Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 97 Keeping the Covenant

Chapter 97 Baili Keeps the Covenant
"You are really sad!" Lin Yuan looked at Ruoning and said sympathetically.

Ruoning looked at Lin Yuan in horror, and retreated violently.

Looking at Lin Yuan puzzled, Ruoning said, "What do you mean?"

"It means that you were abandoned by Hua Ye! He got a new toy, and then he thought that you are useless!"

Ruoning actually felt this way too, she knew Hua Ye too well, but she still couldn't believe it was true.

"Impossible! Without me, Hua Ye can't do anything now."

"You should be very clear about Hua Ye's character. In fact, you already have the answer yourself. Besides, I'm not interested in knowing what you think now. Okay, I'm leaving!"

Lin Yuan smiled and waved his hand.


Lin Yuan stopped walking forward, looked back at Ruoning and said, "Oh? Are you going to continue to attack me?"

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, his figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment he appeared in front of Nuoning, his right hand reached out and grabbed Nuoning's neck to lift her up, and said in a cold voice: "You just chopped me up What? Are you going to continue?"

Ruoning was firmly suppressed by Lin Yuan, she had no room to fight back in front of Lin Yuan.

She felt the killing intent on Lin Yuan.

"I...I'm not your match, you're putting pressure on me like Queen Keisha! I just want to figure out what's going on."

Lin Yuan let go of Ruoning, and said, "Go find Hua Ye by yourself! I don't have time to talk to you now. Oh, by the way, if you find Hua Ye, remember to let me know."

In the following days, Lin Yuan still trained with the Xiongbing Company as usual and then went to some possible places to find Hua Ye, but Hua Ye seemed to have completely disappeared without a trace.

Since the confrontation between Monkey King and Monkey King that day, the heroes belonging to the glory of the king seem to have lost their trace.

Things seem to be back on track.

But it just seems.

The Xiongbing Company and the Morgana demon camp have clashed several times.

Recently, Morgana's demon camp suddenly turned to America collectively and launched an attack on America.

The gluttonous army finally launched an attack, and their spaceship landed over Juxia City.

The Xiongbing company was dispatched collectively, and they rushed to Juxia City by plane.

An energy cannon hits Reyna's plane.

A mecha of the gluttonous army pierced Reina's body in the air with the sword of killing gods.

Although Leina has a magical body shield, her magical body shield uses her own divine power, and the energy of the divine body shield has no effect on god-killing weapons.

Reina was injured and fell.

Cheng Yaowen was also shot in the head by a sniper from the gluttonous army.

In the first battle with the gluttonous army, the Xiongbing Company suffered heavy losses.

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin were very confused. They didn't know why they insisted on participating in this war, and even Ge Xiaolun called to evacuate.

Qiangwei was furious and extremely disappointed with Ge Xiaolun, she kicked Ge Xiaolun away, and then forced Xin Zhao to continue fighting with a gun.

Leina's abdomen was pierced by a god-killing weapon, and the wound healed extremely slowly, but she is the captain of the Xiongbing Company, and the battle is not over, so she will continue to fight.

Flying to the roof of a building, Reina began to call the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company in the communication terminal to organize a counterattack.

Suddenly, a sniper from the Glutton Legion in a building in the distance hit Reina with a shot, and the sniper rifle loaded with a god-killing weapon pierced a wound on Reina's body.

Lena yelled in the communication terminal: "Qi Lin, kill the opponent's sniper!"

Qilin's sniper rifle searched around: "The opponent has a sniper and a gunner. I discovered the location of the sniper."

Qilin fired a shot at the gluttonous sniper in a building in the distance, and the other sniper also discovered Qilin's location, and the two began to shoot at each other.

On the top floor of a building.

A white-haired man had a pair of pointed ears on his head. He stroked the sniper rifle in his hand, then peeled off a candy, put it in his mouth and tasted it beautifully.

"I just like the sweet taste."

Hearing the sound of sniper rifles coming from afar, he smiled and said, "Is this the beginning of the sniping? Hey! I can't help itching!"

Sun Houzi's voice came from behind, saying: "That little girl Qilin made me suffer that day."

Baili Shouyue smiled and said, "Do you want me to avenge you? I just need one shot!"

Sun Houzi said: "My old grandson doesn't need help from others, don't be shot by that little girl in a while."

Baili Shouyue smiled, and bit an unpeeled candy between his teeth.

He raised his gun and aimed at Qilin.

Qilin felt palpitations instantly, and a murderous aura came from the five o'clock direction.

He aimed the gun at five o'clock in an instant, but it was too late, Baili Shouyue had already fired.

Through the scope, Qilin saw a man with white hair and a pair of pointed ears standing on top of his head. He was smiling, holding a candy in his mouth, and showing big white teeth.

Baili Shouyue's bullet hit Qilin, and a line of blood shot out from the back of Qilin's head.

She fell to the ground.

"Qi Lin! Qi Lin!"

"Sister Qilin! What's wrong with you?"

"Sister Qilin, are you okay?"

In the communication terminal, there were anxious calls from the members of the Xiongbing Company.

Leina shouted: "Ge Xiaolun! Hurry up and send Qilin out of the battlefield, hurry up."

Ge Xiaolun, who was still in a daze, woke up instantly, spread his wings behind and flew towards Qilin.

Lin Yuan appeared next to Qilin, checking Qilin's life status. Fortunately, the super warrior gene of Shenhe was really strong. Although he was seriously injured, he still couldn't die.

But it seems that Hua Ye's heroes of Glory of Kings have come to the battlefield. The hole in Qilin's head is probably caused by Baili's keeping the contract.

There were two more gunshots in the distance, and the snipers of the gluttonous army fell silent.

Ge Xiaolun landed beside Lin Yuan, looked at Qilin, and asked worriedly: "Is Qilin alright?"

Lin Yuan said: "I still can't die, you take her down for treatment, and I'll look for that unstable factor."

Ge Xiaolun frowned and said, "Those people again?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Carrying Qilin on his back, Ge Xiaolun spread his wings and flew into the distance.


There was another gunshot, and Ge Xiaolun fell straight down from the sky.

Lin Yuan frowned, and walked towards Baili Shouyue.

Baili Shouyue saw the falling Ge Xiaolun through the sniper scope, and said with a smile, "This is the power of the Milky Way? It's not good, is it? Eh?"

Baili Shouyue suddenly screamed and said, "He really is an immortal Xiaoqiang! Is it all right?"

Through the sniper scope, I saw Ge Xiaolun flying wobbly again.

Baili Shouyue picked up a god-killing weapon bullet, frowned and said, "This thing doesn't seem to work on this galaxy power!
No wonder Arthur didn't get rid of him, but was annihilated along with Zhao Yun, Xiang Yu, Daji and others. "


Baili Shouyue laughed twice and said, "Then shoot again!"


Ge Xiaolun, who was being held by Qilin, was shot in the head again, and he fell from the sky with Qilin on his back.

 Thank you for your concern. My daughter had a fever of 39 degrees last night. She is fine now and will update as usual. Three shifts a day, and four shifts will start after a while.

  The first update is delivered, the second update is around [-] pm, and the third update is around [-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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