Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 566 False Words Go North

Chapter 566: False Words Go North (Second Change)
Suo Luoxiao took more than 4 Bingzhou Huns all the way north.

Among the more than 4 people, there are only a little over 1 people from the Gaoyou Department, which also includes the more than 2000 people Zhang Rang gave him last time.

Hungry Solo Xiao hoped that when he led his people through Tiandang Mountain to Dingxiang County this time, some people from other tribes would die, especially some strong ones.

Only in this way can I annex these small tribes and make the Gaoyou tribe stronger.

Suo Luoxiao knew that although the Huns were good at fighting, in fact, they were now in disarray.

Even in places like Dingxiang County and Wuyuan County that have been almost completely ruled by the Bingzhou Huns, there are still countless scattered tribes.

In the beginning, why were the Huns destroyed by the Xianbei people, the majestic Huns, lingering on their last legs, and finally only the Southern Huns formed by a group of incompetent guys remained.

Those people, I look down upon.

Suo Luoxiao wants to build the Huns country in his heart.

At the beginning in Meiji County, it was a last resort.

But now, he has broken through to the third level of Wuqi Chaoyuan, and he has also become a master. Naturally, he will take his tribe all the way to the north, subdue the Huns in Bingzhou in the north, and then look at the golden knife in his hand to rebuild the Huns.

Therefore, the sacrifice of going through Tiandang Mountain this time is inevitable.

Near Tiandang Mountain, Yanmen County's [-] troops were already ready.

With the people of the Holy Demon Alliance chasing after them, more than 4 Bingzhou Huns entered Tiandang Mountain.

And not long after they entered Tiandang Mountain, Zhang Rang's [-] troops encountered the Huns in Bingzhou.

At the same time, the soldiers and horses of Tiandang Mountain also began to attack the Huns in Bingzhou.

It's just that everyone deliberately avoided the people of the Gaoyou tribe, but aimed at people from other tribes.

The Tiandang Mountain scuffle, although only a short period of nine days.

But during these nine days, the army commanded by Zhang Rang, Xia Yun and Guo Sheng insisted on killing 1 Bingzhou Huns.

At the same time, the people in Tiandang Mountain also killed many Huns in Bingzhou.

Even the members of the Saint-Magic Alliance killed the Huns in the Intangible State.

It's just that everyone does the same thing, but the purpose is different.

For the Holy Demon Alliance, they did these things just to let the whole world know that the Holy Demon Alliance drove away the Huns in Bingzhou!

From then on, Meiji County will completely belong to the Han people!

As for the people in Tiandang Mountain, they can take the opportunity to wash their hands and integrate into the Holy Demon Alliance.

Adding Zang Nukou, Lu Xiaoxian and Xu Rong who were already deeply rooted in the Hanlu Division, and now adding Hua Feirong, it can be said that the entire Hanlu Division has become the possession of Tiandang Mountain.

After Zhang Rang left, they were the masters of Han Lusi.

As for Zhang Rang's army, killing so many Huns in Bingzhou was naturally to claim credit.

Soon, a battle report spread to Yecheng.

Jizhou King Yuan Shaochu was above the main hall and heard the battle report from the people below.

"After nine days of fierce fighting! Zhang Rang, the general guard of Yanmen County, commanded more than 2 elite soldiers, and wiped out the Tiandang bandits. Except for a small number who were exiled to Meiji County, Wuyuan County and Dingxiang County, the rest were all killed. Extermination. After investigation, although there are many Han Chinese among the bandits in Tiandang Mountain, in fact, they are mainly bandits from Bingzhou Xiongnu. In this battle, more than 1 bandits in Tiandang Mountain were beheaded. Defeat the bandits! Strengthen my prestige in the four northern states! Strengthen my Yuan family's prestige!"

Hearing such a battle report, Yuan Shaochu's eyes burst into laughter.

Since I basically took the four northern states into my own hands, it has been a long time since I received news of victory.

This time, I finally heard the news of victory again.

Moreover, Tiandang Mountain, which had failed in the first three conquests, was leveled.

"Very good! This time Zhang Rang did very well! Did he say what he wants?"

Yuan Shaochu asked the person who came to report the incident.

The person who reported the incident took out a letter under the battle report, "Return to my king, in this war, not only Yanmen County dispatched a large number of troops, but Hanlu Division in Meiji County also helped a lot. The deputy director of Hanlu Division Hua Feirong, the first to use it, Zhang Rang recommended him as the head of the Hanlu Division..."

"Xu Rong, the commander of the militia, has the ability to be a general. I recommend him as the general of Meiji County."

Yuan Shaochu had a faint smile on his face when he heard it.

Originally, Yuan Shaochu felt that Zhang Rang would definitely ask for something from himself.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Rang didn't ask for anything from himself, and even generously gave away the position of Han Lusi, the acting head of the department.

Even promoted some generals.

"Very good! Have you seen it? Everyone knows the intrigue every day. Look at Zhang Rang, how does he know how to recommend more capable people? He even gave up his position as the acting department head. Learn from it! "

Yuan Shaochu was not blind to the battle in the court, so he could see it.

Especially the battle between his eldest son Yuan Yongtan and this son Yuan Yongxi has never stopped.

And there are really not many people like Zhang Rang who are capable and diligent in doing things.

It's just that, in the court, many people have faintly felt that Zhang Rang seems to be the eldest son Yuan Yongtan's person.

And this time, Zhang Rang didn't call for talents. He knew that he had to leave Meiji County, so he gave the credit to his subordinates and let them take charge of Hanlu Division.

"By the way, what about the former director of Hanlu Division, and the former director?"

Yuan Shaochu suddenly thought that those two people couldn't just stay in Hanlu Division at the beginning, and it wouldn't be good if something happened.

"Report to my king. When Hanlu Division united with the Jianghu forces in Meiji County to fight against the Huns in Bingzhou, the former head of Hanlu Division was killed by the Huns in Bingzhou. And the former head of the department, Situ Yang Yun, took the lead in the battle of Tiandang Mountain , was seriously injured, and in the end, the treatment failed, and he died."

When Yuan Shaochu heard the bad news, he sighed helplessly, "Give more rewards, and pursue the title well, so that such a hero can't be chilled."


Yuan Shaochu's order was quickly conveyed to Hanlu Division in Meiji County.

Now, it can be said that the entire Meiji County, whether it is the army or the rivers and lakes, is completely in the hands of Han Lusi.

The Holy Demon Alliance has annexed all the Jianghu forces in Meiji County.

In order to prevent the Holy Demon Alliance from splitting up, Zhang Rang promised that his forces in Yanmen County would also join the Holy Demon Alliance, and the next thing the Holy Demon Alliance would do was to attack Xihe County.

Xihe County has a large area, and there are also many people from Bingzhou Xiongnu.

Now that Gao Youbu had left Meiji County, the huge Xihe County and Bingzhou Xiongnu had only one tribe, Xilangbu, who had a warrior with five qi and dynasties in charge.

At this moment, Zhang Rang was convening everyone to discuss the development of the Holy Demon Alliance towards Xihe County, but at this moment, Yuan Shaochu's envoy arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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