Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 502 Yunkun's Obtained Yang Cultivation

Chapter 502 Yunkun's Obtained Yang Cultivation (Third Change)

Zhang Rang raised his hand and grabbed all three streamers into his hands.

For the three jade slips, Zhang Rang directly imprinted the contents of the first jade slip into his mind.

Zhang Rang is not willing to take these things out, it would be best to use them up now.

However, just after Zhang Rang absorbed all the martial arts information in the first jade slip, he felt that the entire secret space was shaking.

This secret space was originally prepared by Ren Xiaoyou in order to leave behind his martial arts inheritance.

Now that his inheritance has been obtained by Zhang Rang, this secret space has no value or significance.

As a result, the secret space began to collapse little by little.

"Not good! Let's get out of here first!"

As Zhang Rang said, he took Yao Mengyi and Chu Siming with him, and the three of them immediately flew away from the secret realm.

As the three people left the secret realm, the entire secret realm began to collapse.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the portal to the secret realm of Yunkun Mountain gradually disappeared.

Zhang Rang knew that since then, there will be no more secret realms of Yunkun Mountain.

On the other hand, Chu Siming stared at Zhang Rang with wide eyes. He saw three beams of light shooting from the ninth stone platform, and also saw that Zhang Rang had just inherited a piece of jade slip.

"Zhang Rang, what did you just get?"

Zhang Rang smiled lightly, "It's nothing, the martial arts inheritance left by Ren Xiaoyou is a skill that can really make flower pickers run rampant in the world. Unfortunately, I am not a flower picker."

After Zhang Rang finished speaking, he shook his head with a smile, turned and left.

Chu Siming knew that everything was obtained by Zhang Rang, so he naturally couldn't ask any more questions.

After leaving Yunkun Mountain, Zhang Rang immediately went back to retreat.

Because this time, I really got the baby.

The three pieces of jade slips, the inheritance in the first piece of jade slips that Zhang Rang absorbed in the secret realm, is the most core secret method in Ren Xiaoyao Martial Arts, called Yang Cultivation Technique!

Taoist practice, picking up the heaven and the earth.

Buddhist practice, refining oneself.

And Ren Xiaoyao had to admit that he was indeed a genius.

He integrated the Buddhist way of self-refinement, condensed the world and the myriad ways in himself, and cooperated with the Taoist way of harvesting and nourishing, and created a new secret method.

The cultivation of yang technique itself cannot improve any trace of combat effectiveness of a warrior.

It also doesn't make warriors stronger.

It can be said that from the results, Yang Cultivation Technique is a completely useless secret technique.

However, the Yang Cultivation Technique has only one function, and that is to allow warriors to restore their own Yuanyang.

Many people are greedy and lustful, and their bodies will be hollowed out.

What is being hollowed out is not only the human spirit, but also the Yuanyang that affects the spirit.

And what is needed to practice the boy's skill is Yuan Yang.

If the Yuan Yang is vented, it is not a body of perfect Yang, and naturally it is impossible to practice the Boy Kung Fu.

And Ren Xiaoyao has mastered the Yang Cultivation Technique, which can ensure that his Yuan Yang is always perfect. Even if he is obviously a flower picker, he can still practice the Tiangang Boy Kung Fu.

At the same time, Yang Cultivation Technique can not only perfect one's own Yuanyang, but when Yuanyang reaches perfection, it will improve the essence and blood of the warrior.

It can be said that although this secret method cannot directly reflect the value in the battle, it can make the warrior's strength a little bit more refined.

Zhang Rang believed that with the secret method of cultivating Yang, as long as he gave himself enough time, his strength could definitely improve faster.

But what remained in the second piece of jade slip was the White Tiger Wind Sha.

The biggest advantage of this evil gang is speed.

Unfortunately, Zhang Rang took the route of pursuing the ultimate attack, so speed was not what he was after.

Among the third jade slips is the inheritance of realm power.

Zhang Rang had already handed over the third jade slip to Hou Lan before retreating.

Hou Lan can be regarded as someone who has followed him for a long time. Although Hou Lan was coerced by himself when he joined Jianyu Villa, but if there was no Zhang Rang, Hou Lan would not be where he is today.

Not long ago, Hou Lan had just broken through to the Sigang Realm.

However, Hou Lan's talent in martial arts was very limited, and entering the Sigang realm was already the limit he could achieve under Zhang Rang's guidance.

Basically, if you spend your whole life, you are only at the second level of the Sigang Realm, and you can't go any further.

But if he inherits and refines this realm power, the realm will definitely be raised to the Five Qi Chaoyuan.

Of course, Hou Lan may be the weakest martial artist in the five qi realm by then.

But at least this is the five qi dynasties, and if Zhanyunmen has Hou Lan in charge, Zhang Rang doesn't have to worry about any problems with the foundation he left in Hedong County.

And Zhang Rang consolidated his own strength after practicing the Yang Xiu technique in retreat.

After seven days, Zhang Rang came out.

Now, everything is almost ready.

Zhang Rang knew that he was about to start his journey to Shuangjiang Division of Yanmen County.

Taking Cao Jie and Cao Ziku with him, Zhang Rang got up and rushed to Yanmen County.

Duan Gui originally wanted to be with Zhang Rang.

But he was about to break through to the Sigang Realm, Zhang Rang asked Duan Gui to return to the Blood River Sect, practice hard first, polish all aspects of himself to the extreme, and then break through to the Sigang Realm.

After giving all these instructions, Zhang Rang left Hedong County and headed north all the way to Yanmen County.

Becoming the head of the 24 Swords Division is already very close to his goal.

But Zhang Rang knew that he was a newcomer after all, and his realm was at the second level of the Sigang Realm, but he was not very clear about the situation in the Shuangjiang Division in Yanmen County.

After arriving in Yanmen County, Zhang Rang did not go to Shuangjiang Division first.

After all, although the Shuangjiang Division was established by Yuan Shaochu, once he entered the Shuangjiang Division, he would be noticed by the whole world.

Therefore, Zhang Rang first brought Cao Jie and Cao Zikui to the place mentioned in his other letter of appointment - Lvyepo.

Here in Lvyepo, there are [-] soldiers, and two school lieutenants are training these [-] soldiers here.

These soldiers are Zhang Rang's subordinates who are the generals guarding Yanmen County.

Of course, these people are completely sorry for the word general.

However, Yuan Shaochu appointed officials everywhere in order to win people's hearts. Basically, the troops under the command of the generals in the army are not normal enough.

And if you want to expand your manpower, you have to recruit yourself.

Zhang Rang frowned when he saw these 300 people.

Among the 300 or [-] people, not to mention all of them are old, weak, sick and disabled, but basically half of them are soldiers who can hardly go to the battlefield.

Moreover, these soldiers rarely practiced. They just stayed in the camp, playing cards and having fun. They didn't look like soldiers at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Rang frowned.

But he still walked towards the camp.

At this moment, someone near the gate of the camp had already noticed Zhang Rang walking towards the camp.

But even so, no soldiers came to ask who Zhang Rang was and why he came near the camp.

To be honest, these people are not as good as those soldiers in Yuanjiacheng.

Zhang Rang shook his head helplessly, and shouted into the camp: "Where is the captain?"

(End of this chapter)

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