Taiqing Sword

Chapter 376, treatment

Chapter 376, treatment

Although the blood slave was cut into a human stick, he did not die. He was still squirming in the pool of blood, but he seemed not to have heard Shangguan Jinghong's words. life!

The old man on one side was so frightened that his face turned pale. Even though he had killed many people before, he had never seen such a cruel scene before, and the Ku'er on the other side almost fainted from fright. It seems that he is afraid that if he says one more word, his fate will become like that of the monster.

Shangguan Jinghong glanced back: "You guys wait again, I'll go in and have a look!"

As Shangguan Jinghong stepped into the cave, the stench became stronger as he walked in, until he reached the end, Shangguan Jinghong saw a pool of blood that was the same as before, with many bones scattered around, and a The girl was lying on the edge of the pool of blood, the blood was flowing from her neck, Shangguan sighed in shock, stepped forward, and turned the girl aside: "Thousands of lives again!"

As he said that, Shangguan Jinghong slapped the blood pool with his palm, and a vortex immediately formed in the pool. The blood in the pool dissipated instantly, leaving only a deep palm print on the scarlet soil at the bottom of the pool. Shangguan Jinghong walked out Dongkou, said: "Let's go, this blood slave has been eliminated, and no one will embarrass you in the future."

When Ku'er heard this, he immediately burst into tears. The fear for many days frightened this little girl who had not experienced wind and rain. Now she knew that she didn't have to die, so she wept with joy!

The old man walked a few steps, then turned back, wrapped the blood slave who had cut a stick into a bundle, cut a few branches to make a raft and dragged it behind him: "Bring this corpse back, so that the people in the city will know that this monster is real. were killed."

Shangguan Jinghong nodded: "Yes, that's fine."

Back in the city, Jin Zhicheng heard that Shangguan Jinghong had returned so quickly, thinking that he hadn't gone to the magic cave, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and at the same time thankful, he went out of the city gate: "Mr. , Hurry up, advance into the city!"

Shangguan Jinghong said: "City Lord, don't hurt these innocent girls in the future."

Jin Zhicheng was stunned: "Mr. Jing, it's not that Jin wants to do this, it's because this monster is too difficult to deal with, if you can't..."

Before Hua finished speaking, the old man directly threw the blood-stained burden over: "The monster has been eliminated by this gentleman again, and we can live a peaceful life from now on."

Shocked, Jin Zhicheng rushed to the front and opened the bundle with his own hands, only to see a dead body, blood red all over, eyes even redder, limbs were gone, it looked like they had just been torn off, and a bloody spot on the forehead He couldn't help looking up at Shangguan Jinghong in horror, could it be that he did all of this?
Several people in the city boldly stepped forward to look at them, their stomachs churned for a moment, and they quickly ran to the side and vomited. After vomiting, they all beamed with joy: "Great, that monster was killed. That monster has been killed!"

Shouting and rushing into the city, Jin Zhicheng took a deep breath and said, "Come here, hang the corpse in the city to show the public, and put up a notice saying that the offering of virgins every year will be cancelled. I have received it in the past." Those who hurt each other will send 1000 taels of silver!"

Several guards nodded one after another. They didn't want to arrest people for a long time. We all live in the city, and the neighbors who usually talk happily, hide themselves like the plague every year when they need a virgin. At this time, they can finally Live in peace and stability.

Entering the city lord's mansion again, Jin Zhicheng treated Shangguan Jinghong even more respectfully: "Mr. Jing, you rest first, I'll go and tell third uncle about this happy event."

Shangguan Jinghong stretched out his hand to stop Jin Zhicheng: "Well, let me go with you too. When I saw your elder for the first time last time, I saw that his arm seemed to have a glimmer of life. This time, I happened to go with you. Take a closer look."

Jin Zhicheng was overjoyed immediately: "What?! Can Mr. Jing heal third uncle's arm?"

"I don't know yet. I just try my best. Whether it can be cured well or not depends entirely on his good fortune. Let's lead the way." It's not that Shangguan Jinghong is used to ordering people around, it's really that the city lord's mansion is turning around. Around, even though Shangguan Jinghong went there once, if he went to look for it again, he might have to look for it for a long time.

After a while, I arrived at the small courtyard again. This time, the old man who guarded the gate did not stop him, but looked at the admiration on Shangguan Jinghong's face. When he slayed the monster, it spread throughout the city in just an instant: "Mr. Jing returned victorious, It’s really a blessing in the city.”

Shangguan Jinghong smiled and waved his hands: "I don't dare to do it, I'm just trying my best."

Jin Zhicheng explained the purpose of coming to the old man, and the old man couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Mr. Jing, come with me. This arm has tortured the master for many years. If Mr. Jing can be cured, this old man is willing to hold the whip and throw the stirrup for Mr. Jing!"

Shangguan Jinghong smiled lightly: "It doesn't have to be like this, just take me there to have a look first."

After a while, he came to the old man in white clothes: "Mr. Jing is here. I have heard about the monsters. The old man has brought all the people in the city to thank Mr. Jing."

"You don't need to thank me anymore, don't be lucky, let me see how your arm is doing." Shangguan Jinghong stepped forward, the old man in white frowned when he heard this, but still withdrew all his internal energy, and his arm gradually moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Spread, just a few breaths, half of the neck is dead.

The white-clothed old man gritted his teeth. The pain was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Seeing that he was about to be exhausted, he just had luck.

Shangguan Jinghong put one hand on the shoulder of the old man in white, and the old man in white suddenly felt extremely relaxed, and the dry skin was also quickly receding. He couldn't help being overjoyed, feeling that his arms were gradually regaining consciousness. Shangguan Jinghong turned around and said: "Go order someone to set up a pot to boil water!"

As soon as Jin Zhicheng heard it, he rushed out, and after a while, he set up an iron pot, filled it with water, kept adding firewood, and within half a stick of incense, the water in the pot was already boiling.

As soon as Shangguan Jinghong pressed his fingers hard, a cut was cut on the wrist of the old man in white, black blood flowed out, and the clear water in the pot immediately turned pitch black, and it didn't look like it was boiling just now.

After a while, Shangguan Jinghong tapped the old man in white a few times, and the wound on his wrist was no longer bleeding. On the other hand, the iron pot was slowly being corroded, black blood seeped from the bottom of the pot, doused the firewood, and gave off an unbearable smell. smell.

The old man in white felt that all the strength in his body had come back, and he couldn't help waving his only remaining arm: "I've never felt better than now, thank you Mr. Jing for saving me!"

(End of this chapter)

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