Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 49 Go Down Duan Yu

Chapter 49 Go Down Duan Yu

"System unbinding progress 3%...27%...54%...97% unbinding complete! Good luck to the host!"

I rely on!What the hell are you!Dog system!You cheat me!You come back to me!

Xu Que was dumbfounded...

The system is unbound from him...

He is probably the most embarrassing of all the current traversers!

Xu Que wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry.

in the chat group.

Tianlong Babu: "Hilarious expression. I laughed so hard! Hahahaha! The system of the traverser was so frightened that he untied him. The boss is awesome! Work harder and kill the traverser."

Condor Heroes: "Big Brother 666!"

Outlaws of the Marsh: "Big Brother 666!"

Super Seminary: "The boss is awesome!"

Yitian Tulongji: Demon Sect leader: "Worship the expression of the boss. The boss is the boss! The shot is different! If you say so, it will be my turn soon? So excited!"

Xiaolongnv: "Wow w(Д)w. Brother Lin is so fast, I am still far away from Tianshan Mountain now."

Gongsun Sheng: "Brother Dao, come on, I won't talk too much when I'm busy."

Lin Yuan: "Facing your compliments, I don't know how to respond. At this moment, there is only one expression that can best express my feelings... three funny faces."

Xu Que looked at Lin Yuan eagerly, a little embarrassed!
Said: "Then...can I beg for mercy?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Yes! But it's useless! You must die!"

Xu Que became anxious immediately: "Damn! Brother! No, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

Lin Yuan looked at Xu Que speechlessly, and said, "Have you ever seen a death row inmate who was released by the law enforcement officers when he was about to execute the death sentence?"

what what?
Death row prisoner?What the hell?

and many more……

The condemned prisoner was talking about me?The law enforcement is talking about him?
Then why am I a death row prisoner?Why should I die?

Could it be that……

"I need an explanation! Otherwise, I will die in peace!" Xu Que said coldly.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Yes."

Tianlong Babu: "Boss, receive the sound transmission and enter the secret."

Received a red envelope from Tian Long Ba Bu.

Congratulations on learning the secret method of sound transmission!

Lin Yuan: "Funny expression, @天龙八部. The guy can do it."

Tianlong Babu: "Thank you for your compliment!"

There are some things I don't want Duan Yu to know for the time being, at least it's not the time yet.

Lin Yuan sent a voice transmission to Xu Que, saying: "You can go with peace of mind! Your crime is your identity as a time traveler! And I am an anti-time traveler! I know everything about you! The time traveler is your original sin!"

Xu Que's eyes widened, the anti-time traveler...

If I am a time traveler, I should die...


"Why should I die as a time traveler? What about you? You are also a time traveler now! Does that mean you deserve to die just like me?"

Lin Yuan stretched out a finger and waved it lightly, and said, "No, no! I think you made a mistake! You crossed illegally! I crossed legally! That's why you should die!
Don't worry, you are not alone on the road to Huangquan!Soon there will be someone else following in your footsteps!And there are already two people waiting for you in that underworld. "

Xu Que's eyes widened: "You mean there are other traversers in the Tianlongbabu world?"

Lin Yuan said: "Yes! She's still a woman! And she's better off than you! She's infinitely closer to being the lord of the Vulture Palace!"

This is really... People are more popular than people!
Xu Que's eyes widened, he didn't continue to talk to Lin Yuan in his mind,

Sighing, he said, "Okay! You can do it! But you have to be quick, one-shot kill is the best! Don't make me feel hurt."

Lin Yuan pulled out the Yitian Sword and said, "This sword is the Yitian Sword! It's not a loss to die under this sword!"

Lin Yuan pierced out with the Yitian Sword, and a stream of sword energy shot out from the tip of the sword, piercing through Xu Que's eyebrows!
"Congratulations for getting rid of one traverser. The current world's anti-travel completion rate is 50%, and the administrator will be rewarded with [-] points! An internal strength evolution card! A weapon forge!"


Lin Yuan looked at the hammer-like thing lying in the group warehouse.

Click to open it, and found that this thing is the same as the internal martial arts fusion device, with a large groove in the middle and a small groove next to it.

It seems that this thing also needs a strengthening stone...

Leave that thing alone for now.

After using the internal strength evolution card, the nine-turn Nitianjing moved forward by one-third of the progress bar.

With a sigh, you need a strengthening stone to upgrade!

in the chat group.

Tianlong Babu was very excited: "Boss! Awesome! I can't help but want to give the big brother a red envelope!"

"Received a red envelope from Tianlongbabu."

"Received a red envelope from Tianlongbabu."

"Congratulations on getting a set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"Congratulations on getting a set of Lingbo Weibu."

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon!Hahaha, this thing is good!
I don't know if the Pohuangquan can punch a dragon after he merges with my Poxuquan.

Put the Powangquan into the internal martial arts fusion device, and put the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms into the small groove of the fusion device.

The compass-like fusion of internal energy and martial arts began to rotate.

"Congratulations on the upgrade of the Powang Quan! The current rank is the lower rank of the Xuan rank and the upper rank."

"Congratulations to the special effect of Powangquan martial arts! Long Jin!"

Long Jin?

Lin Yuan swung Powang Fist, and a golden dragon emerged from Lin Yuan's fist.

The golden dragon flew out and blasted towards a big tree as thick as a man not far away.


That big tree was instantly smashed to pieces by Lin Yuan!
Hey!good!Began to evolve from melee to long-range!

Dragon Jin: You can blast out golden dragons from a distance!In melee combat, you can strengthen the dragon strength to the arms, greatly increasing the power of martial arts!
Duan Yu ignored Lin Yuan, and sighed while digging a hole with the long sword that Qian Guanghao and Junior Sister Ge didn't take away in time.

He wanted to bury Xu Que.

"Hey! I really don't understand why you people in Jianghu always want to fight and kill!"

Duan Yu sighed while digging a hole with great difficulty.

Lin Yuan said: "You are the eldest son of Dali, you should know how you deal with death row prisoners!

To me, this Xu Que is a death row prisoner! "

Glancing at Duan Yu again, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Stop digging! Come with me! I'll give you a fortune!"

Duan Yu ignored Lin Yuan and was still digging a hole there!

Lin Yuan stepped forward and dragged him away.

Duan Yu yelled: "What are you doing? Let me go! Where are you taking me? Since you don't want to follow me to save Miss Ling'er, then don't talk to me!"

Lin Yuan was very speechless, and said: "Shut up, you idiot! Are you still willing to give you a fortune?"

He dragged Duan Yu to Jianhu, the forbidden area of ​​Wuliang Jianzong.

Looking at that cliff, Lin Yuan asked Tianlong Babu in the chat group.

Lin Yuan: "@天龙八部! Is this the blessed land of Langhuan?"

Tianlong Babu: "Yes! It's here."

Lin Yuan suddenly looked at Duan Yu strangely and laughed.

Duan Yu was hairy all over, looking at the bottomless cliff, he burst into a cold sweat.

Should he throw me down?
Lin Yuan pointed to the cliff and said, "The fortune is below!"

Duan Yu shook his head like a rattle, and said in shock: "I won't go!"

Lin Yuan laughed, grabbed Duan Yu, lifted him up, and said, "Don't go? That's not okay! If you don't go, I'll send you down!"

"Let go of me! You are killing me! I will fall to my death!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry! I guarantee you won't die!"

As soon as he let go, Duan Yu's body fell straight down.

After a long time...

Lin Yuan: "@天龙八部. Is Duan Yu alive? Don't really fall to your death!"

Tianlong Babu: "...No! The body fell on the pine tree, luckily survived! But passed out!"

Lin Yuan: "...This is the real protagonist! You can't die. Are you injured? Don't break your arms or legs!"

Tianlong Babu: "No serious injuries, only minor injuries! All organs of the body are intact!"

Lin Yuan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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