Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 169, Bloody Shaolin

Chapter 169, Bloody Shaolin
Let's say that Xiao Gaiguo led more than two hundred martial arts scum, galloping all the way to the Songshan Shaolin Temple.

Xiao Gaigao was almost insane, his mother, Shen Shi, was assassinated and killed, all of them were buried in Hidden Dragon Villa, and he was almost stabbed to death by Chen Hu, the entire Duliang Escort Bureau except Chen Hu survived.

The reckless actions of Chen Hu and Lu Gang paid a heavy price, hundreds of lives were lost in an instant.

However, the two brothers Xiao Gaiguo did not give up, and now they have already raised their shining butcher knives and slashed at the major martial arts sects.

Such a big move has already alarmed all martial arts factions, all factions were extremely vigilant, the Beggar Clan found out the news immediately, Fei Ge sent a letter to Shaolin and Diancang, and at the same time sent the letter to Ouyang Fu Cang's West Lake Tower, ask him, the martial arts leader, to come up with countermeasures.

After Ouyang Fucang received the letter and read it, he was astonished that everyone who had come had finally arrived.Hurriedly called Chang Hui and said, "Uncle Chang, what do you think about this matter, and what countermeasures do you have?"

Chang Hui is also in a serious mood, Shuangsha is extremely cunning, and his troops are divided into two groups, one goes south and the other goes north, making it difficult for all the heroes in the world to take care of both. No one is invincible, this is how the heroes of the world can resist.

When the two were discussing, Hua Rudian came in with a smile: "Oh, Grandpa Chang and Uncle Ouyang are discussing something, it seems that something big is about to happen, isn't it?"

Hua Rudian caught up with Ouyang Yu late at night on the first day of the new year, and then went back to the West Lake Building with Ouyang Yu.At that time, many young masters in West Lake House were hostile to Hua Rudian.

Because Ouyang Yu was born as beautiful as a flower, and has an easy-going personality and kindness. He is a bright pearl in the entire West Lake Tower.

Although his Hua Rudian has spread his fame far and wide in the Jianghu in recent years, he is a role model among the younger generation.The younger generation referred to Lin Zhonghe, Hua Rudian and Fengli as the "Three Musketeers of Jiangnan".

Then, as time passed, Feng Li openly defected, which greatly disappointed his comrades in the martial arts circle. It seemed that the "Three Musketeers of the South of the Yangtze River" were people with fame and fortune. Feng Li's defection greatly reduced the reputation of the Three Musketeers.

Fengli came from a humble background, only seeking profit, and had no fatherly love since he was a child. It was his mother who raised him with painstaking efforts, and his young heart has long been distorted.

Therefore, Fengli, who was afraid of being poor since childhood, changed the rules of the rudder after taking control of the main rudder of water and land, and colluded with the local government to forcibly increase the fees paid by passing ships in several major river systems in the south of the Yangtze River.As a result, the ships of passing merchants all over the world complained everywhere.

Since then, Fengli has been making a lot of money, making money every day...

As for Hua Rudian, who was born in the Jiangnan chivalrous family of the Hua family, hearing the reputation, people in the martial arts world felt a little bit murmured in their hearts. Moreover, many ancestors of the Hua family's marriage methods were not on the table, so everyone had preconceived psychological effects.

Isn't that right? Now Hua Rudian somehow managed to make the pearl of the West Lake Tower, Miss Ouyang Yu, fall in love with him.

Therefore, many masters of the younger generation stumble over Hua like lightning.

However, they don't know that Hua Rudian has been with his grandfather for a long time since he was a child, and making trips is a piece of cake for him.After this struggle, those young people suffered a lot, but Hua Ruden pretended not to know the details, and still called these people brothers and sisters, on the surface they were extremely harmonious.

Those people saw that Hua Rudian could not fight against Hua Rudian with dark methods, so they came to openly and openly fought against Hua Rudian with real swords and swords.

Little do they know that Hua Rudian has countless life and death duels, how can it be that the group of West Lake Building who are pampered and pampered, the flowers in the greenhouse with flowery fists and embroidered legs are comparable, and they are naturally beaten by Hua Rudian to the point of hair dripping and looking for teeth all over the floor.

In fact, these people really overestimated themselves. The only one who could really fight against Hua Rudian in the entire West Lake light and dark buildings was Ouyang Fucang, the owner of the West Lake building.Whether Ouyang Fucang will win or not is only a [-]% say, each accounted for half.

Gossip aside, Ouyang Fucang saw the flowers coming like electricity, although he had objections to this joking future son-in-law, he still acquiesced.After all, he was his daughter's favorite person, and her daughter chose Hua Rudian instead of Lin Zhonghe, maybe it was fate.

True love should be pleasing to each other!
This is the case with Hua Rudian and Ouyang Yu.

At this time Ouyang Fucang gave the letter to Hua Rudian.

Hua Ruping is usually careless, but when things happen, she is extremely calm.After reading the letter, he said: "In my opinion, quickly organize a group of experts to intercept Xiao Zixin's team. As for Xiao Gai's team, it is too late to save him. If my guess is right, my third brother Lin Zhonghe will definitely go to the Shaolin Temple, even if he doesn't go to the Shaolin Temple, Xiao might not be able to get a better deal if he goes to the Shaolin Temple instead."

Ouyang Fucang and Chang Hui agreed with Hua Rudian's idea, hurriedly ordered dozens of masters from West Lake Tower, and sent them away.

Hua Rudian was right, Lin Zhonghe and Shangguan Zi were on their way to Shaolin, because Xiao Gaiguo acted quickly and made a sudden decision.

After Lin Zhonghe and Shangguan Zi got the news, it was already late the next day.Therefore, there was a day's journey between Xiao Gaiguo and the brigade, and the two had to desperately catch up...

In front of the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, hundreds of martial arts scum led by Xiao Gaiguo had already arrived, and another thousand officers and soldiers were dispatched from the local area to seal off the main road of the entire Shaolin Temple, only entering and exiting.

Master Fangzhang Juewu couldn't help being shocked when he heard the news, the Shuangsha finally started to kill Wulin.

So he led the monks to the gate of Shaolin Temple to stop Xiao Gaiguo.

After Master Juewu saw Xiao Gaigao in front of the mountain gate, he shouted the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, why is the benefactor Xiao so murderous, leading troops to trap the important place of Buddhism?"

"Master Awakening, I miss you a generation of high-ranking monks. It is not easy to reach the current state. Today, I will make an exception. As long as you monks in Shaolin Temple cooperate with the imperial court and accompany me to eliminate rebels, you Save me from dying, or I will send my troops to bloodbath Shaolin Temple and kill everyone." Xiao Gaigao said in a cold and authentic tone.

Master Jue Wu was startled, but he couldn't see any expression on the surface: "The almsgiver's words are wrong. As an official of the imperial court, don't you understand that this temple has always been canonized as the birthplace of Shangjiao by the Shenzhou Celestial Dynasty. , Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism co-exist, and they are all respected by the heavenly court, so why does the benefactor talk about cooperating with the imperial court today, isn't it surprising?"

Xiao Gaiguo's face was reddish, knowing that he had made a mistake, he couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment: "Stop talking nonsense, just say, would you like to send a hundred monks with high martial arts skills to accompany me to suppress those disobedient gangs in the rivers and lakes? "

Master Awakening just wanted to answer, his younger brother Awakened Master, the elder of the precept master, who is not inferior to enlightenment and has a hot temper. He is in charge of the discipline academy of Shaolin Temple, which is equivalent to a law enforcement brigade. At this time, it is an important task to protect the safety of Shaolin Temple.

Seeing Xiao Gaigao's arrogance now, he couldn't help being furious, and he had already risen up from the ground to go straight to Xiao Gaigao.One of Shaolin's 72 stunts, the powerful vajra palm is shot with overwhelming strength.

Seeing this, Xiao Gaiguo smiled coldly, and the long sword came out of its sheath with a "choke", and saw a rain of blood falling in front of the gate of Shaolin Temple.

Xiao Gaiguo let out a long roar and pointed his long sword, all the officers and soldiers and these martial arts scum were about to charge towards them.

But Wen yelled loudly: "Stop, don't be presumptuous, Lin Zhonghe is here." This sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and everyone present was stunned.exactly:
Competing in front of ancient temples,

The Master of Awareness dies.

(End of this chapter)

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