Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 214 Gratitude and Resentment Divide the River of Blood in the Past

Chapter 214: Gratitude and Resentment Divide the River of Blood in the Past (Second Change)
"What's going on?" Zhang Rang had just heard that Jianyu Villa had issued a mission to hunt down defectors, so he was notified and went to the conference hall for a meeting.

Soon, all the killers of the earth evil level in the stronghold are here.

Even Yao Xuexi, who was in retreat, was called out.

"Mr. Thirteen? What's the matter, calling us all here in such a hurry?"

After Zhang Rang led the people into the chamber, he asked directly.

Mr. Shisan looked at the dishas behind Zhang Rang, didn't say anything, but waved his hand to signal Zhang Rang to sit down.

In the entire Haiding stronghold, it was said that Mr. Shisan was in charge, but in fact, almost everyone obeyed Zhang Rang's orders.

Mr. Shisan waited until everyone had sat down before saying: "Just now a task was sent from above, a very important and urgent task. Hunt down traitors, Qiandisha 24, Sword in Blood Tang Xin. Each stronghold must send at least Three earth demons."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Zhao Zhong couldn't help but asked: "Mr. Thirteen, are you kidding me? 24 former Dishas? For one person, do you need to send three Dishas for each stronghold, or at least three? There are 36 strongholds in Jianyu Villa, and [-] Dishas together Taking action just to hunt down a defector is too..."

Mr. Thirteen shook his head, "If we really want to kill him alone, it will be easy. But this time, our goal may not be Tang Xin alone, but the entire Blood River faction."

"Blood River faction?"

Few of the people present knew about the history of Jianyu Villa.

Zhang Rang did know a little bit, but he only knew a little bit, not comprehensively.

Seeing that everyone was unclear, Mister Thirteen said, "Speaking of which, the Blood River Sect was originally a part of my Sword Rain Villa..."

Hearing this, many people were surprised.

Jianyu Villa has always been a killer organization in the rivers and lakes.

This is the first time everyone has heard that a sect can be differentiated from Jianyu Villa.

But Zhang Rang was not too surprised this time.

After all, in the arena, inheritance is important, but so is strength.

Besides, Jianyu Villa already has quite a few martial arts inheritances. If someone is strong enough to bring out some inheritances, it will naturally not be a problem to establish a sect.

"Many people know that the horses of the Han court stepped into the rivers and lakes. They thought it was the great general Xiahou Wei who was disarmed and returned to the field, and I led a group of so-called retired veterans to sweep the entire rivers and lakes. But in fact, only the high-level people who really participated in the battles of the year can tell You know, it was actually a suppression by the imperial court against the forces in Jianghu!"

As Mr. Thirteen spoke, he seemed to be caught in the memories of the past.

"On the surface, the army cooperated with the intelligence organization of the imperial court to launch an offensive against Jianyu Villa on the grounds that Jianyu Villa had repeatedly attacked and killed officials ordered by the imperial court. The forces took the opportunity to eradicate them. This is also the reason why Dulong Villa was able to suppress the rivers and lakes. Not only did the knife fall on me, Jianyu Villa, but many forces in the rivers and lakes north of the Yangtze River were brutally murdered. But..."

"If just killing people can solve all problems, there won't be so many fights in Jianghu. The person who really made Dulong Mountain Villa sit on the position of one of the eight villas is not Xiahou Weiwo, although he is powerful and can dominate the martial arts world. But the real planners are the two strategists behind the court—Jia Wenhe, a war strategist, and Guo Xiaoan, a Jianghu sacrificial wine.”

"These two people made plans, and when Xiahou Weiwo stepped into the rivers and lakes, so many powers in the rivers and lakes were divided and united. It can be said that the current situation in the northern rivers and lakes was created by them alone. It is also because of them that we Jianyu Villa originally had four owners, one principal and three assistants, but one died and the other went into seclusion. For the remaining two, the official owner continued to sit in Jianyu Villa, and the other Blood Flame Sword Emperor Duan Pingyang defected with a lot of heaven and earth. Sword Rain Villa, establish the Blood River Sect!"

Only when everyone heard this did they understand that the Blood River faction was alienated by the Han court in order to divide Jianyu Villa.

Having said that, Mr. Thirteen helplessly shook his head.

"Actually, at the beginning, Duan Pingyang and the owner of the villa just had different ideas. Duan Pingyang felt that Jianyu Villa was finished. Now he obeys the wishes of the Han court and divides out. Although some people will inevitably die, some people will be preserved. Become a sect Although there are many restrictions and he has to go to the north, at least the lives of most people in Jianyu Villa have been saved. But the owner of the villa does not agree. The owner of the village has great ambitions. How can he be willing to let the Jianyu Villa that he has worked so hard to be manipulated by the court like this. So the two parties parted ways. And in this process, intrigues and undercover agents were naturally unavoidable. Therefore, the separation of the Blood River faction was indeed a heavy blow to Jianyu Villa, and many people even died. The eldest son of the owner, Mei Ying, He died in that battle."

Zhang Rang was still thinking about why now that Jianyu Mountain Villa was preserved, the two sides could not turn their fighting into friendship. It turned out that it was because Mei Pingzhou's son died in the hands of the Blood River Sect.

At the same time, Zhang Rang finally understood why the entire Jianyu Villa cared so much for the young master Mei Fei, even Mei Pingzhou Xiongtu, but it was far behind in educating his son. killed by people.

Perhaps it was this reason that led to Mei Fei's spoiled temperament.

Know the grievances between the Blood River Sect and Jianyu Villa.Zhang Rang knew that the mission this time might be much more dangerous.

After all, the Blood River faction was split from Jianyu Villa.

So the other party must also know the skills and swordsmanship of Jianyu Villa, and even the fighting style of Jianyu Villa, the other party has some understanding.

And Jianyu Villa is an organization of assassins, in the same realm, in order to be able to hit with one blow, in order to be able to kill the target, the killers will polish their fighting ability to the extreme.

Naturally, the Blood River faction is not much inferior in this regard.

As a result, in the subsequent battles, the enemies encountered in the same realm will not be weaker than the killers of Jianyu Villa.

"Mr. Thirteen, who do you plan to row this time?"

Mr. Thirteen glanced at everyone present, "I, an old man, won't participate in this kind of thing. Who of you wants to go?"

Zhang Rang felt that this was a good opportunity. For a long time, he also wanted to meet people of the same realm, or some people with a higher realm than himself. Most of them were casual cultivators with insufficient inheritance and limited strength.

It can be said that they have no realm, but they do not have the combat power to match the current realm.

And the fighting power of the disciples of the Blood River Sect should not be inferior to that of Jianyu Villa in the same realm.

Fighting against such an enemy can truly improve oneself.

"I go!"

(End of this chapter)

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