Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 511 Tears Anyuanji Yu's House

Chapter 511: Weeping Anyuanji Yu's House (Part [-])
Zhang Rang smiled slightly, and walked over to help An Zhongshan up.

"Deputy Director An, why are you being polite? From now on, you are the No.5 Deputy Director of my Shuangjiang Division, responsible for forging weapons. Don't worry, Anyuan Pavilion will follow my Shuangjiang Division, and life will only get better and better. , It will never get worse. Come here, hold a banquet, I want to invite Deputy Director An to a banquet. The irrelevant people in Anyuan Pavilion, please send them back. In addition, tell them the good news that they have joined the Shuangjiang Division , making everyone happy."

An Zhongshan wants to cry but has no tears.

There's nothing to be happy about this kind of thing.

But if this is the case, I also think about it in my heart, and I dare not say it.

Afterwards, Zhang Rang invited An Zhongshan to dinner and ate from morning to evening before sending An Zhongshan and others away.

After An Zhongshan and the others left, Cao Jie couldn't help but asked, "Sir, we just let An Zhongshan leave like this. Are you not worried that he will change his mind after he leaves?"

Zhang Rang smiled and waved his hands, "In a short period of time, he dare not change his mind. Although Anyuan Pavilion has many friends and connections in the Jianghu. But connections represent strength, not their own strength, but When you need help, someone will come to help you. In the final analysis, connections are useful when used to bully the weak, but when you really meet a strong person, how can your connections help you? Hehe."

After talking about Anyuan Pavilion, Zhang Rang glanced at everyone.

"Next, it's the Yu family. In Zhongling City, there can only be one voice, and that is the voice of my Shuangjiang Division. And this Yu family seems to be so powerful that they don't even pay attention to my Shuangjiang Division. Li. However, we are not unreasonable people, is there any conflict between this Yu family and our Shuangjiang Division?"

Mo Keduo thought for a while, then shook his head.

Gongchen on the side was speechless, what can you think of in your head.

"Back to my lord, the Yu family controls the entire Zhongling City and many surrounding industries, and even some mines are in their hands. It is precisely because of this that the Yu family was not suppressed by Anyuan Pavilion. On the contrary, it has developed rapidly. Alright. As for the conflicts with my Shuangjiang Division, they are basically minor frictions, and there are no major conflicts. It is worth asking us deputy directors to come forward."

Zhang Rang smiled, "So that's the case. So, there is no conflict between the Yu family and us. Even if there is, it's just a trivial matter."

Gong Chen nodded.

"Well, since there is nothing to do, let's find something to do. Mokduo, you pass the order now. Since I, Zhang Rang, have become the head of the Shuangjiang Division, I can't watch my own people being bullied. From now on , as long as someone from the Yu family provokes me, Shuang Jiangsi, they will beat me severely, even if they kill someone, don’t be afraid. If anything happens, I will cover them.”

Then, Zhang Rang looked at Gongchen, "Gongchen, you were in charge of training the warriors of the Shuangjiang Division before. However, the strength of the warriors of the Frostfall Division is too average, and this is not something you can train well. It's better to focus on it." In other places. From now on, you take someone to help Deputy Director An deal with the ore in Anyuan Pavilion. It is said that the Shuangjiang Division needs to forge a batch of weapons, and money is not a problem. But..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Rang changed the subject, "This is not a problem, it is within Frostfall Division, I can let the people in Anyuan Pavilion earn our Frostfall Division's money, but I will never allow ore sellers to also earn our money Therefore, the price of the ore must be lowered. I believe that the business between Anyuan Pavilion and the Yu family for so many years cannot be without grievances. Once the opportunity is seized, the mine of the Yu family will be sold! Do you understand?"


Gong Chen swallowed his saliva, he knew that the new boss was ruthless, but he never expected that he would be so ruthless.

With this two-pronged approach, the Yu family will be in trouble.

In the arena, the most indispensable thing for people is conflict.

When you see anything good, everyone wants it.

Everyone wants to take advantage of any bargain they see.

After the Yu family got the news that Anyuan Pavilion had been incorporated by Shuangjiang Division, they were shocked.

You know, their Yu Family and Anyuan Pavilion have always cooperated. Back then, the Frost Jiang Division chose Zhongling City as its base, and the two of them reached an agreement in secret to resist the Frost Jiang Division together and avoid being annexed by the Frost Jiang Division.

But never expected that even the former director of the Shuangjiang Division died.

As a result, the Shuangjiang Division has annexed the Anyuan Pavilion.

Yu Huayuan, the Patriarch of the Yu family, immediately sent someone to investigate what was going on.

Unexpectedly, the people sent by the Yu family bumped into the people from the Shuangjiang Division who were around as soon as they arrived near the Anyuan Pavilion.

After all, Anyuan Pavilion had just joined Shuangjiang Division. While spreading the news, Shuangjiang Division sent people to Anyuan Pavilion to bring Shuangjiang Division's clothes over with great fanfare.

At the same time, they also sent people over to register how many warriors and blacksmiths there are in Anyuan Pavilion.

These people will all be members of the Shuangjiang Division in the future, and their information will naturally be recorded.

As a result, when the people from the Shuang Jiang Division passed by, they met someone from the Yu family who came to inquire about the news.

"Shuangjiang Division, what is going on?"

In the past, the members of the Yu family had such an attitude when they met the people from Shuangjiang Division. Even if they met the people from Shuangjiang Division now, their attitude would not be much better.

However, he never expected that the warriors of the Shuangjiang Division who had been submissive in the past would stare.

"Go away! Secretary Shuangjiang is doing business, and the idlers leave as soon as possible!"

The martial artist who spoke was called Yu Laosi. The reason why he joined the Shuangjiang Division at the beginning was simply because he wanted to earn a little more money.

After all, Shuangjiang Division's treatment is still acceptable, but it's a little low-key when going out.

But now, the words passed down from above just now told them not to be afraid, especially when they saw the warriors of the Yu Family, if they had something to do with them, this immediately gave the warriors of the Shuangjiang Division confidence.

In particular, the Shuangjiang Division has just annexed Anyuan Pavilion. It can be said that this is the first time that the Shuangjiang Division has annexed other rivers and lakes since its establishment in Yanmen County.

Many fighters from the Shuangjiang Division feel elated.

At this moment, Yu Lao Si felt extremely proud in his heart, seeing the warriors from the Yu family, he naturally had nothing good to say.

Hearing Yu Lao Si scolding him, the expressions on the faces of the warriors from the Yu family immediately changed.

You know, in these years, only the warriors of their Yu family have scolded the people of the Shuangjiang Division. When will the people of the Shuangjiang Division dare to talk back.

However, some warriors who have just joined the Shuangjiang Division are confused.

As a result, they were all educated by the warriors of the Shuangjiang Division, letting them know that in the arena, big fists are the last word.

Without saying a word, the warrior of the Yu family punched Yu Lao Si in the face.

"Give you a face, right? Say whatever you want!"

All of a sudden, the warriors of the Shuangjiang Division around him quit immediately.

In an instant, seven or eight fighters from the Shuangjiang Division surrounded them.

The smell of gunpowder filled the air.

 Tomorrow is the 618 Shopping Festival.

  Poverty is like I have no money and nothing, so I can only explode more to win your sympathy.

  It would be better to explode ten first.If there is an effect to win sympathy, I will explode more!

(End of this chapter)

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