Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 553: The Wind and Cold Blows the Cold to Fight

Chapter 553 The Wind and Cold Blows the Cold to Fight (Third)
That night, Li Qiusi's 300 troops left Zhongling City.

According to the information from Judgment Sect, this group left Yanmen County and returned to Liqiu Division.

In this regard, Zhang Rang just smiled, not worried at all.

"My lord, aren't you worried that Situ Yang Yun will gossip in front of the head of the Liqiu Division after he returns?"

Zhang Rang waved his hand with an indifferent expression, "Don't worry, he will tell tales. Don't worry about that at all."

"But... my lord! Situ Yang Yun was originally promoted from the Hanlu Division, and the villain will file a complaint first. If the director of the Liqiu Division announces that you will come over and invite the Sixth Division to interrogate, it will be extremely detrimental to you!"

Gongchen knew that among the 24 sword divisions, if there were some contradictions and frictions among the divisions, each department would call each department and send a representative to interrogate the personnel involved in this incident.

Then, it will be decided according to the final trial results of the six people.

Therefore, Zhang Rang offended Situ Yang Yun, which was equivalent to offending Liqiu Division and Hanlu Division in the joint trial of the Six Divisions.

Zhang Rang smiled lightly, "It's okay. Come on, grind it for me. I think our Mr. Yuan should like people like me."

Soon, Zhang Rang wrote a letter to Yuan Yongtan and sent someone to deliver it.

After that, Zhang Rang either practiced or meditated on the map of Bingzhou every day.

Seven days later, the letter I wrote to Yuan Yongtan finally got a reply.

Looking at the content of the reply letter, Zhang Rang smiled triumphantly, "Go, call all the deputy directors, and then we have something to do!"

Soon, all the deputy directors were called into the conference hall by Zhang Rang.

"My lord, why are you calling us here in such a hurry?"

An Zhongshan is forging weapons in Anyuan Pavilion. Now the Shuangjiang Division is developing very well, and Anyuan Pavilion has also taken the opportunity to get a lot of orders.

Making money is making money, but it is also very hard.

Gongchen even wanted to ask him to help forge a better knife. He was busy with this matter recently, but he was called over just halfway through his work.

Zhang Rang glanced at everyone present.

"Now Zhao Zhong is also the person in charge of the Judgment Sect, not an outsider; as for An Zhongshan and Beiye Tiangao, we Zhang Rang have never regarded you two as outsiders. Since I appointed you as my deputy director, they you They are all the ones I let go. Now I will tell you one thing."

At this moment, everyone stared with bated breath. Everyone knew that what Zhang Rang was going to say next must be very important.

"Some of you here know it, and some of you don't. Now let me tell you that I am from Yuan Yongtan, the eldest son of the king of Jizhou. Not long ago, I wrote a letter to the eldest son, asking about the power of Bingzhou. The distribution situation, and the result he wants, see how to get greater benefits for him. Now, the eldest son's reply letter has arrived."

Many people present were shocked, because they really didn't know that Zhang Rang was actually a member of the eldest son Yuan Yongtan.

Although in fact Cao Jie and Cao Zikui knew that Zhang Rang only attached to Yuan Yongtan's relationship later, and in fact Zhang Rang could not be inferior to others, so what is a man of the eldest son is completely just a big one The flag is pulling the tiger's skin, but at this moment the two of them are still pretending that Zhang Rang is the eldest son.

As for the others, after knowing that Zhang Rang was from Yuan Yongtan, they finally understood why Zhang Rang acted so domineeringly, and why Zhang Rang didn't even pay attention to Situ Yang Yun, the deputy head of the Liqiu Division.

Everyone is the head of the company, but I, Zhang Rang, belong to the eldest son. Based on this, they will have a bright future if they follow Zhang Rang!
"The eldest son mentioned in the letter that Bingzhou has never been his territory, and his power in Bingzhou is also very limited. If we can stir up the situation in Bingzhou, he will plead for us and let the King of Jizhou allow us to fight against the Xiongnu in Bingzhou .As long as we can win, he can always help us gain benefits in the court! As for how we act, that is our own business, as long as we don't betray the interests of the Yuan family."

Although everyone was very excited when they heard this, they were also a little dazed.

What is exciting is that my lord can get such support from the eldest son.

What was at a loss was that Shuangjiang Division was doing well in Yanmen County, so why did he start plotting to merge the prefecture.

You must know that the complicated situation in Bingzhou is entirely due to the Huns in Bingzhou. This is a headache for the military. As long as their Shuangjiang Division can control all the Jianghu forces in Yanmen County, it will be fine.

At this time, Zhang Rang also saw the doubts on everyone's faces.

"As you all know, I received an order from Lord Jizhou to attack Tiandang Mountain. So, I came up with a plan. We will form an alliance with the forces on Tiandang Mountain. We will help Tiandang Mountain take down a piece of land, Let them grow stronger and fight against the Huns in Bingzhou. If we can drive away the Huns in Bingzhou, then we will have the credit for subduing half of Bingzhou! At the same time, with the fight against the Huns in Bingzhou, the forces in the rivers and lakes of the entire Bingzhou will naturally also Was transferred. At that time, the Sixth Division of the Autumn Department may still be the Sixth Division of the Autumn Department, but it is difficult to say whether the current Liqiu Division or the future Shuangjiang Division will be in charge!"

At this moment, everyone understood Zhang Rang's ambition.

Unite with Tiandang Mountain, mobilize the power of the entire rivers and lakes, fight against the Xiongnu in Bingzhou, and make great achievements.

In the end, Shuangjiang Division became the head of the Six Divisions of Qiubu, and even more so, their power could spread throughout Bingzhou!

It can be said that if Zhang Rang's plan is successful, it is not an exaggeration for Zhang Rang to boast that he is the king of the state.

It's just that this opportunity is a bit too bold.

"My lord, although this plan is very domineering. But now our Shuangjiang Division doesn't even have a strong man with five qi and dynasties. In this regard, it is difficult to compete with the Huns of Bingzhou. As far as I know, the Xiongnu of Bingzhou is divided into north and south." Two divisions, the North is dominated by the Nohara Division, with two strong men of the Five Qi Chaoyuan sitting in town. The south is dominated by the West Wolf Division and the Gaoyou Division, each with a strong Five Qi Chaoyuan. Fight them, we There is no chance of winning!"

The corners of Zhang Rang's mouth rose slightly, "Not everything needs us to do it ourselves. The entire Bingzhou is not just our Frostfall Division. Just wait, there will be a lot of wonderful news coming back recently."

Sure enough, with this time Zhang Rang called everyone to discuss this matter, within three days.

People are coming from Tiandang Mountain.

Moreover, the people who came this time had a very important position on Tiandang Mountain.

An old man is none other than Hua Feirong, the six-fingered golden dragon.

And another important person turned out to be the white-faced young general Zhang Rang met head-on when he left the Juyi Hall last time.

"Old man Hua Feirong, I have met Master Zhang. This one is my young master of Tiandang Mountain, our lord of Tiandang Mountain, Lu Xiaoxian!"

(End of this chapter)

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