, and then I will teach you."

Lin Yuan: "Okay, as long as you are happy."

Leave the chat group.

After cleaning up the giant snake, he cut off a large part of its tail and gave it to Chen Yang. The rest, Lin Yuan, put it into the group warehouse. Those are the rations for Heizi in the future.

Now only Lin Yuan, Hei Zi, and Chen Yang, who has passed out, are left in this town.

After two hours, Chen Yang woke up, he seemed to be extremely weak.

He stretched out a hand to Chen Yang and said, "I said, bring me something to eat."

Lin Yuan looked at Chen Yang speechlessly, then pointed to the large snake body that was frozen like a stone lying on the ground.

Chen Yang got up, and said helplessly: "I said, big brother, why did you give me a tail again? Now I see this thing and my whole body hurts."

Lin Yuan said: "Choose and choose, this is meat after all! Something that can survive."

Chen Yang looked Lin Yuan up and down, and said, "Did you evolve something like a space backpack?"

Seeing Lin Yuan looking at himself in disbelief, Chen Yang said, "Oh, why are you all so lucky? I have seen more than one person with this ability, but why am I not?"

Sighing, Chen Yang said again: "You can help me pretend! When the time comes, I want to eat and I will ask you for it."

Chen Yang winked at Lin Yuan.

This warm-hearted uncle wanted to act together with Lin Yuan.

After passing the emperor mosquito and the giant snake, Lin Yuan also felt good about this warm-hearted uncle.

Helping Chen Yang put away the snake tail, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Is that why you trust me? Are you afraid that I will sell you on the way?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I've always been very accurate in seeing people."

Lin Yuan smiled, it seemed that it would be a good idea to have someone to accompany him on the road.

Taking out the meat bag containing the strengthening fluid, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "It's been a lot of hard work, but at least we didn't suffer in vain. This thing is half for one person."

After speaking, he took out the empty bottle that had been filled with the enhancement liquid before, cut open the meat bag and poured out half of it.

Give the other half to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang picked up the meat bun and said with a smile, "Look, this is why I believe in you."

Lin Yuan curled his lips and said, "I'm not so shameless as to take it all by myself."

He raised his head and drank the strengthening liquid, and a warm feeling spread from his stomach to his limbs.

The body is gradually being strengthened.

After clenching his fist, the strength of his body alone has been greatly strengthened.

Turning to look at Chen Yang, I saw that he drank the strengthening liquid in the meat bun, and then ate it together with the meat bun.

Then, a dazzling red light burst out from Chen Yang's body.

A burst of violent aura continuously emerged from him.

It can be seen that he has also become stronger.

After waving his fist twice, Chen Yang said: "Hey! Every time I activate the dominance state, I will be weak for two days. Although my physical strength is not bad, I can't open the domination within these two days. body."

Lin Yuan looked around and said, "That's fine, we'll just stay in this town for two days, I'll find some branches, and let's roast some meat."

"good idea."

The two made a fire and barbecued meat, had a delicious meal, and then found a fairly spacious house to shelter from the wind with Heizi.

Chen Yang got a tent from some unlucky ghost and fixed it on Heizi's body.

"Tianlong Babu applied to enter the anti-traversal chat group."

"Yi Tian Tu Long Ji's Demon Cult leader applied to join the anti-traversal chat group."

Suddenly two new members joined.

Lin Yuan clicked to agree.

A reminder message immediately appeared in the chat group.

Lin Yuan: "Welcome to the cute newcomer group."

Xiaolongnv: "Welcome to the cute newcomer group."

Gongsun Sheng: "Welcome to the cute newcomer group."

Condor Heroes: "Funny expression, are you here, brother?"

Outlaws of the Marsh: "Funny expression, are you coming, brother?"

Super Seminary: "Mengxin is trembling and afraid to speak."

Tianlong Babu: "Crying emoji."

The leader of the Demon Cult of Yitian Tulongji: "Worship the boss."

The Legend of Condor Heroes: "@天龙八部, @依天刀龙记之魔教教师. Do you need any help? This group focuses on anti-traversal missions! As long as you place an order, you will be satisfied."

Tianlong Babu: "@神秘侠侠传, don't tease me anymore, I know that the time traveler in your world has been eliminated by the big boss, so don't be ashamed anymore!

I am much worse than you!You are a time traveler, I am two! "

The leader of the demon sect of Yitian Tulongji: "It's miserable upstairs, but the traveler in my world has sneaked into Wudang at this moment, and has become a Wudang disciple. He is trying to sneak into the forbidden area of ​​Wudang, where Shaolin Huotutuo is imprisoned. That guy is trying his best to learn the Nine Suns Divine Art."

Condor Heroes: "@天龙八部, poor, I feel sorry for you."

Water Margin: "Poor, I feel sorry for you."

Xiao Longnu: "I feel sorry for you."

Gongsun Sheng: "The evildoer is rampant, I feel sorry for you."

Tianlong Babu: "Crying emoji."

Super Seminary: "Expression of grievance, no one cares about me, I can't even find the traverser anywhere."

Tianlong Babu: "@林源, boss! There are too many traversers, help us!"

The leader of the Demon Cult of Yitian Tulongji: "Boss! There are traversers! Help us!"

Lin Yuan: "This time there are just three traversers, so let's just have one of the three of us.

@小龙女, @gongsunsheng.Do you two want to go? "

Xiao Longnu: "Yes! I want to go to the same world with Brother Lin."

Gongsun Sheng: "I think so, but I'm discussing with Lu Zhishen how to save Coach Lin. I'm not in the mood to do other things."

Save Lin Chong?What happened to Lin Chong?
Lin Yuan: "What happened to Lin Chong?"

Gongsun Sheng: "I listened to what Brother Dao said, and I got to know Teacher Lin and others. The day before yesterday, Teacher Lin bought a precious sword at a very cheap price on the street! Originally, I wanted to keep it at home, but I didn't expect that Gao Qiu didn't know where he found out, and sent someone to let him go to Taiwei's mansion here, saying that he wanted to watch. Teacher Lin went there, but unexpectedly, he was framed by Gao Qiu and entered the White Tiger Hall by mistake! He was dispatched .

I discussed with Lu Zhishen that we want to intercept Coach Lin on the way. "

I didn't expect things to return to the original point in the end.

Lin Yuan: "I suggest not to interfere with Lin Chong, even if you go, he may not necessarily go with you.

However, the two policemen escorting Lin Chong were ordered to kill Lin Chong, you can rescue him halfway.

It's just that I think you should go and persuade Coach Zhang to take his daughter, Mrs. Lin, out of Beijing for a while, otherwise the Gao Ya Nei will have to force Mrs. Lin to death. "

Gongsun Sheng: "That Gao Yanei has gotten worse since Brother Dao left, it's really hateful! Just kill him and it'll be over!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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