Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 545: Shaking the Chaotang and Sweeping the Sky

Chapter 545: The Chaotang Shakes and Sweeps the Sky (Second Change)
Yuan Yongtan smiled slightly when he saw that his words had attracted his father's attention.

"Father, Sir Cen just said that it was Zhang Rang who 'arrived troops without authorization'; after that, he disobeyed the military order and fought with the soldiers and horses of the commander; in the end, he killed two thousand prisoners of war. These things, it sounds, seem to be It is indeed Zhang Rang's fault. But what I got is..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Yongtan smiled coldly, "Zhang Rang is one of the 24 sword divisions, the head of the Shuangjiang Division, and also serves as the general guard of Yanmen County. There were [-] old, weak, sick and disabled under his command. However, he removed the inferior and retained the elite, cultivated them vigorously, and created three thousand elites! But in the whole process, he never ate a single grain of our military department, and never took a single weapon from our military department. How about , What is the difference between such an army and private soldiers? Why does such an army obey the orders of the commander of Yanmen County?"

As Yuan Yongtan said, he looked towards many generals present.

"I know that many people here have led soldiers, so you should know this saying, 'Eating the king's salary, repaying the king'! I, King Wu, raised the soldiers of the four northern states, and the soldiers of the four northern states were willing to serve me. The father works. But Zhang Rang’s subordinates didn’t get any kindness from the rain and dew, but they wanted them to obey your orders, why?”

As soon as this remark came out, many people were silent for a while.

Even Yuan Shaochu felt that Yuan Yongtan's words had some truth.

"Master Cen said that he transferred troops without authorization, so may I ask, Zhang asked himself to train private soldiers, and he mobilized them himself, is there any problem?"


Master Cen also knows that in troubled times, many officials and generals have their own private soldiers, and their private soldiers do not need to accept the management of the above.

But in the same way, it is impossible for private soldiers to get military pay and food.

"Master Cen just said again that Zhang Rang disobeyed the military order and fought with the soldiers and horses of the commander. But I heard that Zhang Rang, as one of the heads of the 24 Swords Division, suppressed Jianghu in Yanmen County. Yanmen He wiped out two of the three first-class powers in the county. The reason why the last one was not wiped out was because this family had a good relationship with Ouyang Jingyun, the commander of the army. During the crusade by the Shuangjiang Division, Zhang Rang dispatched himself In the end, they encountered the army of Yanmen County. Excuse me, who is mobilizing troops without authorization? And who is disobeying my father's order and doing things oversteps?"

Following Yuan Yongtan's shout, Master Cen trembled in fright.

I really don't know anything about what Yuan Yongtan said just now.

"And Zhang Rang has only been in Yanmen County for more than a year, right? The 5000 soldiers under his command defeated the 3000 elite soldiers sent by the commander. You think it is Zhang Rang's fault, but what I see is only Ouyang Jingyun." The commander of the soldiers and horses is incompetent! [-] people can’t beat [-] people. If the four northern states are all such generals, they will be farted on the battlefield in the future! So, you think you killed [-] captives. In my opinion, it is Killed [-] trash! Besides, Mr. Cen didn’t say anything, and it took a few days to kill him. Since he was a prisoner, why didn’t he kill them immediately? In the past few days, the soldiers and horses of Yanmen County Commander Ouyang Jingyun knew that his subordinates were in Zhang Rang's hands, why didn't he send someone to ask for them, why didn't he respond positively?"

As Yuan Yongtan said, he cupped his hands towards Yuan Shaochu, "Father, I think it's really wrong for Zhang to let this person do this. As a general, you must obey the orders from above. But I hope there are more People like Zhang Rang. Only in this way can we expose the problems of our four northern states. We are not afraid of problems. The more problems we have now, the more problems we can solve. Interfering in the affairs of Jianghu without authorization; a county The general's military rations and military pay are so deducted that he can't even get a grain of rice; five thousand elite soldiers can't beat three thousand private soldiers; The state needs to rectify it! At the same time, people like Zhang Rang, although they made mistakes, they also have merit. I think that mistakes should be punished! Merit should be rewarded! Those who are capable should be given a chance! At least this matter, I I don't see any commendable deeds of Ouyang Jingyun, at least the hat of this man's military commander must be taken off first! As for the new candidate, I think it's better to give Zhang Rang an extremely difficult task to complete as a test .If he succeeds, the position of Yanmen County Army Commander will be his. Conversely, if he fails, it can be regarded as teaching him a lesson. Let him know the importance of gains and losses!"

"Good!" Yuan Shaochu clapped his hands.

Yuan Shaochu can also be regarded as a hero in the world. The reason why he can become the overlord of a party is not only the background of the Yuan family and his own ability, but also his courage is also very important.

When you see a talent, you must be promoted exceptionally.

Yuan Shaochu has always done this.

And the people promoted by him have never disappointed.

The four Fengyun generals, Yan Tianhe, Liang Yiren, Wen Guanhuo, and Chou Junsheng, were all promoted by Yuan Shaochu.

At this moment, Yuan Shaochu even saw a little shadow of himself from the eldest son.

"Okay! In that case, Ouyang Jingyun, the military commander of Yanmen County, will be relegated to deputy commander, and temporarily take charge of the military affairs of Yanmen County. At the same time, assign Zhang Rangxia a mission that can prove his ability. Yong Tan, you know Near Yanmen County, is there any task that can test Zhang Rang's ability?"

Yuan Yongtan glanced at his second brother Yuan Yongxi, "Now all the Jianghu forces in Yanmen County are suppressed by the Shuangjiang Division under the jurisdiction of Zhang Rang. Around Yanmen County, Dingxiang County in the north, Wuyuan County in the northwest and Meiji County in the west are both in the hands of the Bingzhou Huns. I am worried that if Zhang Rang is assigned tasks at this moment, it will affect the father's policy against the Bingzhou Huns."

Yuan Shaochu did not expect that his eldest son would have such an overall perspective.

This time, Yuan Shaochu was worried that his son might be selfish.

But he didn't expect that Yuan Yongtan would estimate the influence of the Xiongnu in Bingzhou.

At this time, Yuan Yongxi stood up and said, "Father, as far as I know, at the junction of the three counties of Dingxiang, Wuyuan and Yanmen, there is a group of bandits and robbers running rampant among the mountains and forests. The name of this force is Tiandang Mountain." ! If the guarding general Zhang Rang has the ability to wipe out the banditry there, I think it is not impossible to let him be the military commander of Yanmen County!"

In the hall, many ministers nodded their heads one after another.

But some generals had serious expressions on their faces.

At the beginning, the former commander of the soldiers and horses of Yanmen County led 6000 troops to conquer Tiandang Mountain three times, but returned without success.

For the third time, he himself died at the hands of the bandits in Tiandang.

Now, it is a joke that Zhang Rang is going to attack Tiandang Mountain with 3000 people.

However, to everyone's surprise, Yuan Shaochu agreed to the matter after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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