Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 236 3 Magic and Martial Arts Extraction

Chapter 236: Three Devils Martial Arts Extraction (Third)
Zhang Rang sat cross-legged next to a crystal stone, and began to pretend to refine the aura in the crystal stone.

Indeed, there is indeed aura in this crystal stone, and it is extremely pure, without any impurities or attributes.

This kind of spiritual energy can be directly absorbed by warriors and transformed into their own true energy.

However, Zhang Rang was just putting on a show. It seemed that Zhang Rang was constantly absorbing the spiritual energy above, but the speed of this absorption was estimated to be less than a day, so it was impossible to successfully refine it.

But in fact, even for a martial artist at the ninth level of the second pulse state, two hours is enough to refine the aura in the crystal stone.

But the three Taoist priests just regarded Zhang Rang's talent as mediocre, so the speed of refining spiritual energy was just slow.

And Zhang Rang began to draw cards from the three Taoist priests.

The first one is [One Finger Broken Nether].

Zhang Rang is now able to release his true energy, coupled with his sword-shade physique, in just two quarters of an hour, Zhang Rang can fully master this martial art, and then display it easily.

At that time, even if there is any accident, Zhang Rang will be able to survive in the secret realm.

After all, in this secret realm, I am afraid that there will be many corpse soldiers in the future.

And one finger to shatter the netherworld, it can cause great restraint to the warriors who like to absorb the dead energy of the corpse soldiers.

Two quarters of an hour later, Zhang Rang drew the One Finger Broken Nether, and began to draw the second card [Life and Death Harmony Two Qi Jue].

Although Zhang Rang now has the Blood River Great Zhou Tianxuan Kung Fu, this kung fu can still be used in the Three Flowers Realm.

But Zhang Rang has been focusing on moves and ability cards before, and he still has too little collection of inner skills.

And "Life and Death Hehe Two Qi Jue" can actually divide the true qi into the qi of life and the qi of death, which Zhang Rang has never come into contact with.

Zhang Rang believes that even if he doesn't practice this skill, he can develop a powerful martial art by combining it with other inner skills and mental skills in the future.

After drawing the [Life and Death Hehe Two Qi Jue], Zhang Rang began to draw the [Three Gold Jade Body Jue].

Although Zhang Rang thinks [Life and Death Containing Breath Art] is also very good, but this kind of hidden breath martial art now has a secret method [Yuxu Containing Breath], so there will be no problem even if there is no Life and Death Containing Breath Technique for the time being.

But the Three Gold Jade Body Jue can make one go a step further in body training.

When Zhang Rang got the third purple card and started to draw the fourth purple card, he also heard the sound of fighting from the direction of the entrance of the side hall.

Although the door leading to the main hall on the third floor in the side hall has been closed.

But Zhang Rang was still a little worried that someone would break in suddenly.

But instead of worrying, it's better to do something, so what Zhang Rang can do is to continue to draw cards, and at the same time be on guard at all times whether someone will find the mechanism and rush in.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people rushing into the main hall on the third floor. Everyone was busy fighting and robbing, and no one noticed the mechanism of the gate of the side hall yet.

At this moment, in the hall on the third floor, countless fighters are fighting.

However, more than half of the warriors were dealing with the young warrior Liu Zhenzhen who was carrying a huge coffin.

Liu Huanzhen manipulated the corpse soldiers around him to assist him in the battle. The more he fought to the back, the more corpse soldiers around Liu Huanzhen, the stronger Liu Huanzhen's fighting power would be.

Suddenly, everyone discovered that in the secret realm this time, the biggest enemy turned out to be a young warrior who chased corpses.

Moreover, many people have never heard of Liu Huan's real name.

But although Liu Zhenzhen has many corpse soldiers, the number of corpse soldiers he can control at the same time is limited, and there are too many people who want to kill him.

Soon, Liu Zhenzhen fell into a passive state.

At this moment, Liu Zhenzhen noticed that there seemed to be a mechanism not far away, so he rushed to it and activated the mechanism.

Sun Xiaomiao, who had killed an unknown number of corpse soldiers along the way, frowned.

When the gate opened for the first time, many corpse soldiers rushed out. Seeing that Liu Zhenzhen had activated the mechanism, Sun Xiaomiao immediately rushed up with a knife.

At the same time, Hou Gaoyang, the shooting star, also rotated the meteor hammer in his hand to chase and kill Liu Zhenzhen.

As the gate next to it opened, Liu Huan immediately took four corpse soldiers to hide and enter. After entering, Liu Huan immediately closed the gate.

With a slash of the broadsword in Sun Xiaomiao's hand, he cut the two corpse soldiers blocking the door in half, and rushed in.

Hou Gaoyang also rushed in.

After the three rushed in, the door slowly closed.

Many warriors around found that there was a side hall here, and they all wanted to rush in.

But when he thought of Liu Zhenzhen's terrifying combat power, he didn't continue to rush in. Instead, without Liu Zhenzhen's command, only the corpse soldiers with fighting instincts were left to kill them one by one, and then robbed them in the third floor hall. s things.

Zhang Rang was about to draw the fourth purple card, but at this moment, Liu Zhenzhen rushed in.

Zhang Rang frowned, secretly saying something bad.

This young man who drives corpses is a ruthless man!
And just when Zhang Rang was worried, two more people rushed in.

Of the two people who rushed in, one was Sun Xiaomiao, the Tiger Roaring Saber of Longhu Mountain, and the other was Hou Gaoyang, the shooting star, one of the original Seven Swords of Yinshan.

Zhang Rang frowned, why didn't any of the three people who came in have a good relationship with him?
The three fought hard, although Sun Xiaomiao and Hou Gaoyang fought on their own, they killed all of Liu Huan's real corpse soldiers.

Liu Zhenzhen frowned, and pressed the huge coffin behind him, "In the coffin behind me is my Liu Zhenzhen's strongest trump card. If the two of you continue to force me, don't blame me for letting them out, let the two of you A place to die without a burial!"

Hearing what Liu Zhenzhen said, Hou Gaoyang didn't care, but Sun Xiaomiao frowned.

He knew that the huge coffin that Liu Zhenzhen could carry all the time, the things inside could not be weak.

It's just that if Liu Zhenzhen manipulated them, he might have to pay a huge price.

And at this moment, Hou Gaoyang noticed that Zhang Rang who was sitting cross-legged in the back was drawing cards.

"Zhang Rang, you are here!"

Liu Zhenzhen and Sun Xiaomiao immediately noticed Zhang Rang when they heard Hou Gaoyang yell.

At this moment, Zhang Rang realized that he was only five minutes away from drawing the last purple card he needed.

So, Zhang Rang pretended to accept his efforts, and then slowly turned to look at the three of them.

"Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that everyone came here. Since we are here, why don't we come to pay our respects to these three seniors?"

Seeing the huge crystal coffin with three Taoist priests in it, all three of them were shocked.

Hou Gaoyang didn't like Taoist priests very much, so he naturally didn't care.

Sun Xiaomiao frowned, although he didn't know who these three Taoist priests were, but it seemed that they were sealed here, obviously they had offended the Four Demons of Xiangxi during their lifetime.

Liu Zhenzhen didn't take it seriously, after all, they were three Taoist priests, not three powerful corpses.

"What's going on with these three old guys?" Liu Zhenzhen asked disdainfully.

Zhang Rang smiled, "These three are not completely dead yet. As long as the aura in this crystal stone is refined, the crystal coffin can be broken. I am refining these auras. I feel that I may break through to three at any time." Huajuding, do you want to try it?"

If Zhang Rang has been sticking to this thing, the three of them will be on it.

But now Zhang Rang asked them to try it too. None of these three people were stupid, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

And the hesitation of the other party is what Zhang Rang wants.

(End of this chapter)

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