Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 168 Melee Crisis Road Murder

Chapter 168: Melee Crisis and Killing Intent ([-]rd update)
Qiu Yuexian saw that the people who worshiped the Sword Villa were about to be blocked by Xuan Le alone, and couldn't help asking: "My lord, if we let all the people from the Seven Swords of Yinshan escape, it will be difficult for us to find such a good opportunity like now." .”

Now everyone is fighting, and the casual cultivators of the rivers and lakes gather around the four people in the Seven Swords of Yinshan who are fleeing.

At this time, if the people from Jianyu Villa make a move, it is indeed the best opportunity.

But Zhang Rang shook his head.

"Before I came here, why did I ask you to go to the people in Tianxiafenglou to buy information?"

Qiu Yuexian immediately replied: "Naturally, we know what kind of enemies we will encounter in the next mission, so that we can deal with various situations."

Zhang Rang smiled, "Yes, not right."

As Zhang Rang said, he glanced at the people from Danyang Temple and Yinshan Temple who were still fighting on the side of the ruined temple, "That's right, it's because we really need to use intelligence to know who we will meet and prepare for it."

Then, Zhang Rang pointed to the remaining four of the Seven Swords of Yinshan Mountain who were entangled by Jianghu loose cultivators in the distance.

"It's not right, because we are killers, and our purpose is to kill people. Therefore, don't be the chess pieces that are placed in front of the chess game, just like the Seven Swords of the Hidden Mountain. If you settle early, you need to face too many dangers. The last one to enter is the one who decides the outcome.”

"But if you take the shot now, isn't it already the last entry?"

Qiu Yuexian didn't understand, "But aren't we already the last one to enter the arena?"

Zhang Rang shook his head, "No. The reason why the Seven Swords of Yinshan have been in Nanyang for so many years is that their strength is mediocre but they can always be safe and sound. Do you really think that the seven of them are so powerful? If among the seven of them, one Two characters, the seven of them will not even have a third three-flower realm."

Qiu Yuexian didn't quite understand what Zhang Rang meant.

But at this moment, a swordsman in coir raincoat rushed into the crowd from a distance.

Wherever the sword edge passed, there was blood spatter.

With bloodstains piercing the surrounding air.

More than a dozen warriors in coir raincoats came in a hurry, with a water-dividing sword in their hands. Wherever the sword edge passed, it was full of slaughter.

Yue Xianyi, who was struggling to resist the casual cultivators in the surrounding rivers and lakes, saw a swordsman in a coir raincoat rushing over, heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time sighed helplessly, "We are safe."

As the complex tone fell, Lu Shun suddenly rushed over, blocked a swordsman who was about to attack Yue Xianyi from behind, and pierced the opponent's throat with a backhand sword.

"Fourth sister, what's going on?"

At this moment, swordsmen in coir raincoats flocked to protect the four members of Yinshan Seven Swords.

And the casual cultivators in the surrounding rivers and lakes had already died at the hands of these swordsmen in coir raincoats in less than half a stick of incense.

For a while, other people naturally did not dare to act rashly.

"Go! Save my brother!"

The swordsman in coir raincoat who was the first to attack shook his head, "Miss, Mr. Xuan Le, I am asking for kindness."

At this moment, the blood-red aura around Xuan Le has already begun to dissipate.

On the surrounding ground lay the corpses of three warriors of the third flower realm and six corpses of warriors of the second vein realm.

"Go! Kill him!"

At this moment, Ao Yuntian is also a little red-eyed.

This time, I left Baijian Mountain Villa with two three-flower-level guards, walked all the way to Nanyang, and recruited six three-flower-level and more than [-] two-vein level swordsmen.

As a result, in today's battle, one-third of the combat power was lost in the hands of Xuan Le alone!

These people are all for helping the second brother deal with the eldest brother.

How could he not be angry!
Everyone saw that the reddish aura on Xuan Le's body gradually dissipated, and they also knew that Xuan Le had already burned all the essence and blood around her.

Now is the time for the final shot.

A three-flower realm swordsman aimed a sword between Xuan Le's eyebrows, intending to make a great contribution.

But he never expected that Xuan Le raised his hand suddenly, grabbed his sword blade, lifted the huge epee stuck on the ground with his right hand, and pierced his chest with one sword.

After burning the essence and blood, he was able to kill the swordsman in the Three Flower Realm.

This kind of combat power made Ao Yuntian, who had already rushed up, retreat immediately.

What a joke, how could the young master who worshiped sword villa die in the hands of such a small shrimp in the rivers and lakes.

But others could see that this time, Xuan Le was really at the end of his battle.

The two three flower realms shot at the same time, one blocked Xuan Le's epee, and the other chopped off Xuan Le's left arm with a single strike.

A swordsman at the eighth level of the second pulse level struck, and cut off Xuan Le's right arm from behind.

Seeing such a situation, Ao Yuntian dared to make a move, gripped his sword tightly, rushed over and pierced Xuan Le's heart with a sword.

Xuan Le stared at Ao Yuntian coldly, bared her teeth suddenly, Ao Yuntian was so frightened that he took a few steps back and let go of the sword in his hand.

Zhang Rang in the distance smiled sneerly, and went out to walk the rivers and lakes with such courage. If he was not the young owner of Baijian Villa, he would have died 860 times on the way from Baijian Villa to Nanyang.

"Let's go, it's time for us to play."

Zhang Rang raised his hand, and the nine mid-level three-star killers on the roof followed closely behind.

Originally, everyone thought that this mission would inevitably involve a lot of fighting, but everyone did not expect that until now, it has not been time for them to act.

At the same time, Yue Xianyi, who saw Xuan Le being killed, couldn't help but burst into tears.

The reason why the Seven Swords of Yin Mountain can be together is because of the eldest brother Xuan Le and the second brother Lu Shun.

As a result, now that the elder brother died tragically, how could Yue Xianyi not be heartbroken.

"Fourth uncle, you help me kill Ao Yuntian, and I will return to Yue's family with peace of mind. From now on, I will marry whoever you ask me to marry, and I will never be willful again. Okay?"

The swordsman in coir raincoat who was called Fourth Uncle shook his head, "My Yue family is in the Jianghu, although it is also a first-class force, even in terms of combat power, it is not inferior to Baijian Villa. But Baijian Villa is in the Jianghu. The first Sword Forging Villa. The contacts of the Sword Villa are not something that our Yue family can offend. If the eldest lady is willing, Danyang Temple dares to frame my Miss Yue family, and we can kill them Danyang Taoist priests. It is no problem for us to worship the Sword Villa. Never dare to offend."

Yue Xianyi wiped the tears from her face, "If that's the case, then kill all those stinky Taoist priests in Danyang Temple! Then go to Qifeng Mountain and destroy the entire Danyang Temple!"

At this moment, Xu Qingfeng of Danyang Temple also led his people to retreat while fighting.

These people from Yinshan Temple were fighting desperately, but they didn't come to fight Yinshan Temple this time, their goal was the star anise lotus on Lu Shun's body!

Therefore, Xu Qingfeng could only lead the people back.

Coincidentally, Xu Qingfeng and others who were retreating at this moment were not very far away from the Yue family.

In the distance, people from Jianyu Villa also walked towards this side.

"Zhang Rang, what are you waiting for? Our Danyang Temple paid you to kill Lu Shun, why don't you do it? Do you plan to wait until we are all dead before you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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