Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 308 Asking the Heart 1 Fasheng Yuanshen

Chapter 308 Asking the Heart to Generate the Primordial Spirit (Part [-])
After coming to Jianbi Pavilion, Zhang Rang never expected that he would meet an acquaintance here.

One sword kills the flowers and leaves.

Hua Xinye did not expect Zhang Rang to come to the headquarters.

"Zhang Rang, congratulations on getting the golden cicada."

From Hua Xinye's tone, Zhang Rang didn't hear any jealousy and coveting, it seemed that the other party just thought of a reason to say hello to him.

Zhang Rang smiled back, "It's just luck."

Zhang Rang said, and began to search for the classics and records that recorded the cultivation of the Three Flower Realm and the breakthrough of the Four Gang Realm.

Hua Xinye glanced at Zhang Rang, "If you want to find the direction of cultivation in the later stage of the Three Flower Realm, the ancient books in the bottom row behind you have what you need. In addition, I need to remind you. Less than three Flower Realm Ninth Layer, don’t try to cultivate the primordial spirit. Because the cultivation of the primordial spirit is too dangerous, if you don’t have a good secret method for the cultivation of the primordial spirit, it’s better not to practice.”

Zhang Rang cupped his hands towards Hua Xinye, "Thank you."

Afterwards, Zhang Rang searched according to what Hua Xinye said, and sure enough, he found a few notes left by the warrior of the third flower realm and the ninth level.

There are also some cheats about Yuanshen cultivation.

A martial artist has reached the ninth level of the three flower realm. Many warriors will do one thing at this stage, which is to find a way to improve the quality of the first and second of the three flowers to the level of golden flowers.

Because, except for some sects in the Jianghu, most of the warriors in the Jianghu cultivated the first true energy flower, which is the human level among the heaven, earth and people, that is, among the golden flower, silver flower and lead flower. lead flower.

The second flower can reach the level of silver flower.

Only the third flower can become a golden flower.

And the warriors of the three flower realm can raise all three flowers to the golden flower level.

Therefore, the reason why the fighters of the third flower realm and the ninth level are reluctant to break through to the fourth gang realm is to improve the quality of the three flowers to the strongest.

And those warriors who have raised all three flower realms to the level of three golden flowers will still stop at the ninth level of the three flower realms, because the three flower realms are not enough to cultivate three true energy flowers.

The three-flower border is called the three-flower gathering top.

After the three flowers, it is the gathering.

It is said that the gathering of the top is on the dantian, and the top of the three flowers condenses the flower of the void.

The flowers of the void condensed by many warriors are all flowers of true qi, so as to increase their own true qi, and even make their own true qi more solid.

But there is another kind of martial artist, the flowers of the void they condense are not flowers of true energy, but flowers of primordial spirit.

Practice the mysterious method of Yuanshen, and condense a flower of Yuanshen in the nine layers of the three flower realms.

The route that such warriors will take in the future is naturally not only biased towards general attacks and battles, but also the primordial spirit.

Among the nine ranks of Jianghu, many warriors in the Bailian Villa in the Babu Mountain Villa, the Maoshan School in the Seven Lingshan School, and the Kunlun Sword School in the Six Sword Sects all majored in Yuanshen.

Zhang Rang was shocked after reading the records in these classics.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of the ranking on the Qianlong list.

I am now ranked 68 on the Qianlong list!
At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to the Qianlong list. After all, there are so many young heroes in the rivers and lakes, and my ranking is so low. In Zhang Rang's view, it is meaningless to pay attention to this kind of ranking.

But now seeing these classics and letters, Zhang Rang finally understands why the Qianlong list is that martial artists under the age of 30 and under the four gangs, including the four gangs, can be on the list, but only twenty or thirty people are four The rest of the fighters in the Gang Realm are all at the ninth level of the Three Flower Realm.

It's not that these people can't break through to the ninth level of the three flower realm.

It is true that after breaking through to the ninth level of the third flower realm, there are too many places that need to be polished, otherwise, rushing to break through to the fourth gang realm will only destroy the foundation.

In the next few days, Zhang Rang has been checking these classics in Jianbi Pavilion.

At the same time, Zhang Rang also knew the profound meaning of the cultivation of the great realm of three flowers gathering at the top.

Condensate three flowers first, then gather together the top, four points form a cone, and the dantian stands on the wall.

Condensing true energy in real, condensing primordial spirit in emptiness, emptiness and reality coexist, and the four gangs are formed.

Many people in the Jianghu think that the gathering of the three flowers at the top is the gathering of the three flowers of true energy in the dantian, and even many casual practitioners start to try to break through after gathering the three flowers.

Then he failed again and again, and finally broke through to the Sigang Realm relying on chance and luck.

But once entering the Sigang Realm, it becomes the Sigang Realm with the weakest combat effectiveness.

After Zhang Rang's conclusion, the real four-gang realm powerhouse should gather the flowers of the void after gathering the three flowers. The four flowers are like four points in the dantian, which just form an extremely stable three-sided body.

Then gather the power of the primordial spirit, fuse the power of the primordial spirit with true energy, and gather four kinds of evil spirits in the four directions of the dantian, which are not counted as evil gangs!

This is the correct way to cultivate in the Four Gang Realm.

But the reason why rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes is because different people will take different paths.

Some people think that their path is right, but they don’t know that it is so difficult and dangerous, so it is not so easy to walk.

After Zhang Rang read all the classics and knew what he knew, he secretly thought it was dangerous.

Fortunately, before I reached that step in my cultivation, I first came to Jianbi Pavilion and patiently browsed through the cheats for a few days, and only then did I find the most correct path.

Otherwise, if one really cultivates to the ninth level of the third flower realm, and then hastily breaks through to the fourth gang realm, there will be a huge hole in the solid foundation laid before.

The hole left in the Three Flowers Realm will require more time and energy and even cultivation resources to make up for it in the Four Gangs Realm.

Just like Liu Qiri back then, he was clearly at the ninth level of the Three Flower Realm, but he was always competing with the 72 meridians of the Second Meridian Realm.

After mastering the correct cultivation method of the Three Flowers Realm.

Zhang Rang returned Situ Xiao's token and prepared to leave.

Originally, Zhang Rang planned to visit Pu Yuan, who had previously helped him forge the mighty tiger and dragon bird, but it turned out that Pu Yuan had gone out a few days ago and has not come back until now.

Seeing that Pu Yuan was not there, Zhang Rang had to prepare to return to Haiding stronghold.

But at this moment, an invitation was sent to the headquarters of Jianyu Villa.

One of the Nine Clans in the World, the leader of the Fengshen Clan personally handed down his third disciple, Nie Xunfeng, the little Fengshen, to get married, and invited Jianyu Villa to watch the ceremony.

Generally speaking, for such an invitation, the invited party randomly sends someone.

Unless there is any friendship between the two parties, an invitation letter will be specially sent to a certain person to invite this person to come.

As a result, under the invitation letter to Jianyu Villa this time, there was actually a smaller invitation letter.

Now, that big invitation letter was for Jianyu Villa to watch the ceremony.

And that small invitation letter turned out to be the little Fengshen Nie Xunfeng who personally invited Zhang Rang to the headquarters of the Fengshen Gang in Langya Mountain to attend his wedding ceremony.

Zhang Rang frowned when he got the news.

Although I have met Nie Xunfeng, the relationship between the two is not good, especially the person Nie Xunfeng is going to marry is Yue Xianyi, who has a grudge against him.

What is Nie Xunfeng doing?
Could it be that he planned to do something to him on the spot when he got married?
 There was a small outbreak at five o'clock today.After all, he had fired 20 or 13 consecutive shots in the past two days, and his body was empty, so he had to rest after all.

(End of this chapter)

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