Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 466 No one can fight the empty loneliness

Chapter 466 No one can fight the empty loneliness (third)
Zhang Rang easily won ten victories and became one of the champions.

Afterwards, although there were others on the seventh stage, no one was able to complete the ten-game winning streak.

More importantly, when everyone saw Zhang Rang making a move, they knew that Zhang Rang would be the final champion of the arena.

After the ten-day competition is over, rest for three days.

Three days later, it will be the finals where all the champions will compete.

At that time, all the ring masters who have won ten consecutive victories in each arena will once again enter the ring and compete for the title of chief ring master.

Although the Chief Challenger is just a name, everyone knows that this name has a certain say in the position of Yuan Jiacheng's successor.

Although now everyone does not know how much power this discourse has.

In fact, this was intentionally done by Yuan Tongxin. If Yuan Qingmei is the one who wins in the end, then the ten main contestants will naturally have more power to speak.

On the contrary, the right to speak is just a reference opinion.

But with Deng Wei's strong attack, he became the No.1 chief challenger.

And the Bamboo Swordsman lived up to expectations and became the No.2 general challenger.

A smile gradually appeared on Yuan Tongxin's face, while Yuan Qingmei's three elder brothers and sister Yuan Qingyi were extremely worried.

Afterwards, although there were their people, they became the chief challengers.

But when the three main players in the seventh arena began to compete, apart from Zhang Rang, the other two main players directly announced their surrender.

They are only in the third flower realm and the ninth level. Compared with Zhang Rang, they really don't have the guts.

Rather than being beaten up by Zhang Rang, or even beheaded by Zhang Rang, it is better to admit defeat now.

After all, in the entire Yuanjiacheng, among the warriors under the age of 30, no one thought that he would be Zhang Rang's opponent.

At the beginning, some people thought that Zhang Rang might just have a superficial appearance and a false name.

But as Zhang Rang came all the way, everyone was deeply Zhang Rang. The nickname Shili Blood God really suited Zhang Rang.

In the last three arena competitions, Cao Jie and Duan Gui also stood out and became the chief ring masters.

In the end, among the ten general champions, five people supported Yuan Qingmei.

There were two people who supported Yuan Qingyi, two people who supported Yuan Qingjin, and one person who supported Yuan Qingwan.

As for Yuan Qingchi, the members of the Bai family chose to support Yuan Qingyi. After all, one of Yuan Qingyi's subordinates became the chief ringleader.

Looking at the result, Yuan Tongxin was very satisfied.

"This time, the Ten Martial Arts Competition is not only to select talents for my Yuanjiacheng, but at the same time, I want to tell all the warriors who come to my Yuanjiacheng, as long as you have enough strength, as long as you are loyal enough. Then, you are An important member of the Yuan Family City. Just like the ten young heroes present, what you support is what I, Yuan Tongxin, value. Therefore, I announce that Yuan Qingmei will be the Young City Master from now on. If she resigns from her position, then she will be the new city lord!"

Following the announcement that Yuan Tongxin had made Yuan Qingmei his heir, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Many old people in Yuanjiacheng never imagined that after several children competed for such a long time, in the end, Yuan Qingmei, who had just started, soared into the sky and became the biggest dark horse and the young master of Yuanjiacheng.

For a while, there was an endless stream of people visiting Yuan Qingmei's mansion.

It's not good for Yuan Qingmei not to see these people, and it's not good to see all of them, so she can only ask her subordinates to help them get rid of them.

As for Zhang Rang, after helping Yuan Qingmei, he continued to retreat, and after adjusting his state to the best, he began to gather the flowers of the primordial spirit.

The flower of primordial spirit is different from the flower of true energy.

It is many times more difficult to cultivate the flower of primordial spirit than the flower of true energy.

Moreover, there are some methods about condensing the flowers of true energy in the rivers and lakes, but all the methods Zhang Rang knows about condensing the flowers of primordial spirit come from the Maoshan school.

But all the secret methods of the Maoshan School to condense the flower of the primordial spirit are to condense the flower of the primordial spirit at the position of the flower of the void.

It is still a big challenge for Zhang Rang to condense the flower of the primordial spirit in the center of the four flowers.

Moreover, Zhang Rang found that although he had extracted a large amount of Yuanshen skills from the Maoshan School, and even extracted a lot of Yuanshen skills from some warriors from Bailian Villa, none of them were very strong.

And it is not an easy task to fuse these primordial mystical methods together to form a powerful primordial spirit technique.

Therefore, recently, Zhang Rang sent someone to inquire about the warriors in the Yuan family city who practiced the mysterious method of Yuan, and then went to visit him personally.

Said it was a door visit, on the surface it was to ask someone for advice on martial arts, but in fact, it was just taking the opportunity to draw cards from the other party.

Although the progress was a little slow, it greatly increased the number and types of cards on Zhang Rang's body related to the cultivation of the primordial spirit, allowing him to have a clearer understanding of the cultivation of the primordial spirit.

Unexpectedly, at this time, something happened near Yuanjiacheng.

For a long time, Yuanjiacheng and the vast area around Yuanjiacheng have been managed by Yuanjiacheng.

Therefore, the forces in the surrounding rivers and lakes also survive under the protection of Yuan Jiacheng.

But just two days ago, a second-rate martial arts family was exterminated, and it was still exterminated by the Ling Tian Sword Sect.

The Lingtian Sword Sect is a first-class power in Hedong County, and the relationship with Yuan Jiacheng has not been very good.

Yuan Jiacheng had just selected a young city lord, and within half a month, the Lingtian Sword Sect started making troubles, which is quite reasonable.

It's just that this Lingtian Sword Sect just wiped out the sect, and didn't clean up the people.

The martial arts family that was exterminated was the extremely weak Cai family among the second-rate families in Hedong County. At the beginning, there were only three warriors in the Cai family. One of them later defected because he felt that the family was unfair. It was the Cai family who followed Zhang Rang now. Central Plains.

The Cai family discovered a secret realm not long ago, and in this secret realm, there seems to be an important inheritance.

It's just that the Cai family's strength is too weak, knowing that this inheritance can't be eaten by themselves, so they want to use this inheritance in exchange for benefits.

But the reason why this Cai family has always been a second-rate martial arts family, even Cai Zhongyuan defected at the beginning, is because the family treated the children of the Zhi family extremely unfairly.

This is very similar to the Zhang family where Zhang Rang was.

But what is different from the Zhang family is that the Zhang family's clan killed Zhang Rang's father at the beginning, and a large number of masters from the Zhi family also killed together. Although this weakened the overall strength of the Zhang family a lot, it also made Zhang Rang The Zong family controls the entire Zhang family.

But the current Cai family only wants to suppress the Zhi family, but they dare not squeeze the Zhi family too hard.

Cai Zhongyuan is a warrior from the Zhi family, and because he was angry with what the Zong family did, he defected from the Cai family.

This time, the same is true.

The head of the Cai family began to think about how to divide up the benefits after they had not even written their horoscope.

According to their thinking, all the benefits belong to the Zong family, and the members of the Zhi family have nothing.

But in the process of exploring the secret realm, the Zhi family lost many people.

As a result, the children of the Zhi family who got the news launched a riot.

After the Cai family made such a fuss, the surrounding powers naturally knew that there was a problem, and the disaster of the Cai family's destruction came!
(End of this chapter)

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