Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 43 Murderous Intent Hidden in Medicinal Pills

Chapter 43 Murderous Intent Hidden in Medicinal Pills
Zhang Rang did not go straight to Zhang Yunlong, but continued to observe the situation around Zhang Yunlong.

The competition on the square has just begun.

Those standing on the ring at the moment are either impatient or reckless. Those who are really calm will seldom jump out at the beginning, unless they are [-] points sure that they can win ten games in a row.

Therefore, Zhang Yunlong did not play.

Similarly, many young children of the Zhang family also did not play, including Zhang Yunxi, Zhang Yunxiang, Zhang Tao and others.

Zhang Rang gritted his teeth pretendingly, and walked towards Zhang Yunxi.

Seeing Zhang Rang approaching from a distance, Zhang Yunxi greeted her from a distance.

"Zhang Rang! This way, this way!"

When many people saw Zhang Rang, their eyes were full of disgust.

Only Zhang Yunxi smiled when she saw Zhang Rang.

This made Zhang Yunbei in the crowd very upset.

This time, the reason why cousin Han Shuo came to the Zhang family was to make an appointment with Zhang Yunxi.

Although there was an episode of Zhang Rang's child bride-in-law Tongsuo, Tongsuo's identity, even if Han Shuo brought it home, was just a concubine.

And Zhang Yunxi is not only a disciple of the Zhang family's clan, but also a disciple of the fiery swordsman Nan Gongxuan, so he is naturally going to be the future young mistress of the Han family.

But Zhang Yunxi was unwilling, not only unwilling, but also very close to Zhang Rang.

In particular, Zhang Rang won No.1 in the Zhang Family Grand Competition, which made many people feel uncomfortable.

Especially Zhang Yunlong, every time he saw Zhang Rang, a ball of fire would ignite in his cold eyes.

Zhang Rang walked over with his head down, as if afraid that other people would notice him.

Seeing Zhang Rang's actions, Zhang Yunlong couldn't help frowning.

You know, Zhang Rang has rarely been so low-key in front of others since Han Shuo gave the pill and his strength improved.

Now why do you become a little reluctant to be noticed by others.

At this time, Zhang Yunlong suddenly thought of the killers he sent out many days ago. Could it be that they didn't succeed?
But it doesn't matter if they don't succeed, because looking at Zhang Rang's appearance at this time, he is not as rosy as he was in the family competition.

On the contrary, the lips are pale and the face is ugly.

Zhang Rang came to Zhang Yunxi's side and said in a low voice, "Can you lend me some money?"

Zhang Yunxi was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that Zhang Rang came to her to borrow money.

But Zhang Yunxi didn't have any money on her body, so she looked at her master Nangongxuan next to her.

Nangongxuan glanced at his stubborn disciple Zhang Yunxi, shook his head slightly, apparently unwilling to lend money to Zhang Rang.

At this time, Zhang Yunlong and Zhang Yunbei brought a few people over.

"Zhang Rang, I said earlier that I would buy the Tyrannical Body Pill in your hand, how do you think about it?"

After Zhang Rang saw Zhang Yunlong, his attitude immediately became respectful.

"Brother Yunlong, I want to wait until the sixth level of Qi Realm to take the Overlord Body Pill. I won't trade it."

Zhang Yunlong clearly remembered that the last time Zhang Rang arrogantly wanted to exchange the Chasing Heaven Pill for his Tyrant Body Pill, but now it is such a pity.

I'm afraid that although the killer he sent out didn't kill Zhang Rang, he seriously injured Zhang Rang and lost his arrogant capital.

People from the Zhi family should be pampered like this.

If you treat him well, he will really treat himself as a human being.

Only when you whip him and beat him, will he know that he is just a slave of the Zong family and can keep his duty as the Zhi family.

"But I just heard you asking Yun Xi for a loan. A dignified man of seven feet asks a girl for a loan. If this kind of thing gets out, won't it make others laugh at my Zhang family man?"

Zhang Yunlong took the opportunity to laugh, and he almost laughed out loud with a smug face.

Zhang Yunbei on the side smiled faintly, and spoke to Zhang Rang.

"Otherwise, just ask me how much money you need, just take some valuable things and bet on me. I promise I will never touch your things, how about it?"

Zhang Yunbei and Zhang Yunlong are both sons of the clan, one is the son of the patriarch, and the other is the first genius, so they are naturally good friends.

Others also know that if Zhang Rang really bets the Tyrannical Body Pill on Zhang Yunbei, Zhang Yunbei may turn around and give it to Zhang Yunlong.

"I have three Melting Blood Pills here, which were refined by Elder Zhao Yunfeng before and have not been taken yet. I don't know Brother Yunxiang, can you lend me 3 taels of silver?"

"Haha..." Zhang Yunxiang couldn't help laughing, "Zhang Rang, Zhang Rang! We are all one family, I won't take advantage of you, but you don't take advantage of me either. How much does this Melting Blood Pill cost? Even if you I asked Elder Zhao Yunfeng to refine it and spent some money, so it can’t be calculated according to the market price.”

As Zhang Yunbei said, he glanced at Zhang Yunlong, nodded slightly, and signaled Zhang Yunlong not to worry.

"Half! 5000 taels. Three fusion blood pills are betting on me. How?"

Zhang Yunbei knew that Zhang Rang was short of money and looked injured, so he was in a hurry to buy medicine to heal his injuries.

5000 taels of silver would definitely not be enough. As long as Zhang Rang had no money at that time, he would have to come to him to borrow money. Ba Ti Pill would definitely be available, but it was only a matter of time.

Zhang Rang hesitated again and again, looking anxious.

Suddenly, Zhang Rang grinned, his expression full of pain.

I saw Zhang Rang gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! 5000 taels!"

As he spoke, Zhang Rang took out three medicine bottles from his arms, and there was a tiny scratch on one of the medicine bottles.

Zhang Yunxiang took the three bottles of pills, and at the same time took out 5000 taels of silver bills and handed them to Zhang Rang.

"Thank you. My elixir, keep it safe!"

Zhang Rang said, took the money and left immediately.

Zhang Yunbei smiled, and told a disciple of the clan beside him, "Follow me and see what he bought."

Soon, someone came back to report that Zhang Rang went to the pharmacy and bought some pills for healing and restoring qi, as well as many other medicinal materials.

After Zhang Yunbei and Zhang Yunlong heard the news, they looked at each other and smiled.

They knew that Zhang Rang was injured.

At the same time, the match in Qin'an City Square was in full swing. If they were late due to injuries, they would not be able to win ten consecutive victories.

So Zhang Rang must be anxious and wants to recover from his injury immediately.

Zhang Yunbei said to Zhang Yunlong: "This matter will be very simple in the future. As long as Zhang Rang is injured after entering the ring, and he can complete ten consecutive victories, he will continue to fight, and he will continue to fight." Continue to be injured. This is not as good as two or three days, Zhang Rang will definitely use up all the money on his body. At that time, in order to join the Tianshan faction, I am afraid that Zhang Rang will take out the Tyrant Body Pill. Hmph!"

A smugness flashed in Zhang Yunlong's eyes, "When the time comes, I will get the Overlord Body Pill, and I will personally go to the ring and let him taste the taste of failure!"

Zhang Yunbei waved his hand, "There is no need for you to do it yourself. Qin Ancheng is not the only Zhang family. This Zhang is a master that even you and I admire, Zhang Family No. 1! Such a title, some people want to obliterate it he!"

As Zhang Yunbei said, he handed the three Melting Blood Pills to Zhang Yunlong, "Cultivate with peace of mind during this time, and at the same time absorb and refine the blood of the wild beast. Going to a higher level is what you should do now."

"Thank you for the elixir."

"No, it's Xie Zhangrang's elixir! 5000 taels of Melting Blood Pill is really cheap!"

 Sorry for the late update due to something happening at home today.

(End of this chapter)

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