Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 717: The Three Bronze Sparrows Come Out Together

Chapter 717: The Three Bronze Sparrows Come Out Together (Third)
Under the Tongque Division, there are many divisions.

Everyone in the Jianghu knew that Zhang Rang's most direct descendant was Tao Luansi.

The most powerful ones are Blood God Division and Zhan Yun Division.

It can be said that both Blood God Division and Zhan Yun Division are warriors who have experienced many battles.

And now, the newly established Jianyu Division has more than 2000 members, all of whom are from the original Jianyu Villa.

Some people speculate that Jianyu Division will become one of the three most powerful divisions besides Tao Luan Division.

But just after Mei Pingzhou, the owner of Jianyu Villa, fell and Jianyu Villa was incorporated by Zhang Rang, a shocking news came out.

The third division took action to wipe out the Yinshan faction.

For reasons...

There is no reason.

It is to destroy the Yinshan faction.

Soochow's 20 troops have just been defeated.

Soochow Emperor Sun Zhongquan fled with the remnants of his troops, and finally joined the reinforcements to the north of the Yangtze River.

As a result, the two armies combined totaled 234 million, and they were about to look for an opportunity to counterattack, but they encountered the army commanded by Xia Yun and Guo Sheng, and the Soochow army was defeated again.

Sun Zhongquan didn't understand why the 10,000+ Soochow army was defeated this time by the 10,000+ Han army chasing all the way.

In fact, the Battle of Chibi, of course, was a problem of chain links, which created opportunities for the Wu-Shu coalition forces.

But again, there is also a very important reason, that is, soldiers in the north are really not good at water warfare.

But in the same way, most of Soochow's troops are proficient in water combat, so naturally they are less capable of fighting on land.

Besides, the army of the big man is really a master of a hundred battles.

Coupled with the death of Prime Minister Cao and the great victory in Nanyang County, they all became the motivation to spur the Han army.

And the dripping morale spread by the [-] to [-] Soochow troops who fled back has also become an important factor affecting the war.

If Soochow's army can defend for a period of time and then counterattack, there is still a chance of winning.

Sun Zhongquan felt that he had more troops than the Han army, and the Han army pursued all the way, exhausted, so he immediately fought.

The result can only be a crushing defeat.

With the defeat of the Soochow Army, the lost land north of the Yangtze River was re-occupied by the Han Army.

At the same time, all the tens of thousands of Soochow people who were captured and captured by Zhang Rang before returned to Soochow.

The benevolence and magnanimity that these soldiers radiated made the overall morale of Soochow, which had suffered two consecutive defeats, drop to the extreme.

Sun Zhongquan knew that now Soochow had to fight back.

But at this moment, Hei Yiwu, his long-standing ally, could not be contacted.

Because Hei Yiwu was invited by Zhuge Wuhou.

Since the beginning of the Heavenly God Art, Xishu has been very low-key since it participated in the Battle of Chibi.

On the one hand, it was because Xishu was really scared by Zhang Rang in the previous battle.

Although 60 people died in Chengdu, it is unlikely to affect the entire Western Shu.

But Chengdu is the capital of Xishu, and not only the elite of Xishu died in that battle, but also many wealthy people in Xishu and the families of important court officials.

For a time, the entire Western Shu lost a large number of officials, and these vacancies could not be filled immediately.

In addition, many family members of generals were killed.

Although these generals were filled with righteous indignation, the fear in their hearts was also the deepest.

As for those whose family members survived by chance, they naturally immediately protected their family members and did not dare to let them continue to live in Chengdu.

Even the country of Xishu can be defeated by others. It is conceivable that the people of Xishu still have the courage to fight against Zhang Rang again.

In addition to uniting Soochow against Prime Minister Cao's army, Zhuge Wuhou has been investigating another matter, which is the God's Art of Heaven.

Zhuge Wuhou also got a badge, chasing death hunting.

But Zhuge Wuhou knew that all this could not be so simple.

Therefore, Zhuge Wuhou finally found some clues and news about the Heavenly Court through some archives and records of Western Shu.

After these things were found, Zhuge Wuhou deduced what the Heavenly Court wanted to do based on the clues.

At the same time, Zhuge Wuhou also understood why the Han army did not have the certainty of victory, but hurriedly sent troops to the south to make the decision, because Cao Man also knew that if the world was not unified as soon as possible, the heavenly court would do everything possible Ways to make more people die in the world.

It's a pity that when Zhuge Wuhou knew about this, the Battle of Chibi was over.

Cao Man died in Yijian Fengsha's hands.

As for Yijian Fengsha who was escaping, he was met by Tianluo Chanzi halfway, and he killed him casually.

Now, Zenzi Tianluo has in his hands the badge of the Death Attack that he got from Zhao Dingsheng, and the badge of Chasing Death Hunting that he got from Yi Jian Fengsha.There are also two deadly attacks and a chasing hunter obtained from Mei Pingzhou.

Although Tianluo Chanzi got five badges, he couldn't open the way to reach the sky.

Because of the five badges in his hand, there must be one Death Hunt and four Death Attacks, or one Death Attack and four Death Hunts.

Now I have three Death Attackers and two Death Hunters in my hand, which is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, he urgently needs a killing attack.

But unfortunately, he didn't know that Zhang Rang had a badge of death attack in his hand, otherwise, he would never let Zhang Rang go.

But Zhuge Wuhou knew all this by using the information from Wuhou Villa.

Zenzi Tianluo, according to Zhuge Wuhou's calculation, this person is the original contemporary Tathagata. Among the exercises in Leiyin Temple, there has always been a technique called One Buddha Two Phases.

The so-called dual aspect of a Buddha means that one person becomes a Buddha, but he cultivates two different aspects of the Buddha.

But this requires great understanding and strong martial arts talent.

Naturally, the contemporary Tathagata does not have such comprehension. If he really had such comprehension, he would not have remained in the Six Realms for hundreds of years. .

However, according to the information Zhuge Wuhou received, he can conclude that the current Tianluo Zenzi is practicing the dual aspect of a Buddha.

Therefore, Zenzi Tianluo has two kinds of martial arts in his body, one of the six laws of the fusion of these two martial arts.

It is also the reason why Zenzi Tianluo's strength can be so powerful.

As for the price of cultivating a double-phase Buddha, I am afraid that the contemporary Tathagata used the special secret method of blood sacrifice to refine his own disciple Jin Chanzi with the Buddha Gu Jin Chanzi, and thus obtained everything that Jin Chanzi had, and let himself have it. One-Buddha Two-phase Cultivation Qualification.

It's a pity that there seems to be a little flaw in the whole process, so although the contemporary Tathagata has become a Chanzi who can comprehend two kinds of martial arts, he has not broken through to the Seven Wheels Realm.

But even so, Tianluo Chanzi is still the most powerful existence in the entire Jianghu so far.

It is simply impossible to rely on the arrival of Xishu to deal with Chanzi Tianluo.

All the power in the entire Western Shu may not be the opponent of Tianluo Chanzi alone. Therefore, if you want to deal with Tianluo Chanzi, you can only go down from the badge, prevent Tianluo Chanzi from getting the badge, and open the sky-reaching power. road.

This kind of person who can sacrifice even his own disciples in order to become stronger, cannot guarantee that he will not sacrifice the whole world for his own future.

Therefore, Zhuge Wuhou invited Hei Yiwu to go to the Great Bodhi Temple together, to fight the abbot of the Great Bodhi Temple, and to master the Bodhisattva Man with a life-threatening attack badge!

(End of this chapter)

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