Taiqing Sword

Chapter 403, Chi You

Chapter 403, Chi You

Not long after, 72 Eagle Guards had lifted the entire hillside, and a huge palace-like roof appeared in front of Shangguan Jinghong. How long has the underground palace been buried? It is roughly estimated that it is at least 2000 years old.

Shangguan Jinghong carefully peeled away the tiles, still as if he was robbing a tomb, afraid of touching some mechanism. In fact, Shangguan Jinghong really thought too much about this. This palace is not a tomb at all, but it was built many years ago. It was buried deep underground for various reasons.

Finally, after opening a hole on the top, Shangguan Jinghong jumped straight down. The hall was dilapidated, and many stone pillars were tilted. One could vaguely recognize a magic word engraved on the screen in the center of the hall!
There are still many books in the side hall, but they are all covered with thick dust, Shangguan Jinghong picked up one and opened it gently, the handwriting in the books is difficult to read due to the time.

"Mr. Shangguan, come and take a look."

Shangguan Jinghong ran over quickly when he heard Huorong's call: "Elder Huorong?"

"Mr. Shangguan, maybe this is what you want to know." Shangguan Jinghong took a book from Huorong's hand, but the writing inside was crooked. seen.

Can't help shaking his head slightly: "What kind of text is this, but I can't understand it."

Kui Mu took it over, opened it, and was shocked: "This is..."

Shangguan Jinghong's eyes lit up: "It seems that Elder Kui Mu knows, so please tell us what is written in this book?"

Kui Mu said: "This is a historical record of a sect. This sect is called Mo Yuan Sect, and the first palace master is named... Chi You!"

Shangguan Jinghong's heart skipped a beat, Chi You?I only heard Kui Mu continue to say: "Chi You is the number one demon god in the world, and his strength is even more impressive. In a great battle, Chi You was unfortunately defeated and sealed a strand of his remnant soul in the black magic bead. Since then, the cross talk has disappeared. In the same year, the Mo Yuan Sect faded out of the martial arts world and disappeared without a trace."

"Black magic bead?" Shangguan said in shock.

Kui Mu put the book in front of Shangguan Jinghong, the black magic bead was vividly and clearly depicted in the book, wasn't it the one that Shangguan Jinghong accidentally smashed?

Didn't he think that what was sealed inside was Chi You's remnant soul?Although Shangguan Jinghong might have guessed that the Chi You here might not be the Chi You he knew, he was still equally surprised.

Kui Mu guessed: "Mr. Shangguan, if I guessed correctly, the reason why you became a late old man that day was because you came into contact with Chi You's remnant soul? And the reason why you recovered, I think ..."

Shangguan Jinghong smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter if Elder Kui Mu speaks directly."

"I think it should be because you absorbed that wisp of remnant soul."

Shangguan Jinghong laughed and said: "Maybe, my great strength is probably also related to this bead. What else is written later?"

Kui Mu continued to read, but frowned tightly: "When I got here, the text has changed, but I can't understand it."

Shangguan Jinghong felt a little lost, took the book, his eyes flashed, oracle bone inscriptions?
"How can Mr. Shangguan understand?"

"A little bit." Shangguan Jinghong flipped through the pages, only to find that not only some of Chi You's deeds were introduced, but on the last page of the book, Shangguan Jinghong actually saw a set of unique skills Chi You once practiced, "The Magic of Immortality". "

Perhaps it was because Shangguan Jinghong had absorbed a ray of Chi You's remnant soul, this immortal skill was already deeply etched in his mind after only one glance, and he could even fully understand it.

Kui Mu looked at Shangguan Jinghong without speaking for a long time, just turning the pages of the book: "Mr. Shangguan, what else is in this book?"

"It is said in the book that Chi You was injured by a sneak attack, so he left a remnant soul. As for what happened to the Demon Fate Sect, I don't know. Oh, by the way, a set of martial arts was recorded at the end. "Immortal Technique"." Shangguan Jinghong said softly.

When Shangguan Jinghong mentioned this name, Huorong and Kui Mu looked at each other. They didn't expect Shangguan Jinghong to tell them this matter. You must know that even among the Yin and Zhou clans, they cherish martial arts. It's unimaginable, the elders don't know how to learn martial arts, let alone Shangguan Jinghong, an outsider.

Shangguan Jinghong didn't care about the changes between the two of them, and directly said the immortal skill: "If this magical skill is practiced to a great extent, although it is not as exaggerated as the one who said it is immortal, but it is also possible to want to be killed." It's a difficult thing."

Huorong and Kui Mu wrote down Shangguan Jinghong's words one by one. Although they didn't understand much, they could study them slowly. Once they missed the class, they would have no chance.

After walking around the hall again, he left this place. Before leaving, Shangguan Jinghong did not forget to completely destroy this place so that no one would find this place again.

"Mr. Shangguan, Kui Mu and I have killed more than [-] blood slaves along the way, and there shouldn't be many left." Huorong said.

Shangguan Jinghong nodded: "Even if there is only one, it is still an extremely dangerous person in this secular martial arts world."

Huorong said: "Of course I know this. I will keep all the shadow guards here. Once I find any traces of blood slaves, I will kill them immediately until there are no blood slaves in the secular martial arts world."

Shangguan Jinghong smiled: "That's really thankful Elder Huorong."

Huorong waved his hand: "Mr. Shangguan, you don't have to be polite. By the way, since the matter of the blood slave has been resolved in this way, then Mr. Shangguan will follow Kui Mu and me back to the clan. The patriarch has ordered you to go there." Be a guest."

Shangguan Jinghong scratched his head: "Alright, it just so happens that I haven't discussed my matter with the patriarch yet."

Huorong and Kui Mu brought Shangguan Jinghong back to the Yin Zhou Clan after talking: "Clan Chief, we are back."

The patriarch smiled slightly: "Oh, it seems that the blood slave matter has come to an end?"

Shangguan Jinghong said: "Yes, thanks to the help of the patriarch, if I am alone, I am afraid I will never be able to kill them all."

"Mr. Shangguan, you are polite. We are also responsible for this matter. Oh, by the way, I have already considered what Mr. Shangguan said last time. I have never forgotten the revenge of the extermination of the clan. What I am waiting for is one day. Release impermanence into ten thousand pieces."

Shangguan Jinghong was excited when he heard the words: "So, the patriarch agrees..."

The patriarch waved his hand: "Wait a minute, I have one more request."


"I want to exchange Xie Yun's Heavenly Demon strategy with the method of transferring power!"

(End of this chapter)

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