Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 276, The Big Shock

Chapter 276, The Big Shock (Part [-])
It is said that because Shang Yi was dissatisfied with Fengli's words, he didn't believe in the huge Nanyue, so how could any expert arrange such a big formation.

So he managed to bring two great insiders and entered Nanyue, who knew that he had only traveled two miles, and suddenly saw a sudden change in the beautiful mountains and forests, full of strange phenomena.

Shang Yi and the other three were shocked when they saw this, and when they retreated hastily, they saw rows of sharp arrows coming through the air, and the two masters had already been sent to the underworld.Shang Yi desperately broke through and escaped with his life from the arrows, but he was still hit by two arrows on his right leg.Very embarrassed.

Seeing this, Feng Li sneered and said, "Master Shang, how do you feel?"

Seeing that Fengli was watching his own joke, Shang Yi suddenly felt furious: "You have the ability, you go and see? Make sure you come back like Shang."

"Really? I, Fengli, am not as stupid as you, Mr. Shang, to die in vain?" Fengli laughed.

Xie Xian waved his hand to stop the quarrel between the two, and then said to Master Chi Dian: "Master, in your opinion, how did you get into Nanyue Mountain? Who did this? Among all the martial arts sects, I have never heard of such a great skill. Talents?"

Master Chi Dian stroked his beard and sighed: "If the old man's guess is correct, it must be Lin Zhonghe who did it."

"Lin Zhonghe? Didn't he go to the Heaven and Earth Pavilion? Will he form formations?" Xie Xian asked puzzled.

Master Chi Dian nodded and said: "Lin Zhonghe is a genius of heaven and earth, proficient in Qimen Dunjia, and can use everything in the world for his own use. Don't talk about such a big formation easily, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"You are also a person in this way. It is really not easy to hide tens of thousands of horses without anyone noticing, and escape Hua Rudian's several searches?" Xie Xian praised.

Master Chi Dian smiled and said: "Thanks to the praise from the evil immortal, I am very honored, but it will take some time for this old man to break through this formation, and I need the assistance of Master Xiao and Master Feng. Otherwise, I will not be able to complete it with my own strength." That's a big job."

"Okay, according to what the Master said, Master Xiao Feng will help you, hurry up and break this formation while Lin Zhonghe is not here, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Xiao Gaiguo and Fengli agreed in unison.

Although the Southern Expedition is said to be Jin Kemu's false transmission of the imperial decree, it is actually the work of the White Lady behind the scenes, secretly manipulated by the evil spirits, and Jin Kemu stepped in. On Nanyue, a sacred mountain through the ages, an unprecedented contest between justice and evil is about to be staged.

Master Chi Dian was very pleased to see Xiao Gaiguo and Feng Li fully agreeing: "Thank you two adults for your great help."

So the three teams, according to Fengli's reminder, retreated a hundred feet, set up camp and investigated, no problem.

And Xie Xian and the leaders of the three groups discussed countermeasures in a secluded place.The four finally researched and decided that Master Chi Dian and Feng Li would go to the battle to explore. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win.

Master Fengli and Master Chi Dian set off immediately, and the two moved extremely fast, and within a short time, they had already entered Nanyue Mountain.

It was the winter moon at this time, and there were very few snowy days in the south of the Yangtze River, but at this time, it was snowing heavily, the world was freezing, and there was no sound.

Master Chi Dian saw the heavy snow falling, he was secretly happy, seeing where you are still hiding, I don't believe how many of you can walk on the snow without a trace.

The two walked up the mountain for about two miles, and they just came to the place where Shang Yi and the others had gone.

Suddenly, a row of sharp arrows came through the air, Fengli saw it, and shouted loudly: "Bold madman, if you have the ability to come out and fight with this officer, what is the ability to secretly shoot cold arrows." Fengli shifted his position while talking , the long sword in his hand moves like the wind, how can such a small arrow hurt Fengli.

"What a running dog of Shuangsha, Jin Kemu's accomplice, and claiming to be your own official, you shameless martial arts scum, today is your end. Hahaha..." The person who spoke deliberately angered Fengli and Master Chi Dian.

In fact, Master Chi Dian's experience is somewhat similar to Feng Li's. One of them killed the teacher and defected, and the other killed the mastermind.They are all prominent figures in the martial arts world.

When the two of them heard the reprimand from the person opposite, their faces became hot and they were a little ashamed.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, the person who spoke continued: "You came here to find out the truth, didn't you? It's a pity that you can't recognize this kind of big formation! If you don't want to die, get out of here quickly. Otherwise Don't blame me, I'm going to kill you."

Fengli moved when he heard the sound, and rushed straight at the person who spoke, but the person who spoke stopped shouting: "Fire the arrow."

Immediately, arrows rained down, Feng Li was blocked by random arrows, so he had to pull back his body, and said with an angry face: "If you have the ability, don't run away, and fight with me for three hundred rounds."

Seeing that Fengli's lightness kung fu is very good, the man had already prepared himself, and marched to the depths of the mountain, intending to lure him a little deeper.

Who is Fengli? He was born in his grandfather's house since he was a child. Because of his background, in order to survive, he has always been in a state of confronting wisdom and bravery.

Seeing that the other party avoided fighting today, I lured him step by step to deepen with Master Chi Dian.

Feng Li would not be fooled by him, and quietly said to Master Chi Dian: "Now we can no longer move forward, or we will fall into their tricks."

Master Chi Dian nodded, and then said to Feng Li: "Master Feng, what is your opinion, and what are the clues?"

"I think this has something to do with gossip!" Fengli replied.

"Well, the old man thinks so too. The place where we encountered random arrows just now must be a formation eye. If we enter this place, we must pull out this formation eye. Otherwise, those whose martial arts have not reached the fairyland may never come back."

"Yes, this is a place of right and wrong, we'd better retreat outside and discuss countermeasures."

Master Chi Dian nodded in agreement!
The two of them spread out and retreated outwards.

The person who spoke to the other side has already appeared: "The two martial arts scum, you are as cowardly as a mouse, come, come, fight the young master for three hundred rounds."

Master Fengli and Chi Dian didn't turn around, instead they speeded up and rushed past the opening of the formation, and they were outside after a while.

When they came out, the two were calm and unscathed.

Seeing this, Shang Yi felt that his face was dull, so he also went in and out of Nanyue, and he went in calmly.But I went there once three times, but I was still so embarrassed that I was injured by the arrow.

For this reason, Shang Yi hated Feng Li even more.

Fengli has already seen Shang Yi's dissatisfaction with him when he came out.But he pretended not to know.

Xie Xian was of course very happy to see the two came out unscathed.Ask about the situation inside.

Fengli told what he saw and heard inside, but he just concealed his familiarity with the formation, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

After Xie Xian finished listening, he asked Master Chi Dian, "It's so dangerous inside, how many holes like this are there?"

Master Chi Dian said: "According to the old man's conjecture, Master Feng has already said that this formation is related to gossip, so I have a preliminary guess. There are at least eight or sixty-four formation eyes, maybe more. Now our top priority is to destroy these formations." The formation eye, otherwise we will not be able to enter Nanyue."

"So how can we destroy these formations?" Xiao changed the root of the question.

The evil fairy said: "Master, do you have a solution? How can we destroy the eyes?" There are different teachings:

Entering Nanyue at night was ambushed,
In the daytime, the experts will strengthen their support!
(End of this chapter)

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