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Chapter 53 Yitian Sword Vs Yitian Sword

Chapter 53 Yitian Sword Vs Yitian Sword

When it comes to the Yitian Sword, Zhou Zhiruo is extremely arrogant, because the Yitian Sword is the suppressing weapon of the Emei Sect!
There is even more in the arena: the treasured sword slays the dragon, commands the world, and dares not to obey!

If Yitian doesn't come out, who will fight for the front!
Back then, Guo Xiang, the founder of Emei, gave the Emei School a great reputation!

Up to now, Emei and Wudang have become the leaders of the righteous way in the rivers and lakes!

All these things couldn't help Zhou Zhiruo not to be arrogant.

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "You can't say too much, maybe I can win?"

Zhou Zhiruo frowned and sneered.

She turned to Zhang Sanfeng and said, "Really Zhang, your disciple wants to challenge the Yitian Sword, what if I accidentally hurt him later?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Zhou Zhiruo and waved to Lin Yuan.

He asked Lin Yuan in a low voice, "Can you do it? That's the Yitian Sword. There is nothing in the world that can check and balance it except the Dragon Slaying Saber."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry! Isn't it Yitian Sword? I have it too!"

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes widened, and then he knocked on Lin Yuan's head, saying: "Boy, it's not good to be arrogant! The Yitian Sword was forged by Guo Jing after melting Yang Guo's dark iron epee. How could there be two of them?" ..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yuan had an extra sword in his hand.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes widened in an instant, and he stretched out his hand to take it, but when Zhang Sanfeng grabbed the sword, it suddenly began to tremble violently!


Suppressing curiosity, Zhang Sanfeng grabbed the hilt of the sword as if pulling it out.

But the hilt and the scabbard seem to have grown together, tightly together.

"Oh! This has a temper!"

A terrifying force suddenly appeared from Zhang Sanfeng's body. He grabbed the hilt of the sword with one hand and the scabbard with the other, and the Yitian sword was slowly pulled away.


A huge sword cry came!

Resounded throughout the hall.

The sound of the sword sound was extremely ear-piercing, everyone covered their ears tightly, and the Emei disciples were shocked by the sound of the sword and screamed.

This sword cry is the sound of anger, this is the emotion of Yitianjian!

It was very dissatisfied with Zhang Sanfeng holding it, and what made it even more angry was that he still wanted to pull it out.

This is unbearable.

Lin Yuan had never seen Yitianjian in such a situation, which surprised him.

But he still wanted to see how far Yitianjian could do it.

All of a sudden, the Yitian sword was drawn out with an extremely fierce murderous aura!
This murderous aura made people fall into an ice cellar, and the hairs poured out.

The bone-piercing freezing cold made the entire hall feel like it had entered a severe winter!
Zhang Sanfeng felt the strong killing intent of this long sword, which gave him a feeling of heart palpitations that he had never felt before!
No, I can't continue.

Zhang Sanfeng let go of the Yitian sword, and the sword body and scabbard closed instantly.

Return the Yitian Sword to Lin Yuan.

The moment Lin Yuan received the Yitian Sword, the sound of the sword's cry disappeared.

The killing intent also disappeared.

The bone-chilling cold was gone.

However, the Yitian sword was trembling in a low voice, as if crying, expressing, expressing its own dissatisfaction.

What a Yitian sword!
Lin Yuan always thought that his Yitian sword was a dead thing, so he has such spirituality!
Gently stroking the Yitian sword, Lin Yuan said, "Sorry! My fault! From today onwards, I won't let anyone touch you again."

Yi Tianjian became quiet.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "I have never seen a sword that is so spiritual! Youdao is a divine tool that recognizes its owner. It seems that this sword is born to belong to you."

Lin Yuan drew out the Yitian sword, and the Yitian sword immediately made a sword cry, and he seemed to be excited.

Everyone present looked at Lin Yuan in shock. There is such a powerful sword in this world, even stronger than the Yitian Sword of the Emei Sect!What kind of sword is this sword?

Who is this Lin Yuan's identity?Why does he have such a powerful sword?
Lin Yuan looked at Zhou Zhiruo and said, "Can you compete with me now?"

Zhou Zhiruo said: "I want to know who you are? I don't believe that you are just a small Wudang disciple."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Yes, who am I?"

Lin Yuan looked back at Zhang Sanfeng, and said, "Can Master Teacher tell me who I am?"

Zhang Sanfeng laughed and said: "You have my Wudang badge on your waist, do you need to ask again?"

Lin Yuan looked at Zhou Zhiruo and said with a smile, "Did you hear that? I'm just a little Wudang disciple."

Zhou Zhiruo was not asking any more, Emei Yitian sword was drawn out, and a sword was thrown towards Lin Yuan, and a powerful sword energy was thrown out instantly.

Lin Yuan swung his Yitian sword to instantly dispel the incoming sword energy, and walked towards Zhou Zhiruo step by step.

Zhou Zhiruo was taken aback for a moment, then thrust out another sword in an instant, and the Yitian sword in her hand slashed out to attack Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan simply swung his sword, and the horse was knocked apart in an instant.

The Yitian sword was trembling with excitement, it seemed that it was looking forward to it being able to compete with the same Yitian sword.

Zhou Zhiruo changed the moves in her hands, and the sword became fierce in an instant, full of murderous aura.

Zhang Sanfeng reminded: "Pay attention, those are the Miejian and Juejian created by the old nun Miejue. They only have two styles, but they are infinitely powerful!"

Extinct Sword, Absolute Sword?

Isn't that the two types of extinction?
Hey!That way is to try out the power of these two styles.

There was a huge sound of piercing through the air, and the tip of the Emei Yitian Sword had reached Lin Yuan's chest.


A huge force shook Zhou Zhiruo away, and the Yitian sword in her hand flew out instantly.

With the tip of the sword pointing down, it was inserted directly into the center of the door of Zhenwu Hall.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Lin Yuan in shock, and then suddenly smiled: "Senior Brother Lin is very skilled in martial arts, and I am no match for Junior Sister."

Lin Yuan frowned, the movie version of Zhou Zhiruo really has a different character from the TV series version and the novel version!
They all began to call him Senior Brother.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Okay, let's finish! Zhiruo, you are tired too, go to rest! Wuji, Qingshu, you go and arrange their accommodation."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "It's Shigong."

Zhang Wuji looked a little lonely, and followed the crowd out of the Zhenwu Hall.

Only Zhang Sanfeng, Song Yuanqiao and others remained in the main hall.

Lin Yuan straight to the point: "Master Zhang, I'm going to your forbidden area in Wudang."

Forbidden place?What the hell are you going to do?
Zhang Sanfeng wondered: "Which ghost place are you going to do? Did you come to Wudang just to go there?"

Song Yuanqiao and the others also looked at Lin Yuan suspiciously.

Lin Yuan shook his head and said, "No! I came here to find someone! But I can't find that person for the time being, so I not only plan to go to your forbidden area, but I also plan to ask a few of you to do me a favor."

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while, and said, "Tell me what it is first."

Lin Yuan looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and thought, "This old guy really doesn't see a rabbit or a hawk."

Lin Yuan said: "I don't know how to explain it to you. The person I'm looking for is Xu Wei. His identity is a Wudang disciple. His purpose is to enter your Wudang forbidden area to find Shaolin's Fireworker Toutuo, and then Learn the Nine Suns Divine Art from him!"

Jiuyang magic?

Song Yuanqiao and the others were shocked. So, has the Nine Suns Divine Art been in Wudang all this time?Why don't they know?

"Master! Wuji is saved!" Song Yuanqiao wept with joy.

Zhang Sanfeng frowned and thought, and then asked Song Yuanqiao: "Yuanqiao, is there someone named Xu Wei in Wudang?"

Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and others looked at each other, and then shook their heads: "There are many Wudang disciples, but none named Xu Wei. There are quite a few Xu."

(End of this chapter)

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