Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 477 Bloodshed 1 Smearing Ling Tian

Chapter 477: Bloodshed Ling Tian (Second Change)

No one expected that Zhang Rang would withdraw just like that.

However, as Zhang Rang left, many people gradually discovered that in this battle, most people could only pick up some small bargains, and the real good things will eventually fall into the Huashan faction, Lingtian sword faction and Longma gang In the hands of the three families.

After all, they have strong men with five qi towards Yuan.

When they really encounter something they want to snatch, who can stop the Wuqi Chaoyuan of the three of them from attacking?

Therefore, it is very wise for Zhang Rang to withdraw early, I have to admit.

As everyone knows, Zhang Rang's departure was premeditated.

Originally, Zhang Rang planned to make the Lingtian Sword Sect a target of public criticism, to be targeted by other Jianghu forces in the secret realm, and then find an opportunity to pretend to be injured and retreat.

But I never expected that Huashan sent, and Jiang Jinwu led the team.

That being the case, I have no reason not to cheat this old thing.

And Zhang Rang led the people out of the secret realm, and immediately went down the mountain after walking out of the cave.

"Is our team ready?"

Zhang Rang asked his subordinates who had been waiting outside.

"Return to your lord, all three thousand soldiers and horses are ready, and we are waiting for your lord's order."

Zhang Rang nodded, "Send an order to block all the roads around Yunkun Mountain. No one inside is allowed to go out, and no one outside is allowed to come in. Trespassers, kill!"

"Yes, my lord."

Zhang Rang wanted to call another subordinate, "Is Hou Lan's people ready?"

"Return to your lord, I'm ready. The head of the family has recently gathered thousands of people, many of whom are experts in the world. There are 11 people in the Sigang Realm!"

When Zhang Rang left, he ordered Hou Lan to secretly recruit soldiers, expand his power, and recruit experts.

Sure enough, Hou Lan did not let himself down. He had gathered so many experts in such a short period of time.

Of course, Zhang Rang knew without thinking about the Sigang Realm recruited by Hou Lan. They were all Sigang Realm piled up by relying on massive cultivation resources, and their real combat effectiveness was very average.

But as long as there are enough people, it will be fine.

"What happened to those Jianghu forces that you secretly contacted before?"

"Return to your lord. We have contacted some forces in the rivers and lakes who want to join us. They all said that only your lord will follow suit. Now they have been invited to the Cuiyan Tower in Wangtianjiang. My lord, shall we go there now?"

Zhang Rang shook his head, "No."

Previously, Zhang Rang ordered that his subordinates invite all the principals who were originally affiliated with the Lingtian Sword Sect and are now willing to take refuge in his Jianghu forces to the Cuiyan Tower by the Wangtian River, but it was never expected that Zhang Rang would not go .

"My lord, we invited them all here, and if we don't go, will it be bad?"

Zhang Rang smiled coldly, "Rush over there immediately and tell them. Ling Yunxiao, the leader of the Lingtian Sword Sect, fell in the secret realm of Yunkun Mountain. The fact that the Cai family was exterminated at the beginning also came to light, and the real murderer was the Lingtian Sword Sect. Now I want to kill Go to the Lingtian Sword Sect and seek justice for the Cai family! They will get as much benefit as they put in. I believe they will make the most correct choice."

When the subordinates on the side heard this, they couldn't help being surprised.

Ling Yunxiao was a martial artist in the Yuan Realm of the Five Qi Dynasty, so he died like this?
After waiting for this subordinate to leave, Cai Zhongyuan couldn't help but said: "My lord, this... this Ling Yunxiao is not dead yet! If he comes out of the secret realm later and the truth is revealed, what should we do? "

Zhang Rang snorted coldly, "By the time he comes out of the secret realm, the Lingtian Sword Sect will no longer exist! Don't think too much about it, you have no choice but to follow me and fight towards Lingtian Mountain together. Or, just go now Change the head of the Cai family."

Cai Zhongyuan shook his head again and again, "No! I am absolutely of one mind with the adults! I will immediately call all the warriors of the Cai family and fight towards Ling Tianshan."

In the evening of that day, the Ling Tian Sword Sect seemed very deserted.

More than 200 people were originally sent to Yunkun Mountain to maintain order, and then more than 200 people left to go to the secret realm.

Now the entire Lingtian Sword Sect has lost half of its people, and among the half of the people left behind, apart from some old, weak, sick and disabled, there are only more than 300 people who really have fighting power.

Whether it is the place to eat or the martial arts field, it seems very deserted.

"I don't know when the masters will come back. Tell me, what can they get from entering the secret realm this time?"

At the gate of Lingtian Mountain, the gatekeeper disciples were chatting while looking at the setting sun.

"I don't know much about secret realms. But I guess there must be some kind of pill or elixir?"

"Then tell me, is there any kind of pill that can turn you into a peerless master if you eat one?"

"You just think about it? If there is such a thing in this world, countless masters will have appeared long ago! Our Lingtian Sword Sect has only had a strong man with five energies in the head for so many years. I don't know when it will appear The No.2 powerhouse of the five qi realms sits in my Lingtian Sword Sect."

At this moment, the two disciples guarding the gate noticed a mighty group of people walking towards the mountain gate in the distance.

This situation is very similar to the last time Zhang Rang came here with 3000 troops.

"Who is coming?"

One of them yelled at the mighty men and horses rushing over.

What answered him was an arrow.


Arrow pierced the throat.

Seeing this scene, another gatekeeper disciple immediately turned around and ran up Lingtian Mountain, shouting as he ran, "It's not good! It's not good! Someone..."


Before he finished shouting, a figure rushed towards the gate of Lingtian Mountain like lightning, and cut off his head with a single blow.

It was Hou Lan who made the move.

After beheading another disciple who was guarding the gate, Hou Lan bowed to Zhang Rang.

"My lord, do you want to attack immediately?"

Zhang Rang, who was riding on a horse, led more than 3000 warriors behind him.

Among the more than 3000 people, one third were recruited by Hou Lan, and the rest were originally affiliated with the Lingtian Sword Sect, but now chose to join Zhang Rang.

"Everyone, in front of you is the Lingtian Sword Sect who rode on your heads and made dominion! It is also the real culprit who wiped out the Cai family overnight! Today is the time for you to eradicate the evils of the Jianghu and destroy the Lingtian Sword Sect. Kill!"

Following Zhang Rang's order, more than 3000 warriors rushed towards Lingtian Mountain.

At this moment, the Lingtian Sword Sect only has about 300 fighters with combat power left.

When they see enemies that are aggressive like a tide, they know it's not good.

But there is no escape from me, only a fight to the death.

At the same time, some disciples protected some family members of the Lingtian Sword Sect and escaped from the back mountain.

Zhang Rang ordered to let these people go, but they had to keep chasing after them.

Zhang Rang's purpose this time is not only for the Lingtian Sword Sect, but also for those Jianghu forces who will support and help the Lingtian Sword Sect.

Those Jianghu forces, even if they obeyed their orders temporarily, would become Ling Yunxiao's revenge tools in the future.

Therefore, it is better to take the opportunity to catch them all.

Thus, a bloody massacre began.

(End of this chapter)

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