Martial Arts Super Slap System

Chapter 74 Cinderella!

Chapter 74 Cinderella!

"The person I like is a hero of the world. One day, he will step on the seven-color cloud to marry me. This is my childhood dream. I just don't know if I can have such a person in this life to pick me up."

It's time to say goodbye again, and Zhu Ning actually left such a sentence.

But Ye Xiuwen did not agree, because he is not Monkey King, and Zhu Ning is not Zixia.

However, Ye Xiuwen gave her a hair, saying that as long as she blows on this monkey hair when she is in trouble, he will know, and maybe he will step on the colorful clouds to pick her up.

Zhu Ning believed it. She took the child and gradually disappeared from Ye Xiuwen's sight.

"What a good woman, the bitch princess I know is just like two people!"

Ye Xiuwen walked into the forest silently, and took off his monkey attire.

"System, give me a breakthrough!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading, the consumption is forced to +100, and the current level of Qi training is 10/88."


When the notification sound came from the system, Ye Xiuwen's body felt like being electrocuted, and then the 36 Tiangang points and the 72 Earth meridians, simultaneously in the body, transformed into a star-like brilliance, and finally gathered in Ye Xiuwen's sea of ​​energy.

As soon as the sea of ​​air was opened, the turbines rippling away, a total of ten turbines formed in Ye Xiuwen's body!

There was another loud roar, and it was Ye Xiuwen who burst out with momentum, directly gathering a mountain-opening giant elephant and breaking out.

The giant elephant, five meters high, stood like a hill in the forest, directly smashing the trees on both sides to pieces!
"Crack! Crack!."

The trees broke and the birds were startled, but at this moment, someone clapped their hands and applauded: "Brother, what a skill!"


Ye Xiuwen's eyelids rolled up, but he saw a middle-aged young man slowly walking down from the opposite mountain.

But seeing this man, his face was very pale, he was dressed in a brocade robe, and he held a sword in his hand, like a Jianghu man.

"Brother, don't know how to address him?" Ye Xiuwen asked, clasping his hands.

"I'm 'Hunjiang Dragon', what do you call it?"

Hun Jianglong asked Ye Xiuwen, but how could Ye Xiuwen tell the truth?

This is the rivers and lakes, and in the rivers and lakes, if someone touches your bottom, then you will die.

Of course, you can't help but say it.If you don't say it, maybe the other party will mistakenly think that you are a 'faceless' person.

But what is a faceless person?It's the kind of little bastard who has no sect and no status in the arena.

So don't care if it's true or not, you have to report your number.

"Hahaha! I'm playing 'hanging the sky',"

"Hey? Hanging the sky? The name Xiongtai, is it cool? Don't tell me you are too? Want to participate in Huashan Discussion of Swords?"

"Huashan tournament?"

Hun Jianglong said "Huashan Lunjian", but Ye Xiuwen didn't know about it at all, he was really ignorant.

"Brother? What about Huashan Lunjian? Are you going to fight for the long-lost Nine Yin Manual?"

"Nine Yin Scriptures? Haven't you heard of it? Could it be that the leader of the Eastern Three Leagues will give a Nine Yin Scriptures as a gift when they marry their daughters?"

The Hunjiang Dragon was puzzled, but Ye Xiuwen's eyeballs were about to roll over.

Ye Xiuwen knows the leader of the Eastern Three Alliance!That Mu Lingyun is his old man, even though he just divorced his engagement!But it was a little too fast, and she was going to marry her daughter.

"This brother? Miss Murong, who do you want to marry?"

"Hahaha! My brother, you don't even know about this. Leader Mu will hold a contest to recruit relatives in Huashan. At that time, apart from young talents from all over the world, the leader of the West Fifth League and the leader of the South Fourth League , all will be there, "

"What about the Milky Way in the Northern Alliance?"

The 'Yinhe' that Ye Xiuwen is asking about at this moment is a remarkable figure.

This person is in Mobei, and he doesn't have any influence, but he has the ability to overwhelm the East, West, and South, the three major alliance lords.

Moreover, according to legend, this person's martial arts has entered the Dou Zong stage, which is very good.

Of course, this was just a rumor, and Ye Xiuwen didn't know if it was true or not.But at this moment, he received the answer from Qing Jianglong.

Talking about the Galaxy of the Northern League, they didn't say they would come, but the leader of the Eastern Three Leagues, 'Mu Lingyun', the leader of the Western Five Leagues, 'Xi Fenglie', and the leader of the Southern Fourth League, 'Gong Nanchuan', will be there.

And here, there are two amazing people who will be present.

One is Xifenglie's son 'Xifengqiu', and the other is Gong Nanchuan's son 'Gong Jiuling', who will participate in this contest.

Ye Xiuwen had heard about these two people, and they entered the gas change period at a young age, which is very remarkable.

"Hmph! No wonder that Mu Lingyun lost all face and was eager to get divorced. So he planned to have a marriage? Hmph!"

"Brother? What's wrong with you?"

Ye Xiuwen sneered, but he didn't want him to be stunned for too long, and the Hunjiang Dragon asked with concern.

"Hahaha! It's okay, when I think about it, Murong, brother Yu is also filled with righteous indignation,"

"Haha? Brother? What do you mean by that?"

Hun Jianglong didn't know how to laugh anymore. He felt that there was something wrong with his words.

"Haha, what do you mean? You don't have to worry about what it means. How about we go together? Let's go to Huashan together?"

"Wow! Wow! This is exactly what I mean. Traveling alone is really lonely!"

"Let's go then!"


The two were invited to go, and they arrived at the foot of Mount Hua in a short time.

At the foot of Mount Hua, there is a 'Tsing Hua Town'. The town is very lively at the moment, and all of them are martial arts people.

These people are of all kinds, but there is only one thing that is rumored, that is, there is no secret door.

"Hello? Hello? Have you heard? The second killer organization in the world, the secret door was wiped out,"

"Hey? What's going on here?"

At this moment, there are those who are well-informed, but there are also those who have no information, and they all come over to inquire.

"The thing is like this. I passed through the secret door and met the disciples who escaped from the secret door. Only after I asked this question did I know that their head, Hei Fengsha, went against the sky and practiced the elixir of life, which angered the gods. , the Monkey King who was sent down was beaten to death with a stick!"

"Ah? Killed? That Black Wind Sha, is a martial artist in the middle stage of Qi Transformation? Does it mean that he was killed if he was killed?"

"That's right! It is said that the Great Sage Equaling Heaven has become so powerful that he can invite thunder from the sky. Even if Hei Fengsha resorted to insinuations, it is still not a sharp weapon for others. If he is hit by a stick, he will open it! "

"Hey! It deserves it. I have also heard a little bit about Heifengsha stealing the elixir of life. Is it to take the hearts and livers of 500 virgins?"

"That's not right, this is a terrible punishment!"

"That's right, that's what it's called, if you don't die, you won't die!"

(End of this chapter)

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