Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 89 Zhao Yun

Chapter 89 Zhao Yun
Xin Zhao looked at Zhao Yun in bewilderment, and said: "But my ancestor is Zhao Yun, is there any reason? If you are Zhao Yun, don't you mean..."

Cheng Yaowen laughed loudly and said, "What are you thinking? Isn't that your ancestor?"

Xin Zhao cursed angrily: "Go away! Go away."

Xin Zhao felt that something was wrong, but he knew that even if he was really Zhao Yun, he was not his ancestor.

Zhao Yun pulled out the long spear on the ground, and the tip of the spear protruded out like a dragon, pointing directly at Xin Zhao.

"My descendants! Come on! Let me teach you how to be a man!"

A spear appeared in Xin Zhao's hand.

Xin Zhao said angrily: "You take advantage of me, Lord Xin, how can I spare you!"

Xin Zhao held his spear straight, and rushed towards Zhao Yun like an arrow.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth, and his body dodged slightly to avoid Xin Zhao, and then at the moment when Xin Zhao and him were separated, his body suddenly turned around and stabbed Xin Zhao in the back.

The black armor perfectly withstood all the damage with a loud noise, but his body was thrown out, and he was hit by the huge force of the long spear, hitting the ground.

He didn't have the endurance like Ge Xiaolun, and was instantly knocked unconscious by this huge force.

Zhao Yun chuckled: "My descendants! Is this all you can do?

I am so disappointed in your ancestors! "

Qiangwei gritted her teeth and disappeared from the spot in an instant, and the next moment she appeared in front of Zhao Yun, wiping the dagger in her hand towards Zhao Yun's neck.

Zhao Yun's spear was in front of him, and Qiangwei's dagger hit Zhao Yun's spear, and she missed a single blow.


Zhao Yun's gun was drawn on Qiangwei's body, and Qiangwei was sent flying.

"Little girl! Sneak attack is not a good habit..."


Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Yun was shot by Qilin. The bullet penetrated Zhao Yun's shoulder, and his body was blasted out with great force.

Qilin blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and snorted coldly: "I'll let you pretend! It's better to use a gun at critical times!"

"Sister Qilin! You did it beautifully!" Liu Chuang laughed and rushed towards Zhao Yun with a big ax in hand.

Although Zhao Yun was shot, he was not hindered in any way.

The spear protruded out like a dragon, flying the ax in Liu Chuang's hand, and the tip of the spear pierced Liu Chuang's armor with great force.


Liu Chuang was sent flying by the force.

Zhao Yun turned over and got up, and the spear flew out of his hand in an instant, stabbing towards Qilin.

Qilin was shocked.

Qiangwei yelled secretly, a miniature wormhole instantly appeared in front of Qilin, Zhao Yun's spear passed through in front of Qilin, and flew out from the other side!
Zhao Yun clapped his hands and laughed, "Not bad, not bad!"

Qilin looked at Zhao Yun in surprise. The place on his body that was originally hit by the bullet has recovered, and there is not even a trace of damage.

Looking at the place that was originally hit by the bullet, Zhao Yun smiled and said, "Not bad! It hurts! But it's useless to me!"

"Then you try this!"

Cheng Yaowen stretched out his right hand, and a huge stone hand sprang out from the ground, grabbing Zhao Yun.

Qiangwei smiled and said, "Cheng Yaowen, you did a great job!"


The huge stone hand holding Zhao Yun shattered, and Zhao Yun's figure rushed towards Cheng Yaowen from the air with the force of lightning.

He seemed really angry.

"Your Excellency's head! I'm under him!"

Cheng Yaowen was shocked, Zhao Yun had a strong murderous intent, and for a moment he felt like he was going to die.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was about to kill him, Cheng Yaowen had already forgotten to dodge.

His heart instantly rose to his throat.


A big hand firmly grasped the tip of Zhao Yun's spear.

It's Lin Yuan!Cheng Yaowen's heart fell back into his body, he patted his heart and stroked his chest.

Nima, almost died.

Zhao Yun frowned and looked at Lin Yuan, he twitched the long spear that Lin Yuan was holding tightly, and remained motionless!

Suddenly he had a very bad feeling. Years of bloody battles gave him a strong intuition for danger. He felt the strength of the person in front of him. He let go of the hand holding the spear, and Zhao Yun wanted to get out of the way instantly.

It's just that he was still a step too late.

Breaking Fist!Long Jin!

A huge dragon chant resounded in all directions, and Zhao Yun was punched out by Lin Yuan.

His chest collapsed, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

Holding Zhao Yun's spear, Lin Yuan stepped out in front of Zhao Yun's body, stepped on Zhao Yun's body, and the spear landed on Zhao Yun's chest.

Zhao Yun struggled a few times, Lin Yuan suppressed him like a mountain, making him unable to move.

Facing Arthur who was still beating Ge Xiaolun violently over there, he said, "If you don't stop, Zhao Yun will die!"

Liu Chuang looked at Lin Yuan in surprise and said, "Oh! He is so powerful!"

Xin Zhao woke up at some point, and said, "Brother! Kill him! Take revenge for me!"

It was also the first time for Qiangwei to see Lin Yuan make a move. The pressure Zhao Yun put on her just now still made her heart beat wildly. She didn't expect Lin Yuan to subdue Zhao Yun with one blow.

Qilin looked at Leina and said, "Who is he? I haven't seen him talk much before, I didn't expect him to be so strong."

Lena clapped her hands and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is your instructor, he is responsible for teaching you his fighting style! Now you all watch carefully, watching how your instructor solves them .”

Arthur let go of Ge Xiaolun, and pointed the holy sword in his hand at Lin Yuan.

Looking at Zhao Yun who seemed to have given up struggling on the ground, Arthur said, "Why are you so useless?"

Zhao Yun looked at Arthur speechlessly, and said: "I said! Do you have the face? You picked a weak chicken and beat him until now, so you still have the face to criticize me?
If you have the ability, try to fight this guy! "

Ge Xiaolun clutched his chest and coughed as he walked towards Leina and the others.

Xin Zhao looked at Ge Xiaolun and said, "It's ok, brother? You haven't died after being beaten for such a long time?"

Ge Xiaolun said angrily: "Brothers? Are there any brothers like you? Are you willing to support me when I am beaten up like this?"

"Who said that? I went to rescue it? It's just that I was shot unconscious by my fake ancestor just now, and I'm not as resistant to beating as you are."

Ge Xiaolun shook his head helplessly, looked at Lin Yuan, and said, "This one seems to be even more unkind? He is so powerful and didn't save me just now! Let me be beaten for such a long time."

Lei Na gave Ge Xiaolun a blank look, and said, "You can't be beaten to death, so it will be good for you to get beaten more often."

Ge Xiaolun became even more speechless, listen, is this human speech?What does it mean to be unbeatable?
Arthur put on a charging posture and rushed towards Lin Yuan in an instant.

"Let me experience it! Charge!"


Arthur was sent flying by Lin Yuan.

Both the shield and the holy sword flew out.

Lin Yuan looked around and said, "Where are your accomplices? Call them out? Let me see who they are!"

Zhao Yun sighed and said, "Come out! If you don't come out, the two of us may really be beaten to death!"


With a bang, a tower-like man descended from the sky.

"Strengthening the mountain and the air is unparalleled!"

An unusually coquettish voice sounded, and a petite figure appeared beside the tower-like man.

This is a woman with a tail and a pair of furry fox ears on top of her head.

"Daji, play with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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