Unlimited card draw of martial arts

Chapter 757 Origin Yin-Yang Slashing Flames

Chapter 757 Origin Yin-Yang Slashing Flames (Second Change)
When Zhang Rang walked out of the dark hall, there were more than [-] weak warriors behind him.

Although these fighters are weak, as long as they recover, each of them can reach the ninth level of the Six Realms.

After all, their original level was not low.

Therefore, Zhang Rang reluctantly gave them the fairy stone he had obtained before, so that they could recover their strength immediately.

Although he got everything taught to him in the first generation of Heavenly Court, Zhang Rang still didn't feel that he was confident enough to defeat the current Immortal Emperor of Heavenly Court.

Especially since my current self has not been forced into a desperate situation, nor has I reached the peak of the Seventh Wheel Realm, so I naturally don't need to take the risk of being tricked into the Octagonal Realm.

However, at this moment, the Northern Palace was already surrounded by a large number of guardian warriors and generals of the Heavenly Court.

Ever since Zhang Rang unleashed his power to suppress Taiyin Jia, someone in the Northern Palace had sensed the power of the Immortal Emperor.

But everyone knows that the Immortal Emperor is not in the Northern Palace.

Immediately someone went to report this matter to Emperor Shenxuan.

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Shenxuan and Immortal Lieyan are outside the North Palace.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that this person from the lower realm would actually enter my treasury, it's unforgivable!"

If Emperor Shenxuan was not worried that he would not be able to defeat this mysterious person from the lower realm, he would have rushed in long ago.

"Why is there no news from Immortal Emperor Jade Emperor?" Immortal Emperor Shenxuan was a little anxious.

Immortal Emperor Lieyan curled his lips, "How do I know. But this person from the lower realm was able to kill Immortal Emperor Qingtian, I am afraid that Immortal Emperor Jade Emperor invited that one."

Thinking of that person, Immortal Emperor Shenxuan couldn't help but shudder, "Immortal Emperor Lie Yan, do you think that person has reached the realm that is said to be unattainable?"

"Eight-direction state? This state does exist in legends. Although we call ourselves immortal emperors, we actually know that only when we reach the eight-direction state can we truly become immortals."

Immortal Emperor Shenxuan nodded along very rarely, but did not refute Immortal Emperor Lieyan.

"Forget it, why don't the two of us shoot together first. Anyway, there are so many people around. An immortal emperor may not be the opponent of the other party, but now there are two of us!"

Emperor Shenxuan was very worried that Zhang Rang would ruin all the good things in his treasury.

"Okay! But I don't care about the severity of my shots. If I smash your palace, don't say anything."

As soon as Immortal Emperor curled his lips, he knew that Lieyan Immortal Emperor, a woman, would definitely take advantage of this battle to be fought in his Northern Palace, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to deal with him.

But I can't do anything about it, after all, now I am in favor of asking for help from others.

"It's okay, am I the kind of person who cares about every detail? Don't worry."

Immortal Emperor Shenxuan had just finished speaking, Immortal Emperor Lie Yan's figure flashed, and rushed towards the treasury of the North Palace like a ball of flame.

Zhang Rang, who was in the treasury, was thinking about what he would do next with these twenty or so recovering warriors.

At this moment, I felt a strong oppressive force approaching rapidly.

"Run away!"

The next moment, there was a loud bang.

A huge mass of condensed qi directly blasted open the door on the first floor.

And Zhang Rang immediately used the God of War to transform into a sword of the God of War, and cut the opponent's attack with one knife.

At this moment, a woman in flaming armor stood at the door.

"You are the person from the lower realm who killed Immortal Emperor Qingtian? Unexpectedly, you have already broken through to the third level of the Seventh Wheel Realm, not bad. Unfortunately, when you meet Immortal Emperor Lie Yan, the only way to die is!"

At this moment, more than [-] warriors either hid, or smashed through the wall of the treasury and escaped.

They know that they don't even have the qualifications to watch the excitement at close range.

Zhang Rang didn't expect that he was still thinking about where to go next, but the Southern Lieyan Immortal Emperor had already killed him.

"Is there a dead end? Many people have said this to me, but unfortunately, they all died later."

"Don't worry, this time, it won't be a pity!"

In the next instant, Immortal Emperor Lieyan moved, and flames condensed with endless true energy burst out from the Suzaku Crazy Saber in his hand.

Zhang Rang knew that among the five immortal emperors, the Southern Lieyan Immortal Emperor's kung fu was based on the fire of true energy.

The best way to deal with her is restraint.

The Sword of God of Fighting in Zhang Rang's hand immediately changed into the Sword of God of Fighting.

At the same time, the blood sea sword technique was displayed.

Following the blood sea swordsmanship, in the continuous offensive, the powerful water-attribute aura instantly blocked Immortal Emperor Lie Yan's attack.

Immortal Emperor Lieyan originally thought that this person from the lower realm was only at the third level of the Seventh Wheel Realm, so he must have used some despicable method to sneak attack Immortal Emperor Qingtian before killing Immortal Emperor Qingtian.

But when the two fought against each other, I was surprised to find that the combat power of this person from the lower realm was comparable to my own.

Even, there is a little bit of self-suppression.

Lieyan Immortal Emperor is the only one among the five immortal emperors who pays attention to actual combat.

Usually, he always suppresses his own cultivation and fights against the generals under his command.

If the realms are the same, I am afraid that among the five immortal emperors, except for the Jinyang emperor, no one is her opponent.

But now, she was suppressed by Zhang Rang, a warrior of the third level of the seventh round, which made her turn pale with shock.

"You are only at the third level of the seventh round, how can you be so strong?"

Hearing this question, Zhang Rang smiled coldly, "You people in Heaven take yourself too seriously."

In the next moment, Zhang Rang stabbed out with a sword.

Immortal Emperor Lieyan also held the Suzaku Crazy Knife tightly with both hands, and slashed out with one stroke.

"Suzaku burns the sky and destroys!"

"That Demon Sword!"

As the endless magic energy condensed, a sword pierced through the air.

There was a loud bang.

During the confrontation, Immortal Emperor Lieyan was knocked and flew away.

Immortal Emperor Shenxuan, who felt that he didn't need to make a move in the distance, was shocked when he saw this scene.

However, because of the death of Immortal Emperor Qingtian and the failure of Immortal Emperor Lieyan, Immortal Emperor Shenxuan's first thought was not to help, but to run for his life.

Although Immortal Emperor Shenxuan treasured those things in his treasury, he cherished his life even more.

Even Immortal Emperor Lie Yan is not a match for this person from the lower realm, so how can he resist him.

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Shenxuan turned around and fled.

Seeing his own Immortal Emperor turning around and running outside his palace, the Big Dipper naturally followed his own Immortal Emperor to flee.

But the generals under Lieyan Immortal Emperor's command panicked.

If you rush up, you will definitely die. If you don't rush, will you also run for your life?
Immortal Emperor Lieyan was retreated by Zhang Rangzhen and was slightly injured, but he still had the strength to continue the fight.

As a result, at this moment, Immortal Emperor Shenxuan escaped.

Immortal Emperor Lieyan cursed angrily: "Immortal Emperor Shenxuan, you eggless waste, why are you running?"

At this time, Zhang Rang's figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"I think what he did was right. Because life is only once."

(End of this chapter)

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