Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 154, Chen Hu was rescued

Chapter 154, Chen Hu was rescued

It is said that after Xiao Zixin ordered Shang Yi and the three to leave, Xiao Zixin called Lu Jun and said, "Lord Lu has worked hard, the family is unfortunate, the old lady has passed away, and my brother was seriously injured and is recovering from his injuries. Thanks to Master Lu's help, there is such a blessing." We two brothers are very grateful for handling things in a timely manner.”

Lu Jun was quite surprised when he heard the words. What happened to Xiao Zixin today? Why did he become so polite.

Therefore, Lu Jun replied cautiously: "Your Excellency, you are being polite. This is what your subordinates should do. How can you thank me? I am a subordinate."

Xiao Zixin took a look at Lu Jun but changed the subject: "Master Lu is also tired all day. After lunch, Master Lu will go back to Crouching Tiger Villa to rest. Tomorrow is New Year's Day. There are many things to do. Remember to come early."

Lu Jun was even more surprised. What did he mean? Did he care about me? Or did he find out that Lu Gang was my son?
Lu Jun's thoughts changed, but he still replied calmly: "Thank you for your concern, my lord, I am very grateful."

Xiao Zixin said: "It's time for lunch, let's go eat something together."

Lu Jun nodded and followed Xiao Zixin to the restaurant. Maybe the two of them had their own thoughts and had no appetite, so they ate something carelessly.

Then the two walked out of the restaurant, Xiao Zixin said: "Lord Lu, let's go back and rest."

Seeing Xiao Zixin's abnormal personality today, Lu Jun felt uneasy, but he nodded obediently, left Xiao's ancestral hall, and went straight to Crouching Tiger Villa.

As soon as Lu Jun left, Xiao Zixin called his mother's four bodyguards and gave them such instructions. The four nodded and sneaked back to Xiao's mansion in another direction.

It's New Year's Eve, fireworks are set off everywhere, and the old is happily bid farewell to the new.

Then, in Crouching Tiger Villa, at midnight, a masked man rushed to the execution room, and hit the sleeping points of the four thugs like lightning, and the four thugs fell to the ground immediately, unconscious.

The masked man found the key on one of the thugs, and opened the cell door where Lu Gang was held. Seeing that Lu Gang was sleeping on the desk, he couldn't help being angry: "Silly boy, what time is it, and he's still pretending to be asleep."

Lu Jun walked to the case, put his left hand on his shoulder, and was about to shake Lu Gang awake.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Lu Gang, who was at the desk, suddenly made an attack and punched Lu Jun directly in the face.

Lu Jun said directly: "Stop it just now, I am your father, Lu Jun." He retreated while talking, dodging the punch.

As soon as Lu Jun finished speaking, the entire torture room was brightly lit up like daytime.

Lu Jun yelled inwardly, knowing that he had been caught in Xiao Zixin's trick, he felt unwilling: after he was forced to defect to Xiao's Shuangsha, he never did anything against his will.

Therefore, Shuang Sha was very careful about this and never entrusted him with important matters.

Today, the mother of Shuangsha died, and Lu Jun, uncharacteristically, volunteered to show extreme hard work. This move aroused extreme suspicion.

When Xiao Zixin proposed to kill the assassin and sacrifice his life to his deceased mother, Lu Jun strongly opposed it.

When people are overly sad, they will be extremely calm, but they can see clearly the vague things.

This is exactly the case with Xiao Zixin. Although he is taciturn, it does not mean that his intelligence is hindered.On the contrary, this kind of person is nothing but a blockbuster.

Isn't it? Xiao Zixin's command and dispatch ability is no less than that of his brother Xiao Gaiguo.

Forgive the gossip, and let me say that Lu Jun knew the trick, and the person who saw the desk was one of Mrs. Shen's bodyguards.

Outside the door, Xiao Zixin said to Lu Jun with no expression on his face: "Master Lu has worked so hard to save his beloved son, he has no regard for the consequences. This officer really admires me."

Lu Jun scolded angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

Xiao Zixin was too sad, not in the mood to talk to Lu Jun, and shouted: "Come here, take this old man Lu Jun to the death row, and put him in the same room with his son, so that he can take care of him."

After hearing this, Lu Jun cursed: "Xiao Zixin, you will kill yourself if you do many unrighteous actions. Even if I, Lu Jun, die, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

Xiao Zixin has already gone away, letting Lu Jun scold him.

Such a reunion of father and son!
Lu Jun had thought of many kinds of reunion scenarios, but Lu Jun did not expect the reunion in prison.

When Lu Gang saw Lu Jun coming in, he was neither happy nor surprised. He had already come here with the determination to die, putting life and death aside.

Now the father and son are in trouble together, and the two have different hearts.

Lu Jun regretted that he should have acted recklessly, that's why it happened.

But Lu Gang smiled, and never regretted what he did.

In a few days, the name of Lu Gang and the name of the mother of Shuangsha will be introduced into the Jianghu.

Lu Gang will be famous in the world.After all, the mother of Shuangsha died at his hands.

Don't gossip, let's say that Xiao Zixin came to another torture room to interrogate Chen Hu overnight.

Chen Hu held his head high, mighty and unyielding, standing without kneeling, and counting the crimes of Shuangsha.

Xiao Zixin said expressionlessly: "Have you scolded enough? Your life is saved for now. After a while, you will know the price of entering Crouching Tiger Villa for assassination."

When Chen Hu heard this, he had an ominous premonition: "What are you going to do? If you have the ability, come at me!"

As he said that, Chen Hu rushed towards Xiao Zixin.Seeing this, several masters on both sides rushed out to intercept.

But at this moment, all the lights and candles in the torture room went out, and he became completely invisible.

Chen Hu heard: "Follow me." It was the sound of sound transmission.

Chen Hu followed the man out of the torture room without hesitation.

Chen Hu was very surprised. The person who came came was so good at lightness, he grabbed his arm, tiptoed up to the eaves on the opposite side, and then walked out of Crouching Tiger Villa after a few ups and downs.

Walking forward for about five miles, I came to a dilapidated mountain temple. There were already people in the temple. Seeing them coming, I hurriedly lit candles.

Under the dim candlelight, I saw a man, three women, and four young people.

Chen Hu's arms were loosened by his rescuer, who took off his mask, revealing a thin young face.

Chen Hu looked at the three women and two men, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you? Why did you save me?"

The young man who rescued him bowed to him: "My benefactor, please accept a bow from me, Lin Zhonghe."

Chen Hu was shocked when he heard that, Lin Zhonghe's name was like thunder in the martial arts world, resounding through the sky and the sky.

When he heard that Lin Zhonghe, the son of the old man who was rescued by his design back then, had just achieved martial arts, he was very pleased, which showed that the things that happened back then were not in vain.

Unexpectedly, he met Lin Zhonghe, but he rescued himself from prison.

Surprised, Chen Hu said, "You are Lin Zhonghe? The son of Lin Shu, the killer in white?"

"Uncle Chen, I'm Lin Zhonghe, thank you Uncle Chen for saving your life." Lin Zhonghe's eyes were slightly red, his throat was choked, and he couldn't speak.

"Okay! Good! Good! Heroes have been born since ancient times." Chen Hu was very excited, "Brother Lin, if you know him, he must be full of joy. Let's drink two more glasses."

Lin Zhonghe then introduced the three women and one man: Shangguan Zi, Ouyang Yu and Yu Rong.

The man does not leave his wife, and the weight does not leave his weight. Naturally, this male judge guessed who it is. He is Hua Rudian, a young master of the famous Hua family.exactly:
Lin Zhonghe re-entered Xiao's residence,
Xiao Zixin surrounded the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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