Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 317: Encountering Three Elders on the Continuous Mountain Road

Chapter 317: Encountering the Three Elders on the Continuous Mountain Road
Most of the second floor of the inn is inside the house, and some extended tables are outside.

The positions of the monks and Taoist priests who spoke just now are on the extended platform.

And sitting in the middle of their table is a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar. The middle-aged man looks very mighty, which makes people feel that he is not an ordinary martial artist.

The middle-aged man bowed his hands to everyone who had just arrived here, "I'm really sorry. Old friends got together, but they all forgot to bring money. I'm away from home, and I hope you can do a little favor."

Yan Qingwan was already in a bad mood, and she felt even more disdainful when she heard that someone asked others for money so openly.

"The poor don't go out. What do you do when you don't have money? It's nothing more than adding more jokes."

Yan Qingwan said, holding Xiahou Maofan's arm, and walked into the inn.

Originally, many people planned to help pay, after all, this is not a big deal.

In the rivers and lakes, if you meet, you will form a good relationship.

But when Yan Qingwan said this, many people who originally wanted to give money were embarrassed to move forward.

Yan Qingwan felt that she was just complaining, but in fact, in the eyes of many people, this was the attitude of Dulong Villa.

At this time, Zhang Rang and others also arrived, and Zhang Rang also heard what the three of them said just now.

This kind of emergencies in the rivers and lakes does not know how many things will happen in the rivers and lakes every day.

Therefore, some people claim to be benevolent and righteous, and they will often help people who are in a hurry when they are away from home, so as to establish a good reputation for themselves, and then worry about some knight-errants and establish organizations.

But I don't need such a reputation.

But just as he passed by and cast his card ability for a casual glance, Zhang Rang's expression changed.

Because at this moment, Zhang Rang found out that the monk, the monk, and the scholar seemed ordinary, but in fact, each of the three had a lot of purple cards, and even a lot of orange cards.

Even in the orange brilliance, there are some more shining golds that I can't see clearly now.

These three are definitely not idle people.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rang bowed his hands to the three above, "Three, you should be more prepared when you are away from home. I paid for the three seniors for today's meal."

As he said that, Zhang Rang saluted respectfully, then took out a few pieces of silver from his arms, and called the shop waiter.

"Xiao Er, this is the food and drink money for the three above. Go and add some pots of good wine for them."

The shop waiter did not expect that Zhang Rang would be so generous, so he quickly waved his hand, "Guest officer, guest officer, I don't need so much. A small piece of silver is enough. A few jars of wine are enough."

Zhang Rang pushed his hand and stuffed all the money into the hands of the waiter, "You can take it. In addition, prepare some wine and food for us, and the horse will feed us. We have to hurry later."


Seeing that Zhang Rang was generous, the waiter went to work immediately.

At this time, Mei Fei, who got off the carriage, saw this scene, and frowned, "Zhang Rang, you are just three old people cheating on food and drink, why waste my money in Jianyu Villa?"

Zhang Rang said lightly: "Don't bother the master. This money belongs to Zhang Rang himself."

This time it was Zhang Rang who led the team, so everyone's troubles along the way were naturally taken care of by Zhang Rang.

Seeing that Zhang Rang gave a lot of money as soon as he made a move, although Mei Fei didn't care about the little money, he couldn't help but say something to Zhang Rang, so as to show his identity as the young owner.

In the end, Zhang Rang choked back with a word.

After that, everyone sat down and began to eat and rest.

At this time, the shop waiter walked towards Zhang Rang.

"This young man, the three seniors on the stage on the second floor invite you."

Zhang Rang nodded, "OK."

As he said that, Zhang Rang put down his chopsticks, stood up and followed the waiter to the second floor.

Seeing this scene, Xiahou Maofan couldn't help laughing.

"Zhang Rang, you don't care if you see the deputy leader of the Fengshen Gang, why did you see three old things today, but you can go there in person? This is not your ruthless style!"

Although Zhang Rang didn't directly hate Xiahou Maofan last night, he made Xiahou Maofan lose face several times.

Xia Hou Maofan found an opportunity to taunt Zhang Rang now, so naturally he would not let it go.

Zhang Rang smiled, "Mr. Xiahou, in the Jianghu, strength is the most respected. Without strength, everything is bullshit. But now everyone is just hurrying. Since we are hurrying, we don't mention Jianghu. Therefore, these three are just on the road. It’s just the old people I met. Since the old people are invited, it’s a normal etiquette for the younger generation to meet in the past. My name is Zhang Rang, and I am respectful and courteous.”

Hearing Zhang Rang's words, many people pursed their lips, feeling something strange.

Don't you know how many people you Zhang Rang killed in the rivers and lakes?
Last night, there was a disagreement, and you directly "killed the son to pay back the wine money", now you say that your concessions are respectful and courteous?

When you say this, do you believe it yourself?

Zhang Rang didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, and walked up to the second floor step by step, came to a monk, a scholar, and a scholar, and saluted the three of them, "I have seen the three seniors."

The monk chuckled, "Zhang Rang, what a respectful and courteous Rang. But how do you know that the three of us are seniors. Maybe the three of us are charlatans?"

Zhang Rang smiled, "In the whole world, there are intrigues and intrigues, and there are countless people who deceive people. But I, Zhang Rang, don't think anyone will cheat me of Zhang Rang's meal money."

The monk hadn't realized what was going on, but the old Taoist opposite couldn't help laughing.

"Interesting and interesting! As expected of being ruthless! Little friend, come on, I will offer you a toast from Pindao."

At this time, the monk realized that although Zhang Rang is now respectful and courteous, but this one is now considered to be very famous in the Jianghu, maybe someone will deceive Zhang Rang, but no one dares At the risk of being retaliated by Zhang Rang, he cheated of a meal.

After the monk thought it over, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Zhang Xiaoyou is really interesting. Today, we three old friends reunited after a long absence, and we gathered here. It is not acceptable to ask a junior like you to pay for the wine! How about this, Zhang Xiaoyou, the poor monk gave you something. Not worth the meal Money only represents the wishes of the poor monk."

Zhang Rang clasped his hands together towards the monk, "In this case, I would like to thank the master. I, Zhang Rang, have always respected Buddhists very much."

At this moment, Xia Hou Maofan in the hall on the first floor could also hear the voice on the second floor.

Hearing Zhang Rang say this that night, Xiahou Maofan almost didn't laugh out loud.

Yan Qingwan even snorted coldly with disdain, "Yes! Even the monk Faxing of Shengguang Temple died in your hands. You Zhang Rang really respect Buddhism."

(End of this chapter)

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