Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 662 The World Is in Chaos

Chapter 662: The World Is in Chaos (Part [-])
As the Han army in front retreated, and the Han army in the rear continued to gather.

The 40 Han army has been assembled.

This time, Prime Minister Cao led many generals in the Han army.

It was originally just a war of revenge against Xishu, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a war of annihilation against Xishu.

Many people know that if Prime Minister Cao attacks Xishu at all costs, I am afraid that he will really have the strength to destroy the country.

It's just that there are three legs.

If the big Han consumes so much and wipes out Xishu, then Soochow will definitely take the opportunity to go north.

This is what the big man fears.

It is also the reliance of Xishu.

"Prime Minister, the head of my family is still in seclusion, and it is the critical moment for him to retreat recently. So I can't come to see the prime minister. I hope the prime minister is Haihan."

Prime Minister Cao led a large army to station in Xicheng County, ready to attack Xishu at any time.

However, the road to Shu is difficult to enter, and it is not so easy to attack Xishu.

It was a sudden attack before, revenge for the Battle of Western Shu.

So the army took advantage of Xishu's lack of defense and attacked in.

Many people think that it is a foolish move for Wuhou Villa to expose the Jianghu forces hidden and bought within the territory of the Han Dynasty, but Prime Minister Cao knows that Zhuge Wuhou, an old man, has succeeded in disrupting the Han army by doing so. the rear.

Unless I let the 10,000+ troops that entered Shu die there before, then let them withdraw from Xi Shu later.

Now, although he has more than three times as many troops as before, he is unable to invade Xishu.

The road to Xishu was already very difficult.

Several passes are easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is not an easy task to conquer.

At this time, you need to use the masters of the rivers and lakes.

Each of these people has extraordinary skills and is extremely powerful.

If they are willing to make a move, then with their ability, it is not a problem to break through one or two barriers.

At that time, the Han army can invade Shu.

As long as you can let your own 40 troops go in, then the destruction of the country and Xishu will not necessarily lose too much.

Unexpectedly, he summoned Zhang Rang to come, but Zhang Rang was in retreat.

But Prime Minister Cao also knew that Zhang Rang was young and promising. He became a master before he was 30 years old, and he entered the 68th place in the dragon and tiger rankings in one leap. With such strength, he naturally disdains this kind of imperial conquest.

The reason why Zhang Rang promised to go to the north as an undercover agent was, in the final analysis, because of the child lock.

I hope I can take good care of and protect the child lock.

But now, Tong Suo was taken back to Tong Tianguan by Tong Yuan, so all Zhang Rang's thoughts were naturally on Wu County.

Looking at Zhao Zhong in front of him, Prime Minister Cao nodded, "Zhao Zhong, I heard that you followed Zhang Rang when you were in Jianyu Villa. Now, our Han army wants to invade Xishu, but there are three people outside of Xishu. We can't get in through the pass. As long as we can open any two of them, our Han army can drive straight in and attack Xishu. Do you have any good ideas?"

A troubled look appeared on Zhao Zhong's face.

"Prime Minister Cao, the villain has always been my master's order, and I will do it. I am really not good at this kind of brain work."

Prime Minister Cao curled his lips and glanced at the other people in the big tent.

"Everyone, is there any good way? If we send troops to attack these three passes, even if we lose 10 people, we may not be able to capture one or two of them."

In the big tent, there was silence.

For military commanders, they know how to go to the battlefield, and they are also good at siege, but they don't have any ingenious methods for this kind of precipitous pass.

As for those counselors, the planners are the top leaders.

However, what is before them is not a living enemy, but three hurdles that are difficult to overcome.

Although he knew the guards of these three passes, he also knew some basic information.

But Zhuge Wuhou, the prime minister of Western Shu, is not as ambitious as Prime Minister Cao, but he is also a generation of virtuous prime ministers.

Whether it is alienation or bribery, this method may work for other people, but it is useless for Xishu.

In the end, Prime Minister Cao ordered the people from Dulong Villa and Tongque Division to find a way to break through the three passes.

As a result, for a full two months, the three passes were impenetrable.

Whether it is Tongque Division or Dulong Villa, countless masters have been lost.

Even Tongquesi and Dulong Mountain Villa each lost two strong men of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm.

All of a sudden, the four Wuqi Dynasty Yuanjing disappeared.

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel distressed, but the 40 army looked at Xishu in front of them, but they couldn't get in, which also had a great blow to morale.

But in the past two months, in Xishu, Zhuge Wuhou finally tried every means to persuade the emperor and agreed to his method of uniting the forces of all parties.

Therefore, he shook hands with the Southern Barbarians and made peace, and exchanged temporary peace for possible support in the future.

It also united with the Sun family of Dongwu. Once the Han army invaded Xishu, Dongwu would launch an offensive from the east and south of the Han Dynasty at the same time.

Even Zhuge Wuhou has already contacted the Tianshan faction among the seven factions of Lingshan; Jianghu forces.

Once they are willing to help, then in the next massive war, Xishu will gain a great advantage.

Even Zhuge Wuhou invited several people on the real martial arts list to help out.

In the rivers and lakes, there are hidden dragon lists and dragon and tiger lists.

Those on the Qianlong list are all young heroes under the age of 30 whose strength is below the fifth level.

The Dragon and Tiger List is the ranking of the top [-] grand masters in terms of comprehensive strength, record and fame.

As for the word Zhenwu, only those who have broken through to the Six Realms will be called Zhenwu.

On the True Martial Ranking, only the six realms can enter the list.

There are 36 people on the list!
It can be said that it was not easy for Zhuge Wuhou to invite some of them to come to Xishu to stand up and cheer.

The news spread to the palace of Xishu, and the emperor was very happy.

All along, the emperor felt that getting Zhuge Wuhou back then was the most proud thing in his life.

But this incident made Prince Liu Fan a little unhappy.

Liu Fan was the emperor's favorite son, so he was registered as the prince.

But Zhuge Wuhou said bad things about Liu Fan to the emperor more than once, but Liu Fan knew about these things.

Knowing that Prime Minister Zhuge, who was in power in Western Shu, was dissatisfied with him, Liu Fan didn't think about whether there was really something wrong with him. In his opinion, Zhuge Wuhou was biased and didn't like him.

Therefore, I have always wanted to prove in front of my father that I am stronger than Zhuge Wuhou!

The future of Xishu cannot depend on outsiders, but ultimately depends on himself, the prince.

This time, I heard that Zhuge Wuhou invited several seniors who were on the real martial arts list at all costs.

With these people standing on the side of Xishu, even if they don't make a move, as long as they stand here, they are enough to deter some strong men in the Han army.

Prince Liu Fan then thought that the master of Zhao Yunlong, the vanguard in the army, seemed to be a strong man in the Six Realms, and he was also on the list of true martial arts.But he was not invited, and I heard that Zhao Yunlong's master had a granddaughter who was as beautiful as a fairy.

If he chooses her as the crown princess, then Zhao Yunlong's master will definitely come to help Xishu.

The father must praise himself heavily for this.

(End of this chapter)

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