Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 249: Fighting Corpse Repair Again

Chapter 249: Fighting Corpse Repair Again (Second Change)
The three of them waited until Mei Fei and the others approached, looked at the corpse repairer, one of the three demons chasing after him, and then at the corpse soldier standing beside him.

"Hahahaha... I can't imagine that the young people in the Jianghu are not capable, but the speed of escape is first-rate!"

Zhang Rang looked at the corpse repairer on the opposite side coldly, "Even though you and your corpse soldier are both in the Sigang realm, but there are so many of us, you can only be regarded as two if you are together, and one of them is not Will release true energy and evil energy, do you think you have a chance of winning?"

Hearing Zhang Rang's words, the corpse repairer couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

"Hahahaha... I have no chance of winning? Young man, you were indeed very smart in the side hall before. But do you think being smart is useful when you are really fighting?"

At this moment, another person walked towards us in the distance.

It was Hou Gaoyang, the shooting star.

Although Hou Gaoyang's body was covered with scars, the iron chain on the meteor hammer in his hand was dragging half of the corpse of the corpse soldier.

Obviously, Hou Gaoyang killed a corpse soldier by himself.

"Old man, what if you add me?"

Zhang Rang did not expect that Hou Gaoyang was not dead.

Before seeing Liu Zhenzhen, he had to use his hole cards to kill him. Zhang Rang thought Hou Gaoyang was dead.

Unexpectedly, none of the three of them died.

Hou Gaoyang came over and glanced at Sun Xiaomiao, "Thank you for saving your life before. This time, I'm here to repay the favor. I don't want to owe you stinky Taoist priests."


Zhang Rang deliberately relied on Hou Gaoyang's ability. At that time, there was little hope of escaping from the side hall. It turned out that it was Sun Xiaomiao who made the move.

After all, the three corpse repairers hadn't got enough blood at that time, and they had a lot of strength.

That's why Sun Xiaomiao was able to save Hou Gaoyang from the hands of the corpse soldiers at that time.

The corpse repairer glanced at everyone, "Very good! There are so many young blood, it's exciting just thinking about it!"

At this time, Zhang Rang stood up and said: "Everyone, when you make a move, you just need to keep bleeding him. Although their physiques are strong, I think they need blood so much. If it weren't for their bodies, they would keep bleeding. It means that they are unable to make blood themselves. But no matter which one, or both. As long as they keep bleeding their blood, they will surely die. Go!"

Zhang Rang shouted loudly, and was the first to attack the corpse repairer.

Others also started immediately.

Although these killers in Jianyu Villa felt that they could fight, after all, they had already seen the corpse of a corpse repairer not far away.

Obviously Zhang gave them the strength to kill the corpse repairer, but everyone still looked at Mei Fei.

Mei Fei gritted her teeth, "Fight it! Go!"

Although Mei Fei said so, in fact, Mei Fei did not make a move, but hid behind and pretended to look for opportunities to make a move.

But now there is a scuffle, and naturally no one cares about him.

Although his first behavior was a bit shameless, it was better than running away.

Zhang Rang was blown away by a palm in less than two moves with the opponent.

Fortunately, Zhang Rang had drawn the Three Gold Jade Body Jue, and his physique was extremely strong, so he was beaten until he vomited blood, otherwise, he would have been seriously injured on the spot.

However, Zhang Rang took the opportunity to fall to the ground and observed the battle situation carefully.

Everyone in Jianyu Villa obviously has the strength to fight, but everyone surrounded and protected Mei Fei before, so they didn't dare to fight to the death.

After all, the daily research of these killers in Jianyu Villa is to kill people, and the fighting power of these people is the strongest group in the same realm.

And Sun Xiaomiao's skills have a certain degree of restraint for a demonic warrior like the corpse repairer.

Coupled with the joint efforts of everyone, for a while, the corpse repair was actually at a disadvantage.

However, there were three killers from Jianyu Villa who resisted the corpse soldiers, but they were a bit unstoppable.

Zhang Rang yelled, "I'm coming!"

As Zhang Rang said, he rushed towards the corpse soldier.

The Longque Dahuan Dao in his hand slashed towards the corpse soldier, and began to fight with the corpse soldier.

The biggest advantage of fighting with corpse soldiers is that you don't need to consume too much qi.

Zhang Rang knew that after this battle, at least being in the secret realm was safe enough.

One of the three demons in Xiangxi has already died. If this one is killed, there will be the last one left.

However, Zhang Rang reckoned that if they hadn't happened to meet together, they would never have joined forces to kill one of the three demons.

Even if everyone joins hands to kill this corpse repair now, they will not continue to search for the last corpse repair.

Therefore, this battle is basically very likely to be everyone's last battle in the secret realm.

Zhang Rang hoped that in this battle, all these people, except Yao Xuexi, would die.

That's why Zhang Rang ran over to deal with the corpse soldiers. While preserving his strength, he was also thinking about how to make everyone die here.

Soon, there were casualties on the side of Jianyu Villa.

After someone was shaken to death by the palm of the corpse repairer, the corpse repairer grabbed the body of the killer in Jianyu Villa and wanted to suck blood.

Zhang Rang immediately shouted to everyone: "Don't let him suck blood, once he sucks blood, his strength will recover!"

Hearing what Zhang Rang said, everyone shot immediately, but they couldn't stop the corpse repairer.

Zhang Rang couldn't help but frowned, and cursed, "Trash!"

Everyone was very angry when they heard Zhang Rang's words.

Except for Hou Gaoyang who is at the second level of the three flower realm, no one is at a higher realm than Zhang Rang.

At this time, Mei Fei sneered, "Zhang Rang, what time do you think it is now? You have the ability, come and stop me!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Rang said, and at the same time he punched out, he used Bajizhen's fist strength to shake the corpse soldier to Mei Fei's direction, "You come to entangle the corpse soldier!"

Zhang Rang deliberately blasted the corpse soldiers in the direction of Mei Fei. It would be best if the corpse soldiers could kill Mei Fei, but Zhang Rang estimated that there must be other killers to protect Mei Fei, but if Mei Fei could be injured, it would be fine. good thing.

But Zhang Rang slashed at the corpse repairer.

The corpse repairer grabbed the corpse in his hand and dodged Zhang Rang's knife with a flash.

However, Zhang Rang's knife seemed to be slashing towards him, but when the blade cut halfway, the direction changed suddenly, and it slashed towards the body of the killer from Jianyu Villa in his hand.

One cut and three swords.

Puff puff!
After the three swords were over, the killer's body was chopped into several pieces.

Only half of the shoulder and a head were left in the hands of the corpse repairer.

The senior was so angry that he threw the body on the ground and shouted at Zhang Rang, "Boy! I'll let you die first!"

Zhang Rang stepped back immediately, "Come together, block him!"

Seeing this scene, everyone gloated a little, and for a while, no one came up to help.

However, Zhang Rang's qinggong was the fastest among all the people present.

Seeing Zhang Rang's figure flickering, the corpse repairer chased after a few steps and found that he couldn't catch up with Zhang Rang at all, so he could only attack other people.

The others didn't take the opportunity to make a move just now, but now the corpse repairer vented their anger on them, and it was a bit difficult to resist for a while.

But Zhang Rang noticed that Sun Xiaomiao was a little bit unable to hold on, after all, Sun Xiaomiao had consumed his last true energy before.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Rang's mouth rose slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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