Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 504 Yanmen Frost's Descent takes office

Chapter 504: Yanmen Frostfall's new appointment (second update)
After leaving Lvyepo, Zhang Rang asked Cao Zicry to send a message to Hedong County, asking Hou Lan to find a way to get some soldiers who had followed him over.At the same time, there are still some military supplies, and some have been brought over.

Otherwise, as a general, the soldiers under him don't even have the most basic armor and blade, which is too shameful.

The most important thing is that when Zhang Rang was in Hedong County, he tasted the sweetness of having a status in the rivers and lakes and in the army.

When you meet people in the rivers and lakes, you can call yourself the king of Jizhou.

No matter how arrogant the people in Jianghu were, they would at most just bully and bully the Swordsman.

Even if he bullied the Swords Division, after the swordsman Miao Renli killed the head of the Shuangjiang Division, he did not continue to get away with it, but immediately announced that he would wash his hands.

This can be regarded as giving the court face.

But if it is really the army who makes the move, even people in the Jianghu will be afraid.

Therefore, I should make good use of my position as a general.

After resting all night, Zhang Rang took his people to the Shuangjiang Division in Yanmen County early the next morning.

Shuangjiang Division is in Zhongling City.

Speaking of which, Zhongling City is still a pretty good place.

It's just that on the street, Zhang Rang saw a warrior with a knife and a member of the Shuangjiang Division accidentally bump into each other.

The people from Shuangjiang Division immediately apologized.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Rang frowned.

I knew that Shuangjiang Division's status in the arena in Yanmen County was not very high, but I didn't expect it to be so low.

Zhang Rang came to the door of the Shuangjiang Division and found that the warriors of the Shuangjiang Division seemed to be talking and laughing.

He shook his head helplessly.

I'm afraid it's another mess here.

"Go in and report, and say that the new director of the 24th Sword Division, Shuangjiang Division, has given up. Ask the deputy director to come out to meet him."

Cao Jie was at the door and said to the four members of the Shuangjiang Division who were chatting.

The four of them glanced at Cao Jie and continued to chat, but none of them went in to report.

Cao Jie frowned, and glanced at Zhang Rang beside him.

Zhang Rang stretched out two fingers, then stretched out the third finger, and then suddenly retracted the three fingers.

Cao Jie understood, and continued to speak to the four members of the Shuangjiang Division at the door: "Go in and report, and say that the new director of the 24 Sword Division Frostfall Division has given up. Ask the deputy director to come out to greet him."

The four of them gave Cao Jie and Zhang a glance, and then continued to chat.

Cao Jie let out a long breath, drew out the long knife behind his back, and chopped it down.

The four members of the Shuangjiang Division never expected that they would just be negligent, but this one actually did it directly.

Caught off guard, he stabbed twice, and two people were chopped down in a pool of blood.

Cao Jie can kill as many warriors as there are with only two veins.

Then, Cao Jie moved and attacked the two warriors from the Shuangjiang Division who wanted to escape, and with another two stabs, he chopped down the two fleeing warriors to the ground.

Seeing that someone had been killed at the door, there was chaos in Shuangjiang Division.

Soon, with a burst of noisy voices, three people came out from Shuangjiang Division.

At the same time, there were more spectators on the street who noticed the death at the door of Shuangjiang Division.

Zhang Rang didn't care too much about these people watching the fun.

From Zhang Rang's point of view, Shuangjiang Division is already ashamed in Zhongling City.

Now that he is already so embarrassing, it doesn't matter if he is a little more embarrassing.

"Who? Dare to make trouble in front of my Shuangjiang Division?"

Among the three, the middle one roared at Zhang Rang.

Zhang Rang took a look at the three people. The man on the left had a scar on his face, he was at the fifth level of the Sigang Realm, and he carried a big knife on his back. He looked quite murderous, like a ruthless person.

The man on the right was dressed mostly as a Confucian scholar, with a smile on his face, and he didn't look angry at all. He was shaking an iron bone fan in his hand, no matter how he looked, he looked like he was out to watch the excitement.

And the one in the middle, with a thick back and a waist, and the clothes on the upper body are not neatly dressed, but you can see the guard hair and strong muscles inside.

Even the side beard looks quite fierce.

"I am the new head of Shuangjiang Division, Zhang Rang."

After Zhang Rang looked at the three of them, he spoke slowly.

The brawny man who spoke in the middle couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"The new director? Isn't it chosen from among the three of us?"

Zhang Rang could tell that among the three people present, the brawny man in the middle and the swordsman next to him were both at the fifth level of the Sigang Realm. Heavy cultivation.

The three of them seemed to never have expected that someone from above would be sent down as the new head of the department.

At this time, a Confucian-looking person bowed his hands to Zhang Rang, "It turns out that the new director has arrived. Some are far away to welcome, some are far away to welcome."

Seeing the swordsman next to him frowned, Zhang Rang had already guessed seven or eight points.

Among these three people, the strong man and the swordsman did not know that they were coming.

But I got the letter of appointment. It stands to reason that the Sword and Sword Division will definitely send someone to the Shuangjiang Division to deliver a letter, telling them that a new director will arrive soon, who will come, and so on.

But now among the three people, two people don't know.

Apparently, the message was intercepted.

And the person who intercepted was most likely the middle-aged man with the appearance of a Confucian scholar.

"Since you know you will be lost, why don't you join the new department head now?"

Cao Zi on the side cried and said coldly.

The strong man and the swordsman looked at each other. Although they were a little dissatisfied with such a young man like Zhang Rang, they finally cupped their fists at Zhang Rang as a salute.

Zhang Rang waved his hand, "I don't need these nonsense. Come and take me to the place where I handle business. You three, report to me the situation in the whole Yanmen County, and how the former director died. "

As Zhang Rang said, he walked towards Shuang Jiangsi with big strides.

Cao Jie and Cao Ziku followed closely behind.

The three deputy directors looked at each other a few times, then followed behind and walked in.

When he came to the room where the previous chief executive worked, Zhang Rang frowned.

This room is really clean.

Zhang Rang glanced at it. There was only one table case, and there were a few books on the bookshelf next to it. There was nothing else on the table case except some pens and ink.

Sitting on the chair, Cao Jie and Cao Zikui stood behind him.

Zhang Rang turned to the three deputy directors who followed him.

"Let me introduce myself first."

Zhang Rang said lightly.

"I'm Ke Qiwen, who is at the fourth level of the Four Gang Realm. He has cultivated Qinglong Shagang and Suzaku Shagang. He is mainly responsible for files and information in the Shuangjiang Division."

After the martial arts breaks through to the four-gang realm, the order of cultivating the four kinds of evil gangs does not matter, you can practice any of the four evil gangs first.

And only by cultivating one kind of evil to great success can one break through to the next level, and only by cultivating this kind of evil to perfection can one break through to the second level.

Therefore, the first level and the second level of the Four Gang Realm are just cultivating a kind of evil gang.

Triple and quadruple are the cultivation of two kinds of evil spirits.

The fifth level and the sixth level are the cultivation of three kinds of evil spirits.

Seventh level and eighth level are the cultivation of four kinds of evil gangs.

At the ninth level of the Four Gang Realm, the four kinds of evil spirits need to be fused with each other to become the most powerful natal evil spirit.

Zhang Rang did not expect that as soon as Ke Qiwen came up, he would tell him the details of his martial arts.

The sturdy man with a thick back and waist glanced at Zhang Rang, "My name is Mo Keduo, and I am in the fifth level of the Fourth Gang Realm. I am responsible for the safety of the Shuangjiang Division."

Mo Keduo didn't want to tell Zhang Rang which three kinds of evil spirits he was cultivating.

The swordsman full of murderous aura said softly: "My name is Gongchen, I am a famous swordsman, and I am mainly in charge of training."

He didn't mention his own strength realm, nor did he mention other information.

Zhang Rang nodded, "You three, I remember. Now, let's talk about the situation of Shuangjiang Division and Yanmen County."

(End of this chapter)

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