Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 723 Leiyin suppresses the demons and produces the Buddha

Chapter 723: Lei Yin Suppresses Demons and Produces Buddha (Third Change)

Bu Yunan felt as if he had fallen into a huge abyss.

It was pitch black in the abyss, and he had to raise his head to see a faint light in the sky.

In the only faint ray of light, it was she who was staring at herself.

Suddenly, Bu Yunan seemed to hear her calling to him.

Although he was falling rapidly into the darkness, Bu Yunan was desperately trying to catch something.

Suddenly, Bu Yunan felt as if he had caught something.

"What's the matter with this guy? Why did he wake up?"

Right in front of the Zhenmo Pagoda, several impatient monks from Yinshan Temple had already started to tamper with Yue Xianyi.

At this time, the monk who wanted to throw Bu Yunan into the Zhenmo Pagoda found that Bu Yunan woke up.

As soon as Bu Yunnan woke up, he noticed that the monk next to him was being rude to Yue Xian's clothes.

At this moment, Bu Yunan's body was full of demonic energy, which shook the surrounding monks away.

Ji Kong was just about to take off his pants, when he saw Bu Yunnan wake up, he secretly said sorry.

Although Yunnan's reputation in the Jianghu is very bad at this step, but how many people in the vast Jianghu do not know that this traitor who deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors is already a strong man in the Six Realms.

Six realms, I dare not provoke him.

But taking advantage of the fact that Bu Yunnan had just woken up and his strength had not fully recovered, Ji Kong immediately struck out with a palm.


With one palm, Bu Yunan flew directly to the door of the Zhenmo Pagoda.

Then, other monks from Yinshan Temple immediately opened the gate of Zhenmo Pagoda.

The Demon Suppressing Tower is not only a huge tower, but also a place specially used to suppress demon warriors.

Therefore, there is a huge formation in the Demon Suppressing Tower, which is dedicated to restraining and refining demon warriors.

As the gate of the Demon-Suppressing Tower was opened, even though Yunan was standing where he was, the strong suction force continued to suck him into the Demon-Suppressing Tower.

"No! Xianyi! Xianyi - no -"

Bu Yunan desperately wanted to grab something, but the huge suction pulled him towards the Demon Town Tower.

This feeling is like the previous self falling into endless darkness.

And Yue Xianyi, who was being bullied in front of her, was the last light, the only light in Bu Yunnan's eyes.

"Do not--"

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded.

Yue Xianyi calculated all her life and blamed other people.

Even at the end of his life, he could have taken Bu Yunnan far away, but in the end he came to Daleiyin Temple for revenge on Zhang Rang.

Unfortunately, while you are plotting against others, others are plotting against you.

In the end, he ruined everything about himself and died before the Demon Town Tower.

As for Bu Yunan in the Demon Suppressing Tower, he heard Yue Xianyi's wailing from outside, heard the crying outside, until he couldn't hear any more sound.

He knew that his heart was dead.

"Young man, the little girl outside just now is your woman, right?"

"Hahahaha... What a pity! At first, I thought the monks in Leiyin Temple were too much in charge, but now it seems that this group of monks is getting worse and worse!"

"Young people, those who can be locked in the Demon Suppressing Tower are all demon warriors who are treacherous and evil in the rivers and lakes. In this darkness, we can't see a little light, and we can't see A glimmer of hope."

"Eternal darkness, until it becomes a part of the Town Demon Tower, and the purest energy of cooperation is absorbed by the Demon Town Tower."

"Welcome, join the darkness."

Listening to the voices around him, Bu Yunan roared angrily, "No——I have been fighting against my destiny all my life. The person I love is dead, so what I have to do is to avenge him! Revenge—"

With Bu Yunan's roar, the entire interior of the Demon Suppressing Tower began to vibrate, and powerful demonic energy erupted from his body.

"What a pure demonic energy! It seems that my revival of the demonic way is expected!"

"Want to be a fart! If you are suppressed into the Demon Suppressing Tower, you will definitely die!"

"Hehe... I suddenly had a bold idea. The reason why the Demon Town Tower can suppress us is because each of us is too weak. What about those who are stronger than the Demon Tower?"

In the darkness, they couldn't see each other's eyes.

But at this moment, many people heard the panicked but surprised heartbeats of the people around them.

"For the devil's way!"

"For the bloodbath of Leiyin Temple!"

"Isn't it just a life! Young man, do you want revenge? Come, we will give you our power, as long as you can destroy the Great Leiyin Temple!"

In the Demon Suppressing Tower, the demonic energy surged.

As for Tianluo Chanzi who got the badge in Zhang Rang's hand, although he said that in front of Yue Xianyi, he actually felt that the information Yue Xianyi gave was very useful.

The reason why Yue Xianyi was handed over to the people in Yinshan Temple was that on the one hand, he heard what Fa Xiao came in to report, and knew that these people in Yinshan Temple wanted to have sex.

So, give the people of Yinshan Temple a favor.

After all, I still need these people to do things for me.

On the other hand, Zenzi Tianluo didn't want others to know that Zhang Rang had a badge in his hand.

After all, no one can guarantee whether Yue Xianyi will tell other people the news for benefit after she leaves Leiyin Temple.

"I'll leave for a while and go to Dahan to get back the badge in Zhang Rang's hand. During this time, in Leiyin Temple, Medicine Buddha is in charge of everything."


Now there are not many monks in Leiyin Temple, so there are many things to deal with.

Medicine Buddha has always been the most trusted person of the contemporary Tathagata.

Chanzi Tianluo left Leiyin Temple in Lingshan and headed towards Nanyang.

But in Nanyang County, after three days and three nights, Zhang Rang actually healed the warrior who was insane in Dulong Villa.

This time, Zhang Rang completely devoured the opponent's demons.

The so-called swallowing is not simply swallowing, but also the process of swallowing.

The reason why Zhang Rang divided his inner demons into five at the beginning was because he was worried that if one day the inner demons were out of his control and became too powerful, they would back him.

Therefore, Zhang Rang is also cautious in the face of the demons of the warriors in the Yuan realm of the five qi dynasties, worried that his demons will be affected by the demons of the other party.

Fortunately, Zhang Rang quickly mastered the method. As long as he controls the efficiency of his demons devouring the opponent's demons, he can digest the opponent's demons bit by bit and transform them into the purest ones that are helpful for the growth of the demons. energy.

In this way, one's inner demons will simply become stronger, without any bad influence on oneself.

After completing this attempt, Zhang Rang immediately began to gather his subordinates, trying to devour their inner demons.

Zhang Rang is also not sure what will happen if the warrior completely loses his demons.

Therefore, Zhang Rang just devoured some of their demons, reducing the influence of demons on them, and at the same time enhancing the power of their demons.

Zhang Rang believes that as long as he is given enough time, his inner demons can become stronger and his fusion of the Six Paths can become faster.

It's just that he never expected that at this moment, Chanzi Tianluo came.

(End of this chapter)

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