Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 147, The Battle of the Two Immortals

Chapter 147, The Battle Between the Two Immortals

Let's say that Daoxian has a thin knife with a dark red blade, no matter whether Lin Zhonghe agrees or not, the dark red knife curtain surrounds Lin Zhonghe.

Seeing this, Lin Zhonghe knew that in front of such a supreme being, it was useless to explain with words, and he had to rely on his own ability.

So, Lin Zhonghe calmed down, put the little mink on his shoulders, and started to use the purple electric current light body technique. The dragon dagger had already been unsheathed, and he fought with the sword fairy.

Lin Zhonghe fought with Dao Xian, he had no choice but to do this.

There are sixteen moves in Dao Xian's sword art, each of which contains four small changes, a total of 64 changes, each change can kill a person, it is extremely fierce, the knife seals the throat, and the style bleeds, it can be said to be the most powerful in the world. Domineering Unrivaled Sword Technique.

Then, for some reason, the Dao Immortal always used the same level of skill to compete with Lin Zhonghe.Therefore, even though Dao Xian's set of saber techniques is mighty and powerful, but in the same realm, Lin Zhonghe can't do anything about it.

On the contrary, after ten moves, Lin Zhonghe already had the upper hand.After the sword fairy finished using these sixteen sword moves, it was only a blink of an eye.

Bystanders thought it was only one move, but they didn't know that these sixteen moves were extremely terrifying. Fortunately, the opponent was Lin Zhonghe, if it was someone else, he would have already become a dead soul under the sword.

Because Lin Zhonghe is able to predict the enemy before him and has the ability to know how to move and cut off moves. Although the skill of Dao Immortal is extremely high, it is slightly inferior to Lin Zhonghe in the same realm. In addition, Lin Zhonghe's light kung fu "Purple Current Light" is one of the three peerless light kung fu. Therefore, not to mention competing in the same realm, not long ago in the battle with the Beast Immortal, the Beast Immortal fought with all his strength, Lin Zhonghe was still able to persist in hundreds of moves.

Lin Zhonghe is invincible in the same realm.This is the assertion of the boxing immortal, and all the eight immortals know it.

Because of this assertion, one of the Eight Immortals refused to accept it.

Sword Fairy is one of them.So much so that today he came to Xishan to fight Lin Zhonghe, and the result confirmed what the boxing fairy said was right.

After Dao Xian finished using the sixteen-style saber techniques, he immediately stopped his figure: "I am old, what old man Quan said is true, you are really invincible in the same realm."

"The old senior is humble, thank you senior for being merciful. Lin felt guilty about the death of your son, and I am here to say sorry to senior."

"Life and death are up to you, don't blame others. Since you are playing with swords and swords, you will inevitably die under the sword. However, if my son Wu Jin fights openly and squarely, if he loses and dies, I, Wu, will not pursue it, but he died due to conspiracy , now that the accomplice is dead, the old man will definitely bring the culprit to justice."

"Senior is really upright, with a clear distinction between likes and hates, and hates evil like hatred, he is really a role model for my generation." Lin Zhonghe said persuasively.

Dao Xian smiled sadly, losing a child in middle age, the pain is beyond words.I just heard Dao Xian say: "Young people are brave, but your opponent is the White Lady. You know that with your current martial arts, fighting against the White Lady is like hitting a stone with an egg. I hope you can do it yourself."

"Lin always remember what senior said." Lin Zhonghe cupped his fists and bowed.

Dao Xian glanced at Lin Zhonghe, and then said, "How much do you remember of the saber technique just now?"

Lin Zhonghe did not speak, but replaced the sword with a sword, and demonstrated the sixteen-style sword techniques just now. Only the No.11 and No.12 moves were changed by Lin Zhonghe to make this set of sword techniques seamless. Impeccable.

After Dao Xian saw it, he praised again and again: "Lin Shaoxia is really a peerless martial arts genius. I want to perfect the connection between No. 11 and No. 12 moves, but I haven't been able to do so for more than ten years. But today I was caught by Lin Xiaoyou. Seeing through it and perfecting it, the old man admires it, and the future generations will fear it."

Just as Lin Zhonghe wanted to say something, Dao Xian walked straight to the high platform where Shuang Sha was.

Lin Zhonghe's heart tightened, what did Senior Daoxian want to do? Could it be that he wanted to settle accounts with Shuangsha?
The two brothers Xiao Gaiguo originally thought that Dao Xian would kill Lin Zhonghe, but unexpectedly found Miao Jiang's son Miao Zhuangzhuang. Now Dao Xian and Lin Zhonghe shook hands to make peace, and the situation took a turn for the worse, and their lives were in danger.

Xiao Gai shouted loudly: "Come on, put those two heads up."

In an instant, Shangguan Zi and Ouyang Yu were escorted to the high platform by Fengli's two attendants.

At this time, Xiao Gaigao laughed wildly: "Senior Daoxian, please stop, or I will kill these two chicks."

Dao Xian's fat body immediately stopped, stood where he was, and saw the two girls on the high platform.

Dao Xian really didn't dare to act rashly, because he was still ten feet away from the high platform, Xiao Gaiguo only needed a split second to kill the two girls.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Dao Xian sneered: "The old man doesn't know these two girls, this kind of threat is useless to the old man."

"Do you know who these two girls are? The one on the left is Ouyang Yu, the daughter of Ouyang Fucang, and the one on the right is Shangguan Zi, the daughter of Shangguan Jing, the head of the Shangguan family. Daughter, the former is the fiancée of Hua Rudian, the first genius of the Hua family, and the latter is the confidante of the famous Lin Zhonghe." Xiao Gaigao said quite proudly.

When Hua Rudian saw Ouyang Yu appearing on the high platform, she was very excited, but Lin Zhonghe was calm when he saw Shangguan Zi appearing. He was thinking about rescue strategies in his mind.

The two sides are extremely tense.

At this time, a disheveled and extremely ugly woman appeared in front of Daoxian.

Dao Xian sneered: "You finally showed up, stop now, otherwise the world will be in a mess and get out of hand?"

"Really? Didn't we agree that none of us should interfere. Is your Wu Laodao's sword technique invincible in the world?
"I didn't say that, it's just that the dog was killed by Shuangsha, I only blame Shuangsha, I'm not interested in other things." Dao Xian said.

"Shuangsha can't die now, my teacher has repeatedly asked me." said the ugly woman with disheveled hair.

Shuangsha's life is in danger today.For the first time since their debut, the two brothers felt the fear of their lives.

Fortunately, the ugly woman appeared at this time and entangled Daoxian.It seems that the sword fairy is very afraid of ugly women.

Who do you think this ugly girl is? She is an evil fairy who is famous all over the world.

Speaking of this evil fairy, her life experience is pitiful: she was born in a poor and settled family, but her mother passed away when she was young, and her father only knew about gambling and drinking.

But Xiexian was good-looking since he was a child. When he was 13 years old, because his father owed gambling debts, he sold him to others to pay off the debts.

From then on, she lived a dark life and became a man's plaything.

After several rounds.Three years later, she was sold to a brothel in the provincial capital of Edi, and by this time she had already become the top brand.

A year later, he was infected with the willow disease, his whole body was festered and swollen, and he was thrown into the crossroads by the black-hearted madam.

Maybe there is no unparalleled road, and the white lady who passed by here saw her, took her back, used the supreme internal force to heal her injuries, and then invited famous doctors to study the formula for treatment.

A year later, he was forced to kill him. The illness was cured, but his eyes were full of scars, and it was terrifying to see.

Seeing this, she was disheartened and thought about life and death. After being enlightened by the white lady, she worshiped under the door and became a powerful evil spirit in the martial arts world.exactly:
The two fairies fight each other equally,

After discussing it properly, he agreed to release him.

(End of this chapter)

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