Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 357 Coercing Buddhism to Obtain the Buddha Bone

Chapter 357: Coercing Buddhism to Obtain the Buddha Bone (Fifth Change)
After Zhang Rang left Famen Temple with everyone, he settled directly at Qinhuangling in Fufeng County.

Thirty eight-fold treasure pills, ten Tiangang each got two, Hua Xinye and Hu Yitu also got two each.

As for the thirty drops of Golden Buddha Rain Dew Liquid, it is distributed in the same way.

It's just that he took a Buddha bone relic of Sakyamuni's finger, but it was left by Zhang Rang.

But basically without Zhang Rang this time, it would be impossible for everyone to catch Xiang Yuenan, let alone get so many good things.

So everyone is very content, and no one cares about why Zhang Rang gets the most things from the third flower realm and ninth level.

On the contrary, as a planner, everyone felt that Zhang Rang got a little too little.

After Zhang Rang finished dividing the things, he ordered to go down and sent someone to spread the news, saying that Xiang Yuenan, the niece of the owner of Jianshan Villa, was in his hands.

At the same time, Zhang Rang ordered to tear up Xiang Yuenan's clothes and hang them up for thousands of people to see.

Xiang Yuenan is nothing more than the niece of the owner of Baijian Villa. Now that Baijian Villa is far away from the Han court and seeks refuge in Xishu, it is inevitable to suffer losses.

So at this time, Sword Worship Villa will inevitably give up some people.

For example, the eleven elderly blacksmiths before have probably been given up by Sword Worship Villa.

It's just that Xiang Yuenan doesn't want to give up.

And Xiang Yuenan is more important to Sword Worship Villa, or rather, to the owner of Sword Worship Villa.

After all, it was his niece who was caught, and at this moment, her clothes were torn and her hands were tied up and hung up.

All businessmen and tourists passing through Qinhuangling can see it.

Zhang Rang even planted a large banner next to it, which read "Waiting for the niece of the owner of Jianshan Villa, Xiang Yuenan".

Zhang Rang believed that Baijian Villa must come to save people.

Because this is not just a matter of family affection, it is also about the face of Baijian Villa.

Sure enough, Xiang Yuenan was hung up the next morning, and within a day, seventeen people from Worshiping Sword Villa came to rescue him.

As you can imagine, all seventeen people were captured and killed.

In the night of the second day, a group of nineteen people came, and there were even two fighters from the Four Gang Realm among them.

But it's a pity that there are so few people facing the thirteen Tiangang killers here, even Zhang Rang doesn't need to make a move, and those twelve people will clean them up.

On the third day, a group of powerful people finally came.

It's just that this group of people is not from the Sword Worship Villa, but from the Shengguang Temple from the north.

By Beidi, in fact, many things the monks of Shengguang Temple have done are infinitely more excessive than what Zhang Rang is doing now.

But when they arrived in the Central Plains, the monks of Shengguang Temple pretended instead.

It looks like a living Bodhisattva who helps the world and saves people.

"My lord, the monks from Shengguang Temple passed by here and said that we are too cruel, let us put Xiang Yuenan down."

Zhang Rang frowned, and asked the person who came in to report: "How many people have come to Shengguang Temple this time, and what strength are they?"

"My lord, there are seven monks in total, three monks of the Dharma generation of Sigang, and the remaining four are of the Chengzi generation."

Zhang Rang smiled, what kind of masters did he think they would come, but it turned out that there were only three monks of the Dharma generation.

Those of the adult generation have not grown up yet, and the strongest ones have not yet reached the Sigang realm.

As for the Fazi generation, although there are Sigang realms, there are also many Sigang realms around him. It happened that my Tiger Might Dragon Sparrow Slash was snatched by Fakong before, and I was worried that I didn't know how to get my Tiger Might and Dragon Sparrow Slash. I want to come back.

Zhang Rang immediately led his people to the foot of Qinhuangling Mountain.

At this moment, the killer of Jianyu Villa was protecting Xiang Yuenan who was hung up to be exposed to the sun.

The monks of Shengguang Temple stood not far away, although they were monks, their eyes were sweeping around Xiang Yuenan's body.

Seeing Zhang Rang coming with people, the people of Shengguang Temple immediately became serious.

"Your Excellency is Zhang Rang, the Blood God of Ten Miles?"

A young monk of the senior generation stood up and shouted impatiently at Zhang Rang.

Zhang Rang raised his hand and punched the little monk who had just spoken.

The little monk was caught off guard, and even if he was prepared, he would not be able to stop him at the second stage of the third flower realm.


The little monk was directly blown away, and the big monk who was still behind him made a move and hugged him from behind, which prevented him from flying out.

Even so, Zhang Rang's punch still made his internal organs boil and boil, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Zhang Rang, what do you mean?"

The big monk who borrowed the help of the junior monk stared at Zhang Rang, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Zhang Rang smiled coldly, "Only he is not qualified to talk to me yet. It's the three of you who are of the written generation who are barely qualified to talk to me."

The great monk couldn't help being angry when he heard this.

"It's nonsense, you Zhang Rang is the younger generation in the rivers and lakes, and the monks in my Shengguang Temple are also the younger generation. Why are they not qualified to talk to you?"

Zhang Rang curled his lips, "I am friends with Jin Chanzi, the direct disciple of the contemporary Tathagata of Leiyin Temple. People of your Fazi generation will call Jin Chanzi Master when you see Jin Chanzi according to your seniority, right? As for your people of Fazi generation , especially those of your Shengguang Temple, I have already killed one of them. Why, is it possible that these Chengzi generation are higher than your Fazi generation?"

One word from Zhang Rang stunned this monk of the French generation into speechless.

"Tell me, what are you people from Shengguang Temple doing in Qinhuangling?"

The monk of the Fazi generation glanced at Zhang Rang, "We just passed by here. But seeing the unevenness of the road, it is natural to stand up and say something. Although this girl worships the niece of the owner of Jianshan Villa, she is an innocent person. You will give a clean It's too much to tear up a girl's innocent clothes and hang them here!"

Zhang Rang nodded, "Well! You are right! Then what are you going to do?"

The monk of the Fazi generation pointed at Zhang Rang, "I want you to put her down!"

Zhang Rang said, "So it's such a request! Yes! If you seven people from Shengguang Temple kneel on the ground for me now, and then break your own legs, I can think about it. Will her Put it down for two hours. How about it? Or like this, if you plan to put one of your legs down, I’ll let her down for an hour, how about it? This way, you don’t have to stand down to peek, but you can lean over and take a closer look.”

"Nonsense! Zhang Rang, if you don't put this girl down, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Rang snorted coldly, "You're welcome? Then I want to see if it's you or me."

As Zhang Rang said, he punched out.

With Zhang Rang now carrying a ring knife and a long sword on his back, they are actually just two ordinary weapons.

Therefore, when fighting against people, it is natural to use both fists to erupt stronger fighting power.

The 24-style holy magic fist blasted out, directly pushing Fa De back ten steps.

The other two monks of the Fazi generation saw that Fade was at a disadvantage, so they rushed forward, and even the four monks of the Chengzi generation wanted to make a move.

In their future, they and Zhang Rang are also the younger generation in the rivers and lakes, so they are naturally qualified to fight.

Unfortunately, they are too naive.

(End of this chapter)

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