Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 492: The Great Hall of Marriage Discussions

Chapter 492: Marriage Discussion Heh Hall (Second)
After all, it was Yuan Shaochu's second son who came.

The entire Yuan Family City shook.

Even Zhang Rang, who had just come out of retreat, rushed back from Lingtian Mountain as soon as he got the news.

After all, the purpose of Zhang Rang's coming to the north was not to establish any power in the world, but to penetrate into the interior of the Yuan family in the north, and to serve as an internal response for the great Han to deal with the Yuan family in the future.

And getting close to Yuan Yongxi is undoubtedly an opportunity.

It's a pity that Zhang Rang didn't know what Yuan Yongxi's personality was like, what he liked, and what he hated.

And Zhang Rang is not good at pleasing people.

We can only see how to deal with it first, and then find a way to get closer to the opponent.

Zhang Rang knew that as long as he was close to Yuan Yongxi, he would have the opportunity to walk to the core of the Yuan family step by step.

As a result, as soon as I arrived in Yuanjiacheng, I got an announcement that I was going to convene a meeting of people in the hall today, and there was something important to announce.

Everyone came to the main hall, Yuan Tongxin sat on it, and sent someone to set up a seat on the side for Yuan Yongxi.

Everyone knows that today's sudden gathering of people must have something to do with Yuan Yongxi's arrival.

Therefore, everyone waited in the hall.

As a result, everyone waited for almost half an hour, but did not see Yuan Yongxi coming.

It doesn't matter for people in the world like Zhang Rang and some generals.

After all, their physique is very strong.

It's a pity that some civil servants can't do it.

After standing for half an hour, many people were already very tired.

As a result, Yuan Yongxi brought someone in at this time.

Because Fengyunji was the counselor behind Yuan Yongxi, Fengyunji had never shown up during this journey, so Yuan Yongxi also did not bring Fengyunji with him today.

After the belated Yuan Yongxi arrived, Yuan Tongxin let out a sigh of relief.

This Second Young Master Yuan is really a little unreliable, the time has been notified long ago, everyone came in advance, afraid of being late, but in the end he was late for half an hour.

But after all, he is Yuan Shaochu's son, do he still dare to complain?
"Now that everyone is here, let's start the discussion formally. Before the discussion, I would like to welcome Yuan Yongxi, the second son of Lord Jizhou King who has just arrived in Yuanjiacheng."

When Yuan Yongxi heard Yuan Tongxin introduce himself, he nodded towards the people in the hall as a courtesy.

Zhang Rang frowned.

Originally, I estimated that Yuan Shaochu's overlord, even if his son hadn't fully learned his arrogance and ability, at least the tiger father had no dogs.

But never expected that this Yuan Yongxi looked aloof.

And I arrived so late today, but I didn't feel guilty at all, as if you waited for me for nothing.

Zhang Rang doesn't like such a difficult person to get along with.

Although there is indeed superiority and inferiority in the Jianghu, this kind of superiority and inferiority depends on strength, not invincibility.

Just like Ao Yuntian back then, he insisted on running amok in the rivers and lakes despite his lack of ability, there was only one result.

Zhang Rang smiled coldly, and stood there intending to listen carefully to what the second son of the King of Jizhou would say.

"Everyone, I came to Yuanjia City in Hedong County this time for two things."

Yuan Yongxi sat on the chair, slowly raised his hand, and stretched out two fingers.

"The first thing is that in the past years, the amount of offerings handed over to the clan in Yuanjiacheng has always been insufficient. Back then, it was because of the Sword Worship Villa. But now, the Sword Worship Villa is no longer there. Then, the number of offerings this year..."

Yuan Tongxin immediately nodded and said, "Second Young Master, don't worry, Yuan Jiacheng thinks the handover is enough this year."

"Huh!" Yuan Yongxi snorted coldly, "Enough? Is it enough? This year, we have to pay three times the original amount!"

Upon hearing this, many people in the hall were shocked.

Yuan Tongxin's expression changed even more.

In previous years, the income of Yuanjiacheng was not good enough, so the number of offerings handed in was always not enough, and the clan could understand.

After all, Hedong County borders Dahan, and the environment of the rivers and lakes is complicated.

Even the people in power in many counties in Hedong County are scumbags. Under such an environment, it is good that Yuanjiacheng can develop, and the Zong family does not expect Yuanjiacheng to expand its territory.

But now, as soon as Yuan Yongxi opened his mouth, he wanted three times as much as in previous years.

Although the Lingtian Sword Sect was annihilated this year, and the property of the Bai family was merged, Yuan Jiacheng made a lot of gold and silver, but even so, the three times the offerings basically cost Yuan Jiacheng a year's income. two-thirds.

You know, now that the Lingtian Sword Sect has been wiped out, and the Huashan Sect's sword hall has also been withdrawn, this is the time for Yuan Jiacheng to develop vigorously.

But at this time, without the support of money and cultivation resources, how can Yuan Jiacheng develop and grow?

However, Yuan Yongxi didn't seem to see the dissatisfied expressions on everyone's faces.

"The second thing, this time I came to the west not only to receive offerings from the thirteen branch families in the west, but also to unite with the Xiongnu in Bingzhou. Therefore, I need someone from Yuanjiacheng to make peace with the Xiongnu in Bingzhou..."

Before Yuan Yongxi finished speaking, Yuan Qingmei's expression changed.

This is not about choosing beautiful women to send over, but making a kiss.

And pro and pro.

and get married.

Since there was a reconciliation, the status of the woman Yuan Jiacheng wanted to produce was not as good as that of the leader of the Xiongnu in Bingzhou, but her status could not be much worse.

"I have long heard that Miss Yuan Qingmei, Liu's daughter of the city lord, is virtuous and courteous. If I can go and get married, it will be the best."

Hearing this, many people's faces changed.

Three times the offering is already a lion's mouth.

As a result, now it is even more important to let the future city lord of Yuanjiacheng go to marry him.

Is this Yuan Yongxi crazy?
Zhang Rang also frowned, looked at Yuan Yongxi, who looked smug, and didn't care about the people who started talking below, and shook his head.

Originally, Zhang Rang felt that since the other party was Yuan Shaochu's son and the tiger father had no dogs, Yuan Yongxi must also be a character.

Even, Zhang Rang planned to go to the power core of the Yuan family in the north by strengthening Yuan Yongxi.

But now it seems that this person is hopeless.

Moreover, now it is not just a question of hopelessness, but a more important question is once Yuan Yongxi's request is agreed.

Three times the offering is okay, after all, Yuan Jiacheng paid for the resources.

At that time, Yuanjiacheng could not develop, and his own Zhanyunmen could take advantage of the opportunity to grow.

But Yuan Qingmei is the one who supports her superiors.

It can be said that after Yuan Qingmei takes over in the future, the entire Hedong County will be in charge of her own decisions.

But if Yuan Qingmei leaves, it is conceivable that in the end, she will inevitably be alienated from the forces in Yuan Jiacheng, and may even be isolated by the entire northern forces.

Zhang Rang's purpose in coming to the north was to break into the Yuan family.

Therefore, such a thing as Yuan Qingmei's departure must not be allowed to happen.

"Young Master Yuan, these two things, I'm afraid..." Yuan Tongxin looked distressed.

"What? Is what I said not effective in Hedong County?" Following Yuan Yongxi's shout, everyone lowered their heads, and Yuan Tongxin didn't dare to continue speaking.

There was instant silence in the hall.

But at this moment, someone sneered, "This guy doesn't think he can speak well in Hedong County, does he?"

(End of this chapter)

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