Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 483 The Sword Hall Establishes Your Retreat

Chapter 483 The Sword Hall Establishes the Monarch's Retreat (Second Change)
"Why do we offer so much money and swords as rewards?"

After Ran Buzheng led Renli out of the main hall of Zhanyunmen, Jiang Jinwu couldn't help asking.

Ran Buzheng glanced at Jiang Jinwu, "Uncle, you don't think that these money and swords are really used as rewards?"

Jiang Jinwu was taken aback, "It's not for offering rewards, what else can it be used for?"

"Ransom, hush money."

Ran Buzheng said softly, "Obviously, this matter was provoked by Zhang Rang. If we want to bring back the Huashan faction and build a sword hall in Hedong County, we can only rely on Zhang Rang for the time being. And these rewards , is what we have to pay. Only when Zhang Rang has benefited can we live in peace."

"Our majestic Huashan Sword Sect, can we still be captured by Zhang Rang?"

Hearing Jiang Jinwu's angry words, Ran Buzheng glanced at him, "Master, I have to bow my head under the low eaves. You must know that the purpose of our coming to Hedong County is not to kill the three parties, to kill my Huashan faction." Prestige. It is for the establishment of the sword hall and the strengthening of our Huashan faction. Remember, don't be arrogant."

Although Jiang Jinwu was very unhappy being educated by Ran Buzheng, he had to admit that what Ran Buzheng said was the real thing.

Soon, the people from Zhanyunmen released all the people from Huashan faction.

Ran Buzheng and Jiang Jinwu took everyone away from Lingtian Mountain.

On Lingtian Mountain, Hou Lan bowed his hands to Zhang Rang and asked, "My lord, why do we let the Huashan faction go? We know that they came to Hedong County this time to set up a sword hall. At that time, Their development in Hadong County will definitely affect us."

Zhang Rang smiled faintly, and waved his hand, "Remember, in this rivers and lakes, it can never be the rivers and lakes of a certain person or group of people. We want to develop and grow in Hedong County. But this is the same as other rivers and lakes. In the place where there is no conflict in the development and growth of Hadong County. To be a human being, you should be more broad-minded."


Hou Lan really didn't know what to say.

You are the only one with a big heart.

After you came to Hedong County, how many rivers and lakes forces in Hedong County have been wiped out?
Zhang Rang continued: "Since the Huashan faction paid us to offer a reward for the capture of the murderer who assassinated Yuan Qingyi before, we have to do our best. Go, send someone to investigate in Hedong County. Especially about Yuan Qingyi and Yuan Qingyi. Things between the Bai family."

Only then did Hou Lan understand that Zhang Rang was so kind.

This is obviously an opportunity to attack the Bai family.

Although the Bai family is only a second-rate Jianghu force, the background and overall strength of the Bai family are not inferior to any first-rate Jianghu forces. The only difference is that the Bai family does not have a strong man with five vigor.

"In addition, the fact that the Huashan faction wants to establish a sword hall and recruit warriors from Hedong County is also publicized. It's just that the Huashan faction does not use the secret books of their own sect, but the secret books that they don't know. If we pay us, we will sell them a favor. However, I also have a lot of those cheats in Zhan Yunmen, so there is no need for the Jianghu forces affiliated with us."


"In addition, send a letter to Zhu Wenge of the Longma Gang for me, and tell them that the Huashan faction will develop and grow in Hedong County. Ask him what he thinks about this matter. I will retreat for a while."


After Zhang Rang gave these instructions, he began to retreat.

This time Zhang Rang returned to Lingtian Mountain, on the one hand, to solve the problems of the Huashan faction, and on the other hand, to extract the cards from the warriors who had been inherited in the secret realm.

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms possesses four major martial arts.

Feihua Qinggong, Mizong Palm Technique, Tiangang Boygong and an unknown secret technique.

Feihua Qinggong was obtained by people from the Huashan School, and Zhang Rang naturally took it into his hands.

The Mizong Palm Technique was obtained by a casual cultivator, and that casual cultivator joined Zhanyunmen, so this technique naturally fell into the hands of Zhang Rang.

Chu Siming obtained the Tiangang boy skill, so Zhang Rang deliberately left Chu Siming and Yao Mengyi to live in Zhanyunmen for a period of time, and obtained this skill.

The last unknown secret method, no one knows what it is.

Zhang Rang estimated that this secret technique might still be in the secret realm of Yunkun Mountain.

After all, no one knew how to get past the last stone platform.

Among the three major martial arts, there are many lightness skills in Feihua Qinggong, and the most useful one for Zhang Rang is Feihua phantom body.

Flying flower phantom is a kind of phantom body technique, which can make the warrior's figure transform into a flying flower phantom, and escape quickly.

Generally speaking, even warriors with five qi dynasties would not be able to practice the illusion, but Dazzling Hundred Blossoms improved the illusion when he was in the Sigang state.

Zhang Rang has drawn cards, so they can naturally be used for cultivation.

As for the Mizong Palm Technique, it is a set of palm techniques specially used to defend and get rid of the enemy's offensive.

After all, Ren Xiaoyao was not famous for relying on fighting power, but relying on escape, so this kind of palm technique that temporarily resists the enemy's attack and escapes is the most suitable for him.

As for the Tiangang boy skill, Zhang Rang was extremely shocked.

If Ren Xiaoyao was an eunuch, he felt normal when he practiced this technique.

If he was a monk, he would not be too surprised to practice such a skill.

But he happened to be a flower picker!

Has anyone ever heard of a flower picker who can practice boy kung fu?
never heard of that!

After all, if he practiced this technique, he would break it overnight.

But among Ren Xiaoyao's inheritance, there is Tiangang boy skill.

After Chu Siming snatched the jade slip at that time, he got the Tiangang boy skill in an instant.

Chu Siming couldn't believe that in Ren Xiaoyao's inheritance, there would be Tong Zi Gong!
But Zhang Rang was not the most astonished by Ren Xiaoyao's boyhood skills. What surprised Zhang Rang most was that the boy's skills turned out to be an orange star.

Boy Kung Fu is a powerful martial art that needs a boy's body to cultivate.

Because the cultivation conditions are harsh, and once the body is broken, the boy's skill will also be broken.

Therefore, there are very few warriors who practice boy kung fu in the Jianghu.

On the contrary, Tong Zi Gong is also extremely powerful.

Martial artists who practice boy kung fu are invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire.

Although boy exercise is not a body training method, it has an effect not inferior to that of a body training method.

Zhang Rang now feels that he lacks body training skills and his physical body is not strong enough.

He never expected that at this time, he got such a skill, which can improve his own defense again, and it is still a great improvement.

In addition, the large number of cards I have drawn from the Huashan School and Lingtian Sword School before can just improve my swordsmanship again.

(End of this chapter)

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