Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 95 Ruoning

Chapter 95 Ruoning
In the sky, two monkeys were fighting fiercely, powerful forces were stirring, and the sound of the collision of golden cudgels resounded through the sky.

The strength of the two monkeys is comparable, and their powerful strength makes the hearts of the Xiongbing Company on the ground fascinated.

Ge Xiaolun looked at the two monkeys in the sky and said, "They are in the sky, and we can't fly, how can we support them?"

Qiangwei glanced at Qilin, and said, "Qilin finds a place to snipe and harass from a distance, Ge Xiaolun guards Qilin, and the others spread out to wait for the opportunity."


Qilin aimed at Monkey Sun in golden chain mail and pulled the trigger.

Monkey Sun in the sky felt the bullets coming, and swept away the flying bullets with a stick.


At this moment, Sun Wukong's golden cudgel hit him heavily.

It was smashed to the ground like a shell.

Sun Houzi was furious, the golden cudgel in his hand soared, and the golden cudgel rushed towards Qilin like a spear with a strong killing intent.

"Qi Lin get out of the way."

Ge Xiaolun knocked Qilin away, and was knocked out by the golden cudgel on the armor.

Qi Lin said in surprise, "Xiao Lun, are you okay!"

Ge Xiaolun said in pain: "'s okay, but it really hurts!"

Qilin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We're going to shoot one shot and change another place."

Ge Xiaolun nodded.

Sun Houzi missed the first blow and planned to throw a second blow.

Sun Wukong yelled: "You still have time to control others!"

The golden cudgel soared in an instant, smashing Monkey Sun into the ground, and then Monkey King slammed Monkey Monkey violently.

There was a sound of breaking through the sky behind Monkey King, and a golden stick hit Monkey King head-on.

Monkey King turned around and blocked the golden cudgel above his head.


A huge force knocked Monkey King down from the sky.

Monkey King's figure appeared in the sky, Jie Jie laughed wildly twice, and slammed the golden cudgel in his hand at Monkey King.


Qilin shot Sun Houzi in the head, and Sun Houzi fell from the sky.

Before landing, he shook his head to wake up, and then rushed towards Qilin furiously.

However, on the ground, Sun Wukong slammed Sun Monkey out with a stick.

In the sky, a man wearing a golden helmet and silver-black armor, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, and a big black dog beside him appeared.

There is a magic weapon vertical eye floating beside him, this is Yang Jian.

Yang Jian looked cold, looked at the people on the ground with disdain, and then said to Sun Houzi: "Monkey! Have you played enough?"

Sun Wukong looked unwillingly at Sun Wukong and the group of people on the ground, especially looking at Qilin full of murderous intent.

Flying high into the sky, he said: "What a pity! But it is very enjoyable!

that little girl!You are very good!Twice let me stumble!I will remember you. "

Pointing at Sun Wukong with the golden cudgel in his hand, Sun Houzi said: "Next time, my old grandson will beat you to death with one stick!"

After speaking, the figures of Yang Jian and Yang Jian disappeared in the sky.

somewhere in the universe.

Lin Yuan walked in a beautiful garden, and a tall temple stood in the distance.

From time to time, you will meet some almost transparent female angels wearing tulle. These female angels have almost no power on their bodies, and some don't even have wings.

The angel's eyes were full of bewilderment. Although he was curious and a little scared when he saw Lin Yuan, none of them dared to ask.

"I have to say, this Hua Ye really enjoys it. All these female angels have been trained to have no temper, which also shows how scumbag Hua Ye is."

There are male angels guarding the gates of the temple.

These male angels looked at Lin Yuan who was strolling towards him and frowned and asked, "Who are you? Stop!"

Lin Yuanruo strolled in the courtyard, not paying attention to these male angels at all.

These male angels were furious, and the divine swords in their hands slashed towards Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan's figure dissipated like smoke and dust, and then reunited in the temple.

These male angels were shocked and shouted loudly: "There is an enemy attack!"

Then they all rushed towards Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan sneered and said, "I didn't intend to talk to you at first."

With the Yitian sword in his hand, two powerful energies were swung out, and those male angels were cut into two in an instant.

He continued to walk in the temple, searching for traces of Hua Ye, but here, except for some relatively low-level male angels, let alone Hua Ye, those powerful male angels were also gone.

Lin Yuan frowned and thought.

Where did Hua Ye go?
A woman in black armor and a pair of black wings appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

"Ruoning?" Lin Yuan asked.

Ruoning frowned and said, "It's me! Who are you?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "You can pretend that you haven't seen me, or that I'm transparent, and what you want."

Ruoning frowned even tighter, and said: "But after all, I have seen you, and I can't treat you as transparent!"

Ruoning raised the God-killing sword in his hand, and said, "I'm half the master here, you killed those angels outside, no matter what you're here for, at least it's not the way to be a guest."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "God-killing weapon, interesting! Are you planning to use this sword to cut open my body?"

Ruoning snorted coldly, and swung the God-killing sword in his hand.


The sword of killing gods was directly bounced off by Lin Yuan's powerful body, Ruoning was completely shocked, who is this person?He actually has such a powerful body!
"who are you?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, I'm here to find Hua Ye, where did he go?"

Ruoning looked at Lin Yuan in shock, and said for a long time, "I want to know this too!"

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, even Ruoning didn't know?
Lin Yuan glanced at Ruoning's head and smiled slightly.

Enter the chat group.

Lin Yuan: "@超级神学院, give me the ability of the angel family to detect the other party's mind."

Super Seminary: "Big brother, wait a moment."

"Get a red envelope from the Super Seminary."

"Obtain the spiritual detection ability of the Angel Race of the Super Seminary."

Spiritual detection: It can detect the minds of people whose strength is weaker than its own, and read the information in the other party's minds.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, mental detection, the ability to read the opponent's mind, this thing is much more fun than the supernatural power he knows.

Nuo Ning suddenly found out in horror that she couldn't move anymore, and her mind had been invaded!

He looked at Lin Yuan even more horrified. The ability of spiritual detection is a must-have ability for every angel clansman, but this ability is not omnipotent, at least people who are stronger than themselves cannot detect it.

And the only person in this world who can detect her own mind is probably Queen Keisha, right?
God!Does this person say that his strength is on the same level as Queen Keisha?
This is so scary!
Lin Yuan is reading Ruoning's mind, the information in her mind is too huge.

From the earliest days of Merlot's Heavenly Court, all the information from the beginning of the male angel's rule to the present is pouring into Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan frowned, and began to investigate from the nearest time.

According to the information in Nuoning's mind, Hua Ye obtained a mobile phone from nowhere, and this mobile phone always said some strange words.

Ever since Hua Ye got the phone, he just sat blankly near the throne.

Ruoning always thought it was Hua Ye's new pet for fun, but Hua Ye suddenly disappeared with his most capable men, and even Ruoning didn't know where he went.

Get out of Ruoning's mind, what Ruoning said just now is good, she really doesn't know where Hua Ye has gone.

In other words, Hua Ye has a new pet and has already abandoned Ruoning.

(End of this chapter)

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