Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 558 One City's Riches!

Chapter 558 Rich in a city!
"Are these orcs really bloodthirsty? Maybe that Shao Wenbin is right!"

But seeing the bloodthirsty Lei Hu and a group of orcs, Ye Xiuwen's heart stirred a little.

But he didn't take it to heart, because in this world of the jungle, who hasn't killed someone?
Could it be that he killed less?It seems that there are not tens of thousands, but there must be several thousand, right?
What's more, he still needs these orcs to fight the League of Legends, and worship the Demon Cult to do right!
"Well, those who surrendered, let them go? Let them take us to find Shao Wenbin's wealth. Once the wealth is found, they will be free!"

"Yes, Young Master Ye!"

Now, Lei Hu and others worship Ye Xiuwen as if he were a living Bodhisattva.But this time, they were even more impressed by Ye Xiuwen's incomparably arrogant fighting power.

None of the warriors in the middle Huangdan stage are his opponents. I am afraid that the warriors of the Green Dan realm, Qingdan realm, and even the Blue Dan realm are not his opponents either?

Of course, these orcs thought too much.If such a master of the Blue Core Realm really came, let alone the Blue Core Realm, just now, a master of the Green Core Realm would be enough for Ye Xiuwen to drink a pot.

But no, now, they have only come to the edge of the Hongwu Continent, where will they meet such a master!

When they were young, under the leadership of those warriors who surrendered, they found Shao Wenbin, the place where his wealth was stored.

Wealth is piled up like a mountain, and this Yangguan is indeed a very rich place, billions of silver taels are just piled up here.

And besides some silver, there was actually gold.

The gold is shining, and Ye Xiuwen likes it just by looking at it. If it is brought to the earth, he thinks that he can buy the whole of 'Dubai'.

"Nanai! These silver and gold are all mine, and those vitality stones are given to you!"

Ye Xiuwen embraced the gold and silver, as if he was swimming in the ocean of gold and silver.

"Young master Ye? The value of these vitality stones is much higher than these gold and silver."

Lei Hu was a little puzzled.

"Take it, take it! Take it back and tell the elders of your clan that this is considered a meeting gift for cooperation. If there is a big business, I will still find him.

By the way, you have to remember, I don't need allies who are not strong enough! "

As Ye Xiuwen said, he took away all the gold and silver, and Lei Hu admired Ye Xiuwen even more.

According to what others say, weak allies are not needed, so what does that mean?That means that Mr. Ye in front of you has many powerful allies!

"Okay, okay! Mr. Ye, I will definitely bring your words to our clan elders,
By the way, Mr. Ye, don't you want to go with us to the gathering place of the orcs? "

Lei Hu asked back.

"No, I still have something to do. I need to find someone. After I find someone, I'll join you guys. I'm leaving first!"

Ye Xiuwen strutted out of the treasure house and headed north.

He came from the west, landed on the Hongwu Continent in the east, with north and south on both sides, and at this time, he was heading north.

There is no doubt that he is going to find his little bride.

Pansi Cave is in the north. According to the map, it should be a Gobi desert, with constant wind and sand all year round, and few pedestrians.

And if you want to enter the Gobi, there are still three levels to pass, the first level, Hulao level, the second level, Feiyun level, and the third level, the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons!
"Wucao, what kind of place does this Zixia fairy live in?"

Does Ye Xiuwen feel very upset?If this girl wanted to see her little bride, it was as difficult as if she had to pass five levels and kill six generals.

But no matter, but seeing this road, it is only less than ten thousand li. If you go fast, you can get there in ten days.

If you walk slowly, you will arrive in a month.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiuwen set off, but he never expected that he would be noticed just after he landed in Hongwu Continent.

League of Legends, Law Enforcement Hall, a grey-robed old man showed a sinister smile.

"Boy, you are finally here!"

The old man stood up slowly, smiling and saying nothing, while the blood-robed old man beside him asked, "Is this the one who took away the spirit beast egg?"

"That's right!" the gray-robed old man sneered.

"Hmph! Then I'll catch him and take back the spirit beast eggs!" The blood-robed old man was obviously grumpy.

"Eh? No, it's useless even if we get back the spirit beast eggs now. We've warmed up the spirit beast eggs for so long, but they haven't hatched yet."

"What do you mean?" The blood-robed old man seemed to understand a little bit.

"Yes! Let him take the spirit beast eggs first and show off in Hongwu Continent. If he can really hatch the spirit beast eggs, it won't be too late for us to take action!"

"Hehehe! Yes, you are so right, and this matter must not be known by others, otherwise the life of the two of us may not be easy!"

The blood-robed old man laughed loudly, but the gray-robed old man smiled and remained silent.


Ye Xiuwen, who was thousands of miles away, sneezed. He didn't know who was talking about him, maybe it was his little bride?

He walked forward beautifully, but he met an old woodcutter.

The woodcutter is an ordinary person, but he is very strong. He can carry more than 200 catties of firewood on his back and forth.

"Hero, Xiao Ke is here to meet you!"

Ordinary people, in the world of warriors, life is not easy, but if you want to survive, you must know how to be a human being.

Smile and show more courtesy when seeing people, ordinary warriors don't bother to care about ordinary people.

And no one will rob them.

After all, if you randomly deduct a few taels of money from them, it will be enough for these ordinary people to eat for several lifetimes.

"I said this big brother? Hulao Pass, how do you get there?"

Ye Xiuwen was very polite, but the woodcutter, as if flattered, bowed his hands and said, "Hero? This Hulao Pass is not far from Luohujian. You are participating in the sword box meeting held every ten years. right?"

"Sword box meeting?"

Ye Xiuwen asked rhetorically, listening to the freshness.

"Huh? So the hero doesn't know yet? Then I want to tell you something, you must not miss this prosperous world.

According to legend, there is such a cave in Luohujian!
In the cave, I don't know who lives there, but every ten years, it will be opened once.If there are juniors who enter it, they will get benefits!
Some people have obtained martial arts, and some have obtained weapons. Anyway, there are all kinds of benefits. We mortals are so envious! .”

The woodcutter is right, they are indeed envious.

Just grab something, sell it in the market, and he'll be a millionaire.

"Hey! Sword box meeting!"

The woodcutter explained it in detail, and Ye Xiuwen finally understood. Unexpectedly, this Hulao pass is not only a pass, but also has such advantages.

I can't miss it, I have to rush there as soon as possible! .
(End of this chapter)

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