Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 418: Set the ransom after anti-killing

Chapter 418 Set a ransom after anti-killing (No.13 update)

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Zhang Rang said to Hou Lan.

Hearing Zhang Rang's order, Hou Lan immediately told the bandits not to do anything.

At this moment, there are only more than 80 people alive in the Bai family. Basically, almost all the warriors have been killed.

Zhang Rang walked over slowly and walked up to Bai Qinghua.

"This old man, is this your granddaughter? She is really beautiful?"

Seeing the smile on Zhang Rang's face, Bai Qinghua couldn't help being surprised.

"You...what are you going to do? I warn you! If you dare to touch a hair of my granddaughter, I will fight you desperately!"

"Hehe." Zhang Rang laughed disdainfully, "Desperate! Are you sure you really have your life to fight with me? I have more than 80 lives of your Bai family in my hand. Why do I feel that you can't fight hard?" And me?"

Although Bai Qinghua's mouth is extremely rampant, she also knows at this moment that she has to bow her head under the eaves.

"Tell me! What do you want? As long as you let us go, our Bai family will agree to you!"

A young man in the Sigang realm can still take a caravan out, and even bring out his granddaughter. Now Granny Qinghua's status in the Bai family is not low.

It doesn't matter if such a person is killed just like that.

But Zhang Rang had inquired about it before.

The Zou family is just a small third-rate family that has developed fairly well in recent years.

It's not a powerful force, even if the whole Zou family came to take revenge, I wouldn't be afraid.

But this Bai family is not only a second-rate family, but more importantly, the daughter of the Bai family married the lord of the Yuan family city and gave birth to a son for the Yuan family.

In other words, the Bai family and the Yuan family are relatives, and if he really killed all the members of the Bai family, he would not be able to explain it when he returned.

The purpose of my coming to the north this time is to join the forces under the command of the king of Jizhou, Yuan Shaochu, and contribute to the later confrontation between the Han and the north.

If he offended the members of the Yuan family as soon as he came, then things would be difficult in the future.

It was because of this thought that Zhang Rang didn't let Hou Lan order everyone to be killed.

"The rest of the Bai family want to live, I can give you a chance. Your Bai family is already willing to use other people's innocence to pay off your debts, so that's great. How about using your Bai family members as goods now? "

Bai Qinghua was so angry at Zhang Rang's words that she wanted to rush up and fight Zhang Rang.

But as soon as she moved, the tip of the knife in the hand of the bandit in the Three Flower Realm stretched forward, and it directly pierced her wound, forcing her to lean against the wheel of the carriage.

"Okay! As long as you let the people of my Bai family go and let us leave with the goods, I promise to pay you gold and silver later to redeem our lives!"

Bai Qinghua gritted her teeth and agreed.

Zhang Rang sneered, "Still leaving with the goods? I'm afraid you're thinking too much. These goods, from the beginning of everyone's hands, have nothing to do with your Bai family. One person is 1 taels of silver, and the second-vein state's turn over Double, three flower realms double again, and four gang realms continue to double! In addition, women also double!"

After Zhang Rang finished speaking, he glanced at Hou Lan, "I am a very kind person sometimes. A woman who is old and ugly is not a woman."

Bai Qinghua was so angry at Zhang Rang's words that he almost vomited blood.

Why is my mother-in-law Qinghua not considered a woman?
But Granny Qinghua thought, if she disputed this matter, the Bai family would have to take out an extra 8 taels of silver.

Thinking of this, he could only grit his teeth and endure, secretly hating Zhang Rang in his heart.

"Hou Lan, send someone to count the value of these people in the Bai family, and then ask the old woman to write me an IOU."

"Yes, my lord."

Hou Lan immediately ordered his subordinates to do this.

And Zhang Rang walked to Yuan Qingmei's side.

At this moment, Yuan Qingmei was shocked.

Yesterday, I just knew that Zhang Rang was a capable person.

Only today did I realize that this handicap is not only powerful, but also very intimidating.

"Miss Yuan, after all, this Bai family is related to your Yuan family. I let them go today. Later, you have to explain this matter to the head of your Yuan family, but it's for your sake." .”

Yuan Qingmei was startled, and looked at Zhang Rang blankly, "For my sake?"

Yuan Qingmei looked at the corpses strewn all over the Bai family.

I really couldn't believe it, if it wasn't for my own face, what would have happened.

Zhang Rang nodded.

"Then... If you don't look at my face, wouldn't everyone in the Bai family die today?"

Zhang Rang smiled slightly, "Of course. If I let them go today, they may not be grateful to me, and they may seek revenge from me. The basis of all this is because they want to use the innocence of the Yuan family to compensate them I want to make an offering to the bandits. This matter has nothing to do with me. I, Zhang, came to help out of chivalry. Miss Yuan, when you arrive in Yuanjiacheng, you should remember me!"

Yuan Qingmei didn't know what to say at the moment.

But he can only nod, otherwise, God knows what Zhang Zhang will do again.

At this time, Hou Lan ran over and said to Zhang Rang, "My lord, I just calculated it. One person is 1 taels of silver, which is doubled according to the level of martial arts, and doubled for women. 84 people, a total of 1306 million taels of silver .”

Zhang Rang frowned, "Why are the numbers so irregular! Or, kill two!"

Hou Lan couldn't help being surprised when he heard Zhang Rang's words.

However, Bai Laosan on the side had already seen it clearly. Although he didn't know who this Zhang Youli was, what was certain was that this person's strength was far higher than Hou Lan's. Otherwise, Hou Lan would never have followed his advice.

So, Bai Laosan immediately rushed over and dropped his palms on the heads of the two of them.

With two bangs, the heads of the two people were smashed, and the two corpses fell to the ground.

"My lord, there are 130 and [-] left, I will kill four more people!" Bai Laosan said, and walked towards the person next to him.

"No need. I think the little girl from the Bai family should be in the second vein, and she happens to be a woman. If she is removed, there will be 81 people in Jiujiu, which is exactly 130 million. Bring that little girl to me and keep it by my side. Maids and servants are also good."

Bai Laosan immediately bowed his hands to Zhang Rang, "Your Excellency is really kind."

Said, Bai Laosan immediately walked towards Bai Ziyi.

Seeing that Bai Laosan wanted to catch Bai Ziyi, Grandma Qinghua would do her best.

But just as Granny Qinghua was about to make a move, she was slapped backhand by Lao San Bai, knocking off one of Granny Qinghua's front teeth.

"Don't be shameless! It's pretty good that you didn't all die!"

(End of this chapter)

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