Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 39 The elder's death refers to the Liang family

Chapter 39 The elder's death refers to the Liang family
Zhao Yunfeng already understood at this moment that Zhang Rang probably not only knew his true identity, but most likely also knew that Zhang Tianhong's death was related to him.

"Zhang Rang, you can't kill me! If you kill me! Do you think the family will not be able to find out? Then you will die too! The child bride-in-law you care about will also die!"

Zhao Yunfeng knew that he couldn't condense his true energy now, but this Zhang Rang was the No.1 in the family contest.

I can't fight recklessly with him, I can only outsmart him.

Zhang Rang smiled coldly, "Don't worry. Yesterday I spread the news that you have a cheat book of sword techniques in your hand, which is most likely "The Night Rain and Thunder Sword Technique". And tonight you die at home, only It will make people think that someone killed someone for the sake of swordsmanship. They will not suspect that it is mine!"

As Zhang Rang said, the two knives in his hands went straight to Zhao Yunfeng and chopped them.

Zhao Yunfeng dodged immediately.

However, Zhang Rang's sword skills are not under Zhao Yunfeng.

In addition, Zhao Yunfeng was unable to use his true energy, and he was unarmed. He only resisted two moves before being slashed on his left arm by Zhang Rang.

Then Zhang Rang cut Zhao Yunfeng seriously with several knives.

Zhao Yunfeng, who was lying in a pool of blood, stared at Zhang Rang with wide eyes.

"Do you think the Zhang family can't find out that I've been poisoned? When the time comes, you'll know it's you..."

Zhao Yunfeng hadn't finished his sentence when Zhang Rang picked up the glass of wine that was resting on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

"It can indeed detect that you are poisoned, but it can also detect that I am poisoned."

As Zhang Rang said, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "I can't think of anything you can think of?"

As Zhang Rang said, he cut the wine table in two with a bang, and then stuck a steel knife in Zhao Yunfeng's heart.

After stabbing in with a poof, Zhao Yunfeng stared wide-eyed, struggling to say something, but saw Zhang Rang slap his left shoulder hard first, and then pointed the other steel knife at him stabbed in the abdomen.

Zhao Yunfeng has seen ruthless people all his life.

But he never expected that before he died, he would see something more ruthless.


After a while, Zhang Rang's faint cry for help finally attracted the attention of other nearby worship hall elders.

Even Elder Jiu rushed over.

"Zhang Rang, why are you? Why are you injured?"

Elder Jiu frowned when he saw that Zhang Rang was injured and a knife was still stuck in his abdomen.

"Could it be that the other three families knew that Zhang Rang was the number one in the family competition, so they sent someone to assassinate them?" Zhang Qingzhi also came over after hearing the news. Seeing that Zhang Rang was not dead, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Zhang Rang pointed in the direction of Zhao Yunfeng's room, and said two words with the last of his strength: "Save... people..."

After that, he directly fainted in Elder Jiu's arms.

The elder Jiu immediately took out the wine and gave Zhang Rang a sip.

It was only after drinking that I realized that this was alcohol, not medicine.Immediately find Jinchuang medicine on his body to stop Zhang Rang's bleeding.

Soon, the fact that Zhao Yunfeng was killed in his room attracted the attention of the entire Zhang family.

The elder of the enshrining hall died in his own room. If this matter gets out, the Zhang family will definitely lose face in Qin'an City.

At the same time, several elders of the Zhang family personally investigated and found a blood-stained cheat book in Zhao Yunfeng's clothes. It was surprisingly "The Night Rain and Thunder Sword Technique" that caused a melee in Qin'an City a few years ago.

Apparently, someone knew that Zhao Yunfeng had obtained this secret book, so he killed him.

But the killer didn't expect Zhang Rang to be there when he came to kill.

Wait until Zhang Rang leaves before making a move.

But after Zhang Rang left, he heard the sound and rushed back immediately.

As a result, Dacheng was seriously injured by the opponent's palm, and then stabbed into his body with a knife.

Zhang Rang desperately ran out to call for someone to scare the murderer away.

At this moment, in the meeting hall of the Zhang family, more than a dozen elders of the clan and seven or eight elders of the worship hall are here.

After hearing the investigation results of several elders, many people were shocked.

"Who the hell? Can sneak into my Zhang family secretly to kill people?" An elder said worriedly.

At this time, an elder of the worship hall snorted coldly, "How can you be sure that you are an outsider? Why can't you be your own person in this house. Tonight, the guards of the Zhang family did not see anyone sneaking in."

The person in the worship hall was killed, and the Zhang family suspected it was an outsider, but the worship hall was worried that it might be the murder of the Zhang family.

After all, the members of the Zong family will not let the members of the Zhi family be spared, let alone outsiders like them.

Zhang Qingzhi sneered, "Elder, you are wrong to say that! Could it be that my Zhang family is idle and has nothing to do, and kills the elders of my worship hall? What good will this do for my Zhang family?"

The other party laughed a few times, "Isn't the benefit obvious? "Yu Yu Jing Lei Knife Technique"! Second-level martial arts, obtained by Zhao Yunfeng! If Zhao Yunfeng is killed, the cheats will naturally fall into your Zhang family In your hand! Isn’t the benefit obvious enough?”

Zhang Qingzhi snorted.

"Speaking of which, Zhang Rang is the most suspicious of this matter, otherwise he will be arrested and interrogated!"

At this time, another elder in the enshrining hall gave Zhang Qingzhi a sip.

"I knew some of you would say that! That Zhang Rang is still recuperating at Elder Jiu's home. I went to check it out. The steel knife pierced through him. If Zhang Rang is really the murderer, it would be really unreasonable for me. Ruthless! In addition, Zhang Rang received a palm on his left shoulder, judging from the injury, it seems to be the Leaping Palm of the Liang family."

Many people were shocked when they heard that it was the Ben Lei Palm of the Liang family.

The Liang family hunted down the great swordsman Wang Shun and lost a lot of people in order to get this "Yuyu Jinglei Sword Technique", but now this sword technique appeared in Zhao Yunfeng's hands.

Could it be that the Liang family really did it?
At this time, another elder said, "I went to check the room. There is poison in the wine, it is loose qi powder. It is a poison that can make people lose their true qi for a short period of time. It is colorless and tasteless, and it is very concealed. Elder Zhao Yunfeng was easily killed because of this poison. Zhang Rang also had this poison in his body. Obviously, the other party had poisoned him before Zhang Rang went. Maybe he was worried about scaring the two of them. Waiting for Zhang Rang to leave before attacking. As a result, Zhang Rang turned back when he heard the voice, and then wanted to kill Zhang Rang. But the target was a cheat book after all, so he didn't care about Zhang Rang's life and death. In the end, Zhang Rang gritted his teeth He escaped and called for help, which scared the murderer away."

Many people nodded secretly, thinking that the elder's words made sense.

The patriarch frowned, "After Zhang Rang wakes up, the elders of the worship hall and several elders in the family will ask again. If it was really done by someone from the Liang family, then my Zhang family will not let it go!"

(End of this chapter)

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