Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 69 Armor

Chapter 69 Armor
That mass of meat was unbearably hot, like a mass of red-hot coals.

It was beating, making a dull sound like a drum beating.

This is the heart of a scary bug!

Carefully peeled off the heart, and found a meat bag wrapped in strengthening fluid in its atrium.

Take off the strengthening fluid, and throw the heart to Heizi to eat.

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "Old rules! Half for one person."

Chen Yang laughed loudly: "The two of us have not been busy for so long in vain!
It's just a narrow escape from killing five small scary bugs and one big scary bug. In the end, only this little thing is left. I feel like I'm at a loss!

oops!If I didn't want to rush to that damned rescue site, I'd rather find a place to nest safely. "

He took out the bottle and poured out half of the enhancement liquid, and handed the rest along with the meat bun to Chen Yang.

Looking at the communicator on his wrist, Lin Yuan said: "It is said that since I received that message that day, there has been no movement! I always feel a little uneasy."

Chen Yang frowned, and said: "It seems to be true from what you said!

They crossed the stars to come to this place for rescue, that must be a huge fleet!

In theory, they can deal with these terrifying creatures, and it is not a problem at all to send spaceships to pick up us survivors everywhere!
But no!
When I received the information that day, I felt something was wrong. "

The volcano is still erupting, and magma is splashing everywhere.

Get out of this place now.

Lin Yuan and Chen Yang jumped onto Heizi and headed towards the true north.

Looking at the erupting volcano behind him, Lin Yuan said, "How many scary things did we encounter when we came out from the original hiding place?

A dung beetle king appeared in a small lake used to treat municipal wastewater!

Then there is the crocodile king, and the wolf king appears in Liangjiashan!

And an army of giant ants!

Out of Liangjia Mountain, those terrifying mosquito swarms, and the giant snake.

This volcano is actually not that big!There are many bigger than him, but such a terrifying creature was born!

Think about it, if there are more terrifying creatures in those giant mountains, primeval jungles, great rivers, and oceans? "

Chen Yang frowned for a while, as if thinking of something terrifying.

"what do you mean?"

Lin Yuan shrugged and said, "Of course, these are all speculations! But... think about it carefully, have you seen flying creatures in the sky since the end of the day?
Those mosquitoes don't count!

Think about it, those mosquitoes have evolved to be so terrifying, those common birds are invisible!This is very abnormal! "

Lin Yuan pointed to the thick lead cloud that day, and said, "I suspect that there is something on it, and it must be terrifying!
Those terrifying creatures in the mountains, rivers, oceans and seas are even more frightening!

I guess, those fleets who came in to rescue did not want to come to rescue everywhere, but because they were powerless!

Or... they are now in danger. "

Chen Yang was silent, and after a long while, he said: "What you said makes sense, but it's better to go there and have a look!"

"Not bad!"

After leaving the volcanic area, the temperature began to drop sharply.

Taking off the broken clothes and throwing them away, Lin Yuan put on the big padded jacket again.

Looking at Heizi's bald back, Lin Yuan sighed, the loss is heavy!
Tents, bedding, all lost!

You said it would be nice to put it in the warehouse!


Sighing deeply, Lin Yuan drank the strengthening liquid in the bottle.

The body is strengthened little by little by the strengthening liquid, and all the original injured parts are restored, without even a scar.

Feeling the increasingly powerful physique, Lin Yuan smiled.

After Chen Yang drank the strengthening liquid, he began to lie on Heizi's body and fell asleep.

At this time, Xiao Longnu was in Ait Linyuan in the group.

Xiaolongnv: "@林源,Brother Lin, my mother-in-law and I rescued the Yang Guo you mentioned yesterday. Is he really my apprentice?"

Lin Yuan: "According to the original trajectory, he is indeed your apprentice."

Xiao Longnu: "I don't understand why I accept him as an apprentice, I don't like him at all."

Lin Yuan: "According to the original trajectory, you really didn't accept him at first, but Grandma Sun liked him, and even had a big fight with you because of him, and even wanted to take Yang Guo away, and then Grandma Sun died in Quanzhen Teaching Hao. Chase's hands.

Grandma Sun asked you to take care of Yang Guo for the rest of her life before she died, and that's how you accepted Yang Guo as an apprentice. "

Lin Yuan: "Now this original trajectory has been changed. Hao Datong should not be able to beat Granny Sun now! So if you insist on not accepting him as an apprentice now, Granny Sun may eventually take Yang Guo away."

Xiao Longnv didn't reply for a long time, Lin Yuan quit the chat group.

Another meeting.

Xiao Longnv: "@林源. Brother Lin, Granny Sun did quarrel with me just now because of Yang Guo, what do you think I should do?"

Lin Yuan: "Didn't you say before that you would take me in as an apprentice? Then why are you still struggling so much?"

Xiao Longnu: "Laughing expression. That's good! I'll take this apprentice for you! I'll go and make room for him to live in the thatched house you used to live in.

Oh, by the way, your armor is ready, I will send it to you. "

"Received a red envelope from Xiaolongnu."

"Congratulations on getting two sets of armor."

The black armor was made from the hardest part of the big snake's back, with snake skin scales at the bottom and fine black iron armor on the outside.

It seems that considering the cold weather here, Xiaolongnv also added the fur of some unknown animal inside, which feels soft and warm to the touch.

Add a layer of thermal clothing inside, and then put on this set of armor, it won't be so cold after all, right?
Enter the group.

Lin Yuan: "@小龙女, I like the armor very much, you put your heart into it! Next time I'll get you some strengthening fluid, it's a good thing."

Xiao Longnu: "Well, okay. I'll give your apprentice a lecture now, so I won't talk for now."

after one day.

Lin Yuan and Chen Yang came to a large natural hot spring.

In the extremely cold weather, a steaming hot spring makes people excited.

Chen Yang took off his clothes and jumped into the hot spring, sighing comfortably.

Lin Yuan looked around and didn't find any special terrifying creatures, so he also jumped into the hot spring.

After taking a comfortable shower, he bought a set of thermal clothes from a group store, and after changing, Lin Yuan put on the armor.

The whole body of black armor, the gorgeous Yitian sword, coupled with Lin Yuan's powerful aura, gave people a heavy sense of oppression.

Chen Yang widened his eyes and said, "Is this made of snake skin?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"By the way, how did you do it?"

Touching the cold armor carefully, Chen Yang said: "This armor is really well made! With this thing, its own defense is much higher."

Lin Yuan smiled and threw that set of armor to Chen Yang, saying, "Don't worry about it, I'll give it to you! It's yours!"

Chen Yang laughed loudly: "This thing is really good! Hahaha! Thank you brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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