Chapter 22 Chapter [-]
"Hehehe! Don't you believe me, old monkey? If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do?" Lin Zhonghe felt aggrieved.

Guo Ping sneered: "Of course the old man doesn't believe it. Their master and servant escorted you all the way from Duliang. How can you say you don't know each other?"

Lin Zhonghe coughed violently, until the twenty or so well-dressed men frowned. It could be felt that Lin Zhonghe's illness was terminal, and almost reached the terminal stage.

After the cough stopped, Lin Zhonghe replied to Tongtian Monkey Guo Ping: "Thank you for calling yourself Tongtian Monkey, you should be a good monkey, why is your head a lump of elm, they escorted me there?
Now I have no relatives, and my hometown is in Duliang, even a fool can tell that this is not an escort, this is called an escort, understand, I just want a cheat book. "

Guo Ping thought about it for a while, and waved his hand back: "Tie up the three of them, take them to Qinghe Town, take them back to the inn for interrogation, there is still a month before the alliance will be held on the fifth day of May, and we will stay here for a few days , there is still time."

A few men dressed in black lifted up Ouyang Fucang, master and servant, and walked towards the town.When we arrived in the town, we chose a restaurant called Wangxiang, and a group of people lived in it.

After living in the restaurant, the four monkeys got together.Start discussing how to get cheats and how to deal with the three of them?
Tongtian Monkey Guo Ping said: "What are the three virtuous brothers' opinions? There is only six hours for this crispy exercise. Once these two people wake up, it will be very difficult to deal with them. This crispy exercise is not easy to come by, so we can't use them anymore." body."

Song Qu, the second son Fan Tianhou, said: "Brother, let's not do anything if we don't do it, and we will not stop. We will kill the master and servant, and only keep the boy, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Xu Yuan, the third child, and the fourth child, Zhuan Tianhou, agreed with the proposal of the second child, Song Qu.

Guo Ping was displeased: "You just don't use your brains, you only know how to fight and kill. You have to know that these two people are originally a secret book. They left a life, brought it back to Lingnan, and controlled it with drugs. These four martial arts Didn't the Ouyang family of the family belong to us?"

After the three monkeys heard this, they were startled. The eldest brother is the eldest brother, and he has far-sightedness, so they almost said in unison: "Big brother is wise."

"Okay, my brother, you don't have to brag like this. You've worked hard today, so let's go to the hall for dinner, and the four of us will celebrate."

The other three nodded in agreement, so the four walked towards the living room.

When they arrived at the hall, there were already many guests, most of whom were people from the world with swords and sabers. It seemed that this alliance meeting must be unprecedented.

Guo Ping scanned the hall and saw an empty table facing the east window, so the four of them squeezed past, and just sat down, the waiter came over and said to the four of them: "Sorry, four masters, this table is reserved, please Four moves elsewhere."

The Four Hegemons of Lingnan are not good people in the first place. Wherever they go to eat, they have never been wronged like this, and they have to be driven away after sitting down.

Bai Zhanyi, the most tempered Diamond Monkey, was furious: "I'm just sitting here today, I want to see who can do anything to me."

The waiter bit the bullet and said: "Master, this is not good, everything must be first come first."

"Get out, I'm in a good mood now, if you tremble again, be careful of your life." Bai Zhanyi was already furious.

The waiter in the shop was too frightened to make a sound, and hurriedly oiled his feet——slipped away.

When Bai Zhan saw this, he was about to laugh when he saw two people, an old man and a young man, appearing in front of the four of them like ghosts.And Bai Zhanyi had a dagger at his throat.

Of the two uninvited guests, the older one was about seventy years old, and the younger one was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

Guo Ping saw that the incident happened suddenly, and the lightness skills of these two people were unimaginable. When they came in, they came here stepping on people's heads.

So he clasped his fists to the old man and saluted: "Senior, this junior is sorry to accompany you. I didn't know that this table was reserved by senior. Now we will leave immediately. This little brother must be calm, we just leave."

The old man smiled "hehe": "Ah Dian, since I have admitted my mistake, I have to forgive him and let him go. Let him go, and I will not violate the order."

"Get out," said Ah Dian, "get out of my sight before the young master changes his mind." Ah Dian returned the sword into its sheath and floated in front of the old man.

The Four Hegemons of Lingnan may have stumbled today, but Guo Ping felt unwilling, so he tentatively asked: "I don't know how the old man was called?"

"The old man's surname is Hua, and his first name is Ru Lei. People call him the Miaoshou Picking Star Flower Ru Lei. This is the old man's grandson, Hua Ru Dian, known as Chasing Dian and Dispelling Wind."

The four tyrants of Lingnan were stunned when they heard this.It fell to the chopping block today.Guo Ping repeatedly praised: "It turned out to be the head of the Hua family, which is well-known in the world. It's a pleasure to meet, a pleasure to meet." He said and took the other three people away in a desperate manner.

In fact, if they did it with real swords and guns, the Four Hegemons of Lingnan might not lose to the grandparents and grandchildren of the Hua family, but they would not be able to win against them either.

But once a beam is formed, the Hua family will avenge every revenge, and will haunt you endlessly from now on, never ending.Hua's lightness kung fu is the best in martial arts, if they want to assassinate a person, it's like picking something out of a bag, they can catch it with their hands.

What Guo Ping is afraid of is not the present, but the future, which will never be peaceful.It can be said that in the martial arts, no one wants to offend the Hua family.

After Hua Rudian saw that the Four Hegemons of Lingnan had left, she asked her grandfather, "Grandpa, why didn't you kill the four scum of the Four Hegemons of Lingnan just now?"

Hehe, don't be in a hurry, if you want to kill them, you don't have to kill them in the hall. There will be plenty of opportunities on the way to Yueyang tomorrow, so Xiaowazai is just in a hurry. "Hua Rulei laughed.

"Grandpa, I'm ignoring you. I'm almost 15 years old, and I still call him a baby." Hua Rudian pouted, pretending to be unhappy.

"Okay! My grandson has grown into a man. Hahaha." Hua Rulei smiled heartily.

The flowers are like thunder, and the mention of this name is like thunder, and people give it the nickname "Miaoshouzhaixing".Just relying on this title, one knows that his lightness kung fu is invincible in the world, he can even pick the stars in the sky, and there is nothing he can't do.Hua Rulei is the current head of the Hua family.

When he came out this time, he couldn't resist Hua Rudian's softness and hard work, so he agreed to come to Yueyang to participate in the martial arts alliance.And Hua Rudian came to participate in the alliance meeting, the purpose is to meet Lin Zhonghe.

So the grandfather and grandson set off to Yueyang on the second day after Lin Zhonghe left. Although Lin Zhonghe left a day later than Lin Zhonghe, but because Lin Zhonghe was blocked by bandits in Qingfengzhai, he was delayed for a day, and today he was tricked by the four tyrants of Lingnan. Their grandparents and grandchildren caught up.

Hua Rulei said to Hua Rudian at this time: "What did you find on the Siba just now?"

Hua Rudian smiled: "Grandpa is going to test me again. If I guess correctly, what reward will Grandpa give me?"

"What kind of reward do you want? I just want me to teach you the unique skill of the Hua family of 'Dengping Crossing Water'." Hua Rulei said to Ru Dian with a smile.

Hua Rudian smiled: "The one who knows me is also Grandpa."

"Stop doing this, it's so disgusting, tell me, what did you find?" Hua Rulei asked happily.

Hua Rudian said softly: "The Boss in Lingnan has Miao Jiang Gu Poison and Crisp Powder hidden in his body."

"Hush." ​​Hua Rulei motioned to silence.The mention of "Su Gong San" brings back the sad past of Hua Lao. Hua Rulei has an unusual story with Miao Qi, the current head of Miao Jiang.exactly:
For whom is the dawn wind and the moon gone?
The remaining water and mountains have been beauties since ancient times.

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(End of this chapter)

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