Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 9 Playing with the Shenmu Wangding, a magic weapon?

Chapter 9 Playing with the Shenmu Wangding, a magic weapon?

Lin Yuan sneered and looked around at the place where Zhen Zhibing might be hiding, and said, "I'd like to see what tricks you play."

Ding Chunqiu said: "Miss Long, why don't you think about it? It seems that no one in this world can beat me. Even Wu Jue is just a chicken and a dog in my eyes."

Goddess Xiaolong looked cold, and the words in her mouth were as cold as the breath of the Nine Nether Demon Prison.

"Old and unrepaired! Suffer death!"

The white silk hanging on Xiao Longnv's body instantly hit Ding ChunQiu.

The golden bell hanging on the white silk let out a whining sound that pierced through the air.

Huge force hit Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Chunqiu looked at Xiao Longnu with a smile, remained motionless, his eyes slanted at the incoming golden bell, and gently waved his right palm.

"Jingle Bell."

The golden bell was patted aside by Ding ChunQiu casually.

"Little girl! Your strength is really not enough! Don't struggle! The old fairy still advises you to obey me!"

After finishing speaking, Ding Chunqiu let out a burst of ear-piercing laughter.

Lin Yuan looked at Ding Chunqiu speechlessly, this guy is too good at acting for Zhen Zhibing, right?

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Don't tell me, if it wasn't for me this time, it's really possible that Zhen Zhibing got his way."

The aura on Xiao Longnu's body became even colder, and her attacks became more severe.

The white silk was impregnated with internal force, it was stretched straight, like a long spear, it stabbed Ding Chunqiu straight.

Ding Chunqiu did not pay attention to the attacking Bai Ling.

With his big sleeve fluttering, he slapped away the attacking Bai Ling with his palm, and his right hand attacked Xiao Longnu like a dragon's claw.

Xiao Longnv was startled, and moved out with light kung fu.

Ding Chunqiu was in vain.

He gave a strange laugh, and his figure was like lightning, and he rushed towards Xiao Longnu again.

Ding Chunqiu's speed was too fast, Xiao Longnu couldn't avoid it at all.

Xiao Longnv suddenly panicked, subconsciously looked at Lin Yuan.

"Hahahaha! Little Dragon Girl! Dragon Girl, you just follow the old fairy! You can't run away!"

Ding Chunqiu laughed loudly and rushed towards Xiao Longnv, with an evil smile on his lips.

It was a voice that yelled, with an unusually upright spirit: "Rebel! How dare you do things like this under my Quanzhen faction! Today I will do justice for the heavens! I will die!"

Zhen Zhibing flew towards Ding Chunqiu with a long sword in his hand.

Lin Yuan looked at Zhen Zhibing with a sneer, and said, "Are you here? I've been waiting for you for a long time! Want a hero to save the beauty? Your thinking is too beautiful!"

Lin Yuan rose into the air, rushed towards Zhen Zhibing in an instant, and kicked Zhen Zhibing in the air.

Zhen Zhibing's eyes widened, he wanted to dodge, but Lin Yuan's speed was too fast, he couldn't dodge at all.


Zhen Zhibing was kicked away by Lin Yuan!
Lin Yuan used his strength to rush towards Ding Chunqiu.

Zhen Zhibing was extremely annoyed, looked at Lin Yuan gnashing his teeth, and ordered Ding Chunqiu in his heart: "Kill him!"

Ding Chunqiu turned to face Lin Yuan with a sinister smile and slapped Lin Yuan.

"The Great Law of Transformation!"

Lin Yuan was startled in his heart, this method of transforming kung fu is a poison kung fu, he uses toxins to invade the human body and dissolve all the kung fu of the whole body.

Facing Huagong Dafa, Chen Yang has nothing to do with him now.

in the chat group.

Condor Heroes: "Boss, don't panic! The plug-in is here to help you kill that Ding Chunqiu."

"Received a permanent status red envelope from Condor Heroes."

Click on the red envelope.

"Congratulations on obtaining the permanent transformation! In this state, all poisons will be ignored!"

Lin Yuan is overjoyed!

Laughed wildly twice, and rushed towards Ding Chunqiu.

Zhen Zhibing looked at Lin Yuan with a sneer: "This Ding Chunqiu is full of poison, Lin Yuan! You are doomed!"

Lin Yuan's right fist blasted out the Pohuang fist towards Ding Chunqiu.


Lin Yuan and Ding Chunqiu clashed fists and palms together, the huge force caused them to retreat two feet away.

Xiao Longnv looked at Lin Yuan worriedly, and reminded: "This old thief is powerful, you have to be careful!"

Lin Yuan turned his head to look at Xiao Longnv, and smiled slightly.

Grandma Sun looked at Xiao Longnv with a smile, and said, "Girl! Why do you suddenly care about Lin Yuan?"

Xiao Longnv suddenly hesitated and said: "I... I just think that he is not bad, so I want to remind him that I have no other intentions."

Grandma Sun looked at Xiao Longnu meaningfully.

Xiao Longnv suddenly blushed slightly.

Ding Chunqiu sneered and said: "Boy! You have received my palm from the old fairy, and you have already fallen into my magic power! You will definitely turn your whole body into nothingness! I advise you to kneel obediently and let the old fairy cut it off. Dog head! It's better to suffer less."

With a mocking smile on Lin Yuan's face, he said, "Great Transformation Technique? What is that thing? Do you believe me when I say that your hot chicken Transformation Kung Fu Dafa doesn't work for me?"

Ding Chunqiu said coldly: "I hope you can still laugh when you die soon."

Hua Gong Dafa!

Ding Chunqiu's clothes fluttered, his figure was nimble, and with a wave of his big hand, he slammed towards Lin Yuan again.

Breaking Fist!
Lin Yuan punched Ding Chunqiu again.

Lin Yuan blasted out with tremendous force, each punch was as heavy as a punch, and each punch was as fast as a punch.

The two punched to the flesh, bombarding non-stop.

The more Ding Chunqiu beat him, the more frightened he became, how could this Lin Yuan not be affected by Hua Gong Dafa at all?
There was a cold light in Ding Chunqiu's eyes, he raised his hand and sprinkled pieces of poison at Lin Yuan.

Where the poison fell, the vegetation withered and turned yellow, and the ants and insects on the ground died in pieces.

Lin Yuan shook off the poison from his body, but he was not affected at all.

Stepping on the shape-changing shadow under his feet, he blasted the Powang fist in his hand.

Ding Chunqiu looked shocked, this Lin Yuan was not affected by the poison at all!

Could it be that this Lin Yuan is the legendary invulnerable body?

Lin Yuan violently punched Ding Chunqiu out with a huge force.

Ding Chunqiu had blood on the corner of his mouth, his heart was shaking, this Lin Yuan is so strong!If the fight continued like this, he might die in Lin Yuan's hands.

Ding Chunqiu gritted his teeth, and retreated violently.

He took out a small wooden tripod from his hand, Ding ChunQiu muttered something, the small wooden tripod flew from Ding ChunQiu's hand.

That small cauldron is the divine wood king cauldron!

The Shenmu Wangding gradually became larger and rushed towards Lin Yuan.

"Lin Yuan! This is the Divine Wood King Cauldron! This is my treasure! You are doomed!"

Lin Yuan's heart trembled violently, the Shenmu Wangding unexpectedly attacked him like a magic weapon.

The sacred wood king tripod smashed towards Lin Yuan with a terrifying aura.

Lin Yuan moved sideways, and the divine wood cauldron fell to the ground in an instant.

Stone chips are flying, flying sand and stones.

This terrifying power shocked Lin Yuan's heart.

The Shenmu King Cauldron missed a single hit, it flew up and continued to smash towards Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan stepped on the shape-changing shadow, his figure kept flickering, and he kept avoiding the Shenmu Wangding.

Xiao Longnv and Grandma Sun looked at Lin Yuan worried.

Zhen Zhibing looked at Lin Yuan with a sneer: "Lin Yuan! You are dead! Hahaha!"

in the chat group.

The Legend of Condor Heroes: "Boss! Don't worry! Here comes the trick!"

"Received a red envelope of exercises from the heroes of the temple!"

"Acquired one part of the peerless inner strength Nine Suns Divine Art."

 Please recommend tickets, new book issue recommendation tickets are very important, please recommend!I'm motivated by your votes

(End of this chapter)

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