Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 60: Tianshan Blocks the Bleeding Knife

Chapter 60: Tianshan Blocks the Bleeding Knife
Seeing Mr. Duan from the Tianshan School come forward, the three families were all shocked.

You know, there are four major families in Qin'an City, but there is a child who wants to join the Tianshan School.

Especially in the Liang family, two of them became disciples of the Tianshan School.

It can be said that the four major families and the Tianshan faction have already begun to be inextricably linked.

At this time, Duan Xianshan stood up, but the heads of the three families did not understand.

"Mr. Duan, the Zhang family really went too far this time! They actually stole my Lin family's secret books. Although this second-level martial arts secret book is not appreciated by the Tianshan School, it is a treasure for a family like ours in Qin'an City! "

"That's right!" The patriarch of the Wang family also stood up and bowed his hands to Mr. Duan who was standing on a high place, "The Zhang family, it's too much! They robbed my Wang family of the lost secret books and refused to return them! I hope Mr. Duan can make the decision. .”

"My son was framed to death by Zhang Yunbei, the son of Zhang Guoheng. The pain of losing a son, I hope Mr. Duan can uphold justice for my Liang family!"

Mr. Duan frowned when he heard the words of the three patriarchs.

In the rivers and lakes, it is indeed necessary to rely on strength to speak.

But the rivers and lakes also have to follow the rules.

Although the Tianshan faction is strong, even today I can rely on the power of the Tianshan faction to oppress the three families and make the three families give up revenge on the Zhang family.

But if this matter gets out, it will be bad for the Tianshan faction.

"Everyone, this time, a disciple of my Tianshan Sect went down the mountain to travel, and just happened to pass through Qin'an City, so I was born with the heart of recruiting disciples. This is fate. But I didn't expect it, because of my Tianshan Sect. There was a rift between the big families, it was my Duan's fault! Here, I apologize to the four big families in Qin'an City."

Zhang Rang, who was among the crowd in the distance, frowned when he saw this scene.

He also got the news just now that this time the Tianshan School recruited five disciples.

But the most satisfied one is probably Liang Chengyuan of the Liang family, followed by Zhang Yunian of the Zhang family.

And once the five of them joined the Tianshan Sect and became disciples of the Tianshan Sect, Qin Ancheng was equivalent to having a connection with the Tianshan Sect.

If something happens to Qin Ancheng in the future, it is impossible for the Tianshan faction not to help.

But in the same way, if the Tianshan faction has any orders, I am afraid that the four major families in Qin'an City will also run away for the Tianshan faction.

At this moment, Zhang Rang finally understood.

Even recruit disciples.

As one of the seven sects of Lingshan, the Tianshan sect still lacks disciples?

And since it was going down the mountain to practice, how could Qin Ancheng be notified half a month in advance? Obviously the Tianshan faction made up their mind from the very beginning to make Qin Ancheng a vassal of his Tianshan faction.

In this way, it will be troublesome.

Zhang Rang knew that since the Tianshan faction hoped that the Jianghu forces in Qin'an City would become their vassals, they would not let their own strength be damaged.

So just now Mr. Duan took the step of retreating and apologized to the four families in public.


The premise of all this is based on two points.

First, Zhang Yunnian of the Zhang Family is a disciple of the Tianshan Sect.If Zhang Yunian could not enter the Tianshan faction, the Tianshan faction would naturally not try to protect the Zhang family.

Second, the existence of the Zhang family is good for the Tianshan faction.If there is no benefit, on the contrary, the existence of the Zhang family will even threaten the other three families. Naturally, the Tianshan faction does not want to have a force in "own" Qin'an city that affects itself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rang turned and disappeared into the crowd.

After a while, Zhang Rang climbed over the courtyard wall of the Zhang family, and first came to the courtyard where the children of the Zhi family were located.

Although many people are near the gate, there are so many people in the Zhang family, and there are still many Zhi family children hiding in their own courtyard.

Zhang Rang came to the kitchen and found some fire starters to bring with him.

Start setting fires everywhere.

While setting the fire, he shouted loudly: "Run for your life! The people of the Liang family are coming in!"

The children of the Zhi family were always startled, and everyone knew that the Liang family had said before that they wanted to kill the members of the clan, and they would not attack them.

Now that they heard people from the Liang family coming in, they naturally turned around and ran away.

Anyway, I am a member of the Zhi family, and no one will chase after me if I escape.

For a while, the entire Zhang family was in chaos.

Zhang Rang set fire all the way, then went around to the children of the Zong family and continued to set fire.

The same is true for shouting.

At this time, many disciples of the Zong family ran out.

Some guards of the Zong family even planned to leave through the back door to protect the children of the Zong family.

Zhang Rang looked at a group of more than a dozen children who were protected and left. Zhang Yunnian stood out, surrounded by eight guards.

It's just that these eight guards are all at the seventh and eighth level of Qi, so it's not too difficult for him to deal with.

So I followed secretly. After all, if you do it right away, it is easy to meet other people.

This group of guards also wanted to leave through the back door, but on the way to run, some other children joined in. The original 20-person team immediately expanded to nearly 30 people, and Zhang Rang also took the opportunity to mix in.

At this time, the sound of crossing swords came from the direction of the back door.

The reason why Zhang Rang set fire to let the Zhi family escape was because he hoped that the Zhang family would fight with people outside.

As long as there is a fight, it will become more and more chaotic.

"What should I do now? It looks like I can't get out of the back door!"

A guard panicked.

At this time, Zhang Rang said in a low voice: "Brother Yunnian is a disciple of the Tianshan Sect. We can go out through the east side door by detour. As long as we kill the inn where the Tianshan Sect is located, someone will come to rescue us!"

When the guards heard this, it made sense.

The members of the three major families dared to attack them, but they did not dare to attack the members of the Tianshan faction.

So the group immediately ran towards the east door.

I didn't really meet anyone along the way.

But when everyone just pushed open the east door, as the door was pushed open, they found that there were hundreds of warriors from the three major families outside.

Zhang Rang hid behind the crowd and shouted: "Fight it! If you kill it, you can live!"

The enemy naturally didn't hesitate so much when they met.

Hearing someone yelling to kill, a group of more than 30 people rushed out from the east side door and fought desperately with the three major families.

Zhang Rang was in the crowd, just trying to preserve his own strength, and didn't contribute at all.

Soon, more than a dozen children of the Zhang family died in the melee.

Four of the eight guards were killed in battle.

However, two people protected Zhang Yunnian and killed them.

This means that Zhang Yunnian is a master of body training, otherwise, how could he have escaped alive in such a scuffle.

And Zhang Rang also followed.

A group of four fled quickly.

And the members of the three major families didn't know who these four people were. When they saw the four escaped, they just sent a few people to chase after them, and others took the opportunity to kill Zhang's family.

In the process of escaping, a guard glanced at Zhang Rang, who was not at all dissatisfied with his speed behind him.

"Boy, yes! So many people let you out! If we join the Tianshan School with Young Master Yunnian in the future, then we will definitely benefit from you."

Zhang Rang smiled coldly, "What a pity!"

"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance to join the Tianshan faction."


A knife of blood splashed, and a cold light was astonishing!
(End of this chapter)

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