Chapter 46.
Liang Chengyuan, the young genius of the Liang family.

The young people of the Liang family are different from the other three families in Qin Ancheng.

The younger generations of other families have only one top talent, but the Liang family has two.

One is Liang Chengxiao, who is extremely arrogant and domineering, but extremely talented, overwhelming everyone in the Liang family, and has been vigorously cultivated by the Liang family.

The other is Liang Chenggu's younger brother, Liang Chengyuan.

Liang Chengyuan is only 14 years old this year, more than three years younger than Liang Chengxiao, but his martial arts talent is not weaker than Liang Chengxiao.

Even when Liang Chengxiao was 14 years old, he was not as powerful as the current Liang Chengyuan, reaching the fifth level of the first Qi state.

Everyone believes that as long as Liang Chengyuan can grow up, he will definitely be the next Liang Chengxiao in the future, even stronger.

But never expected that Liang Chengyuan saw his brother's arm cut off by Zhang Rang today, so angry that he jumped onto the ring.

At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the Liang family were raised.

Once Liang Chengyuan made a mistake, it would be a fatal blow to the Liang family!

But it was too late for the Liang family to stop them.

Even the head of the Liang family in the main stand changed his expression greatly when he saw this scene.

"Mr. Duan, the young man who just entered the arena is the younger brother of Liang Chenggu who had just had his arm cut off. He saw his brother was seriously injured and rushed to the arena. The young man was ignorant and ruined the arena. Our Liang family admit defeat. Let him go down."

Seeing that the head of the Liang family was so nervous, the heads of the other three families naturally knew that this Liang Chengyuan must be extraordinary.

At this time, Murong Wan said coldly: "This boy is only 14 years old, he is at the fifth level of Qi, how could he be young and ignorant? I think he is very powerful!"

The two Tianshan sect disciples next to them were shocked when they heard Murong Wan's words.

Unexpectedly, the 14-year-old boy below has already reached the fifth level of the first Qi state.

If there are enough resources and expert guidance, I am afraid that he will be able to break through to the second vein before the age of 16.

At this moment, even Uncle Duan was a little moved.

Even if these youngsters can achieve ten consecutive victories a day, in the eyes of the Tianshan faction, they are nothing more than outer disciples, just to show off for the Tianshan faction.

But this Liang Chengyuan is really worth cultivating.

Thinking of this, Mr. Duan stood up, "Okay, I declare this battle, Liang Chengyuan..."

Before Mr. Duan finished speaking, Zhang Rang had already made a move.

Seeing a 14-year-old boy, Zhang Rang didn't take it seriously.

But when he saw the five green cards on the 14-year-old boy, Zhang Rang knew that this boy was definitely one of the best among the younger generation of the Liang family.

At only 14 years old, he has three green ability cards, and has cultivated two second-level martial arts to great success, making the quality of the cards reach two green stars.

This is enough to see the talent of this child.

Such a young man is naturally a rare genius for the Liang family.

But for himself, it is a must-kill person.

The son died at his own hands, the Liang family must hate the Zhang family to the bone.

Only when the Liang family and the Zhang family go to war can he have a chance to avenge his father Zhang Tianhong.


With a movement of Zhang Rang's figure, he stepped out in a nine-step flash, and the chaotic knife in his hand slashed 36 times like a rainstorm, pouring down.

Although Liang Chengyuan was angry because of his brother's serious injury, he did not lose his mind.

He knew that Zhang Rang's knife was heavy and fierce, and he avoided the sharp edge with a ghost-headed knife in his hand. Not only did he avoid Zhang Rang's most vicious moves, but he also found an opportunity to fight back.

However, young geniuses always think that they are the only ones who are smart and everyone else is fools.

Seeing that Zhang Rang's saber technique is only attacking, and there is no room for defense, he took the opportunity to advance with the saber.

Zhang Rang deliberately didn't dodge, when the ghost knife approached and couldn't change his move.

A sneer sneered from the corner of Zhang Rang's mouth, and the Longque Dahuan Dao in his hand changed from defense to offense, and slashed directly at Liang Chengyuan's chest.

Liang Chengyuan turned pale with shock, he never thought that there would be such a desperate sword technique in Jianghu.

However, he could only injure Zhang Rang with a single cut, and he couldn't even cut off Zhang Rang's arm.

At that time, even if he does not die, he will not have half his life.

Liang Chengyuan immediately retreated violently.

At the same time, the head of the Liang family shouted loudly from the main stand, "I, the Liang family, surrender!"

Although he heard this, Zhang Rang knew that the more the Liang family cared, the more he couldn't stay.

Not only did Zhang Rang not stop his attack, but his saber skills accelerated.

Thunder Seven Styles!

With two clicks, Zhang Rang chopped off the ghost knife in Liang Chengyuan's hand.

Then, he slashed with a knife and went straight to Liang Chengyuan's neck.

At this time, a figure flashed in front of Zhang Rang.

Zhang Rang cast his card right away, only to see a phantom flash past, and among the countless white, a large piece of green mixed with blue flashed past.

Zhang Rang retreated immediately.

"Boy! The Patriarch of the Liang family has already surrendered on behalf of Liang Chengyuan, and you still want to kill him? You know, if you do this, you will break the rules set by our Tianshan faction!"

At this moment, the old man in a white robe was standing on the ring, holding Liang Chengyuan in his arms who was almost beheaded by Zhang Rang just now.

Liang Chengyuan was sweating coldly, and he didn't recover from the fright for a long time.

Zhang Rang cupped his hands at Mr. Duan, "This senior from the Tianshan faction. First of all, I don't know the name of the other party. Second, when the Liang family shouted just now, they didn't say who gave up. Third, at this time, all four arenas are competing for martial arts. , how do I know who the head of the Liang family is calling? It’s fine if I’m in the arena. It wasn't clear."

Although Mr. Duan knew that Zhang Rang's words were a bit unreasonable.

In the situation just now, anyone could see that Liang Chengyuan had surrendered.

But there is still so much truth in this statement.

"If that's the case, then forget it. But next time in the ring, remember to be merciful."

Zhang Rang cupped his hands towards Mr. Duan, "Yes. But..."

Zhang Rang changed the subject and asked: "Senior, I have already lost nine people in a row in the ring. Now I need you to come up and save people in person. If no one else dares to challenge in the future, how can I count my ten consecutive victories?" ?”

Mr. Duan didn't know what Zhang Rang meant.

Now that he is on the stage, others naturally feel that Zhang Rang is extraordinary and dare not come up to challenge.

"Your name is Zhang Rang, right?"

Zhang Rang nodded towards Mr. Duan.

"Although you only have nine battles today, you have shown great strength in every battle. Although it was nine battles, it can be called ten victories. Even if you have won ten consecutive victories, let's go!"

This is the answer Zhang Rang wants.

Why not win without fighting.

"Thank you senior."

Zhang Rang bowed again to Mr. Duan.

However, Mr. Duan could tell that Zhang Rang appeared to be courteous and courteous, but he was actually a cruel and merciless person.

I hope that this junior can't join the Tianshan School, otherwise the Tianshan School will still be flying like dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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