Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 485: Destroying the Bai Family in Henglian Multi-party

Chapter 485: The First Change

Hearing Zhang Rang's words, Yuan Tongxin was shocked.

If someone else said this kind of thing, Yuan Tongxin would naturally not believe it.

But if Zhang Rang said these words, then seven out of ten are true.

You know, from Zhang Rang to Hedong County, how many rivers and lakes forces in Hedong County have been wiped out.

The Zhao family, the Cai family, and those Jianghu forces who have made good friends with the Lingtian Sword Sect.

Even the Lingtian Sword Sect, a first-class power in the rivers and lakes, was wiped out and its foundation was taken over by Zhang Rang.

"Zhang Rang, what do you say?"

Yuan Tongxin asked in shock.

Zhang Rang said lightly: "My lord, I am very sad about Miss Yuan Qingyi's death. Now, no one knows who the murderer is, but a lot of evidence and clues point to the Bai family. I can ignore it, after all, I am still alive You don't need to compare, after all, one of your wives is from the Bai family. But the Huashan faction is in the Jiantang in Hedong County, will they not care?"

Although Yuan Tongxin has been unhappy with the Bai family for a long time, after all, the Bai family can be regarded as one of the supporters of Yuan Jiacheng, and he doesn't want the pillar he created to be cut off like this.

"Jiantang belongs to the Huashan faction, and the Huashan faction is one of the seven Lingshan factions. You shouldn't argue with a second-rate power because of this lack of evidence?"

Zhang Rang shook his head with a wry smile.

"My lord, when did you become so naive?"

"How many times have you seen the weak bullying the strong in Jianghu? Basically, it's the strong bullying the weak. Is it rare that the Jianghu Jiupin takes action against other Jianghu forces?"

"May I ask, what is the current development of Jiantang in Hedong County? Under such circumstances, they want to make a name for themselves. Isn't it better to kill people and sacrifice swords at this time?"

"May I ask, after the Bai family was exterminated, did the vast amounts of cultivation resources and medicinal materials flow into the hands of the Sword Hall?"

Zhang asked three questions, which made Yuan Tong flustered.

"Then what should we do? We can't let the Bai family be wiped out! The Bai family is not only my in-laws of Yuan Jiacheng, but also a huge boost to the development of Yuan Jiacheng. If the Bai family is destroyed, it will have a great impact on my Yuan Jiacheng!"

Zhang Rang smiled faintly, "My lord, in fact, it is very easy to deal with this matter."

"How simple?"

"Miss Yuan Qingyi, she is your daughter, right?"

Yuan Tongxin nodded.

Zhang Rang continued, "The Bai family has always cooperated with Yuan Jiacheng, so the Bai family's property is in the hands of the Bai family itself, and in the hands of Yuan Jiacheng. It is only good for the development of Yuan Jiacheng, and there is no harm, right?"

Hearing this, Yuan Tongxin seemed to understand what Zhang Rang wanted to say.

"The Bai family is doomed to be destroyed. If Yuan Jiacheng doesn't make a move, and if I don't make a move, Jiantang will make a move. And once Jiantang makes a move, then everything in the Bai family belongs to Jiantang. Even if Yuan Jiacheng goes to ask for it, how much can he ask for?" ? And, do you really dare to ask for something from the Jiantang established by the Huashan faction? But if we are one step ahead..."

Zhang Rang didn't say what he said later, but Yuan Tongxin already understood.

He knew that Zhang Rang wanted Yuan Jiacheng to take action and destroy the Bai family.

The thought of destroying the Bai family with my own hands made me shudder.

"But... this matter of ransacking the house and destroying the family."

Zhang Rang waved his hand, "My lord, I know you have a kind heart. But what I am discussing with you now is not a moral issue, nor an issue of good and evil. It is a question of interests. If you don't make a move, the Jiantang will make a move, and the Bai family will be killed." Annihilation, the fat and water flow out, and the power of the Yuan family city is weakened."

"If you make a move, the Jiantang will not be able to make a move. Although the Bai family is destroyed, you can still leave a little fire for the Bai family. Moreover, the property of the Bai family will be yours at that time, and the power of the Yuan family city will become even stronger. powerful."

"If you choose, it's up to you. And I heard that in three days, the Jiantang may have to act."

Yuan Tongxin frowned, "Zhang Rang, I'm in a bit of a mess right now. You go down first, and I'll think about it."

Zhang Rang nodded, turned and left.

After Zhang Rang left, Yuan Tongxin immediately called Yuan Huwei over.

"Leader Yuan Huwei, what do you think about this matter?"

Leader Yuan Huwei knelt on the ground on one knee, "This matter is both a business matter and a private matter. My subordinates dare not say more."

"I treat you like a nephew, but it's okay."

"My lord, I think Zhang Rang is too ruthless from an emotional point of view. But from the point of view of the interests of the Yuan family city, what Zhang Rang said is absolutely correct. We can't keep the Bai family. Even if the sword hall is in Hedong County Your strength is not strong, but do you really dare to fight against the Jiantang for the sake of the Bai family?"

Yuan Tong knew in his heart that he really didn't have such courage.

If Yuan Tongxin had been a courageous person, he would not have been suppressed like that by the Lingtian Sword Sect.

"Since the Bai family is doomed to perish, it doesn't matter who will destroy it. The important thing is whether the Jiantang benefits, my Yuan family city suffers, or my Yuan family city gains. To be honest, although the Bai family has helped me all these years There are quite a lot of Yuan Clan cities. But the Bai Clan has also grown to such an extent because of my Yuan Clan City. If we control the property of the Bai Clan, the strength of our Yuan Clan City will definitely go up to a higher level."

Yuan Tongxin didn't have any ambitions, but he also knew that the problem at hand was the choice of affection and interests.

If you choose your sensibilities, you will lose your benefits.

If you choose your own interests, you will be called ruthless.

A sigh, full of helplessness.

"Okay! You go and order, let the people below prepare, don't talk about fighting against the Bai family, just let the people below get ready. Three days later, you call Zhang Rang and go to destroy the Bai family."

"Do you want to be with Zhang Rang?" Yuan Huwei was a little puzzled.

After all, if Zhang Rang makes a move for this kind of thing, then Zhang Rang will definitely take part of the benefits in the end.

"I also know that if Zhang Rang makes a move, it is impossible not to take advantage. He is a man who only seeks profit. However, I really don't want to bear this infamy. If Zhang Rang is here, I won't hear so many complaints .And, he has experience in ransacking the family and destroying the family! Remember, leave some seeds for the Bai family. "

"Yes, City Lord."

After Yuan Huwei received the order, he immediately went down to make arrangements.

But at this moment, the Bai family still feels that the gossip in the rivers and lakes doesn't matter.

The clear is self-cleaning, and the turbid is self-turbid.

Since it has been going on for such a long time, it is just rumors in the rivers and lakes, without any substantive evidence.

Presumably, there will be no danger.

After Zhang Rang got the news, he immediately sent someone to notify Zhan Yunmen to start preparations.

Now Zhanyunmen has a total of [-] warriors up and down.

Although the three thousand warriors are uneven.

But in Zhanyunmen, as long as you make meritorious deeds, you will be able to rise to the top and you will be rewarded.

Now, Zhan Yunmen heard that there will be a big battle three days later, many warriors are gearing up and looking forward to this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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