Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 278, The Big Shock

Chapter 278, The Big Shock (Part [-])
It is said that Xiexian heard the blue-robed old man shouting at the head, and hurriedly led Xiao Gaiguo and other four people to break out of the siege.

Then, Lin Zhonghe's "pros and cons eight trigrams yin and yang array" is not a child's play.

Yang Jialie was very courageous. He was surprised when he saw three sanctified figures enter. It was a normal dispute in the world, but people from the forbidden area joined in. It seems that the situation is developing and getting more and more intense.

Yang Jialie let out a long roar, and pointed at the three reinforcement saints with his right gun, only to see dozens of masters appearing in an instant.

These masters, led by the leader Ouyang Fucang, all held hard crossbows and shot arrows at the three saints, and the sound of piercing the sky was heard endlessly.

The three blue-robed old men had just entered the formation, and thought it was just a child's play, but unexpectedly entering the formation, they were full of dangers and dangers, especially this crossbow, which was shot by the internal force of a peak martial idiot. It was even more extraordinary, even the air that was torn apart instantly was steaming.

These three saints are the second scholar, the fourth scholar and the fifth scholar of Tongtian Academy.The three scholars are still detained in the cold pool demon palace, and their life and death are uncertain. At that time, the master of the Tongtian Academy, the master, fled in a panic, and it was too late to rescue the three scholars.

This time, the White Lady is going south, and she is determined to win.So she was well prepared.

First send his eldest disciple, Xie Xian, to lead Xiao Gaiguo, Feng Li and Master Chi Dian to head to Nanyue first.Afterwards, he agreed with the master of Tongtian Academy, the great scholar, to send two, four, five, and three martial sages to help the evil immortals, so as to crush all the heroes in the world in one fell swoop, once and for all.Bai Niangniang and the master of Tongtian Academy will also lead more than a thousand soldiers to come later.

With such a formation, the heroes of the world will indeed be destroyed.

Fortunately, Lin Zhonghe planned for a rainy day, and set up a positive and negative gossip yin and yang array according to the "Pros and Cons Bagua Zhenjing".

This is the number one killing formation in the world. In this formation, Shennong and Huangdi teamed up to trap Chi You, the God of War. Chi You was so brave, but he failed to break out and was defeated and died.

To make a long story short, let's say that Ouyang Fucang and other old masters are all full of energy, shooting arrows like migrating locusts.

Although the martial arts of the three saints are extremely high, but the sharp arrows fired by this powerful crossbow, coupled with the blessing of the martial arts skills of all the old masters, the three saints are also in a hurry.

At some point, Yang Jialie had a yellow flag in his left hand and a blue flag in his right hand.

At this time, I saw his blue flag unfurled, and hundreds of shield players rushed out, encircling the three saints in an instant.Separate them from Xie Xian and others.

Seeing this scene, Fengli knew that fighting alone would not make it out.This is not an ordinary sergeant holding a shield and holding an arrow, but a master in the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, Fengli said to Xiexian: "To capture a thief, first capture the king, to shoot a man, first to shoot a horse, if you want to get out of this battle today, you must go straight to Yang Jialie, otherwise, this kid is making arrangements, I'm afraid I will have to confess here today. "

Master Chi Dian hurriedly said: "Master Feng's words are very true. I have been observing for a long time. This kid is so courageous. Only by killing or repelling this kid can he break out of this formation."

Xie Xian has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and has never encountered a situation like today.

Fighting alone in the past was sometimes very dangerous, but that was all without danger, but today, every step of the way is fatal, and if you don't pay attention, you will splash blood on the wilderness.

Therefore, after hearing what Master Fengli and Chi Dian said, she immediately made a decision: "The two of you cover me, after Xiao Gaiguo breaks with Guo Ping, kill Yang Jialie."

This decision immediately changed the entire situation of the battle.

But seeing the wind whistling in the Xie Xian's palm, the internal force is vertical and horizontal, and the surrounding area is controlled by the internal force, the Xie Xian has already exerted all of his kung fu to kill Yang Jialie.

Seeing this, all the heroes raised their crossbows and shot arrows to stop them, but the evil spirits were rushing towards Yang Jialie, so the hearts of all the heroes tightened, and most of the arrows were shot, because they were afraid of accidentally hurting Yang Jialie, so the arrow feathers were much less.

As soon as the arrow was short, Xie Xian and others had already killed Yang Jialie.

Seeing this, Yang Jialie knew that he was not his opponent, so he hurriedly retreated.

After this retreat, the positive and negative gossip yin and yang formation immediately became unstable, and gradually became chaotic. The group of heroes lost Yang Jialie's control and became independent.

Therefore, after a stick of incense kung fu, eight people including Sansheng and Xiexian rushed out of the formation and fled back to the camp in embarrassment.The fourth son of Sanshengzhong was shot by an arrow in his left leg.

It can be seen from this that it can hurt the martial arts formation.How powerful.

But Xiexian and other five people, except Xiexian and Fengli, were hit by an arrow each, but they were not injured but critically injured.
After the eight returned to the camp, Xiexian reunited with the three scholars from Tongtian Academy.

I just listened to Xie Xian's way: "Thank you, three seniors, for helping me out. If not, I'm afraid we will die here. This formation is extremely dangerous, do you know it?"

The fourth scholar was hit by an arrow, but as a martial saint, he was so embarrassed and felt that his face was shameless, so he said angrily: "Damn, this kid in Lin Zhonghe is also really ruthless, this kind of formation is so dangerous, he is How did you learn it?"

Xie Xian then said: "Yeah, I don't seem to have heard of this formation. Venerable Master, have you studied the formation and found out something famous? We must break the formation as soon as possible, otherwise, if Lin Zhonghe comes back, I'm afraid it will be even worse. Trouble."

The second scholar said: "According to rumors, Lin Zhonghe has escaped from the Tiandi Pavilion, and the person who saved him was actually the saint of the Tiandi Pavilion. Master Xiao, who do you think is the saint of the Tiandi Pavilion?"

Xiao Gai asked himself suddenly after seeing Er Xiucai, of course he didn't know who the saint in Tiandi Pavilion was, so he shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

The second scholar said coldly: "The saint of Tiandi Pavilion is Xiao Ziyan, the daughter of Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Gaiguo was taken aback when he heard the words: "Is this really true? Where did senior get this news?"

"The reason why my Tongtian Academy is named Tongtian is that I have the ability to search for news from all over the world." Er Xiucai smiled proudly.

Xiao Gaiguo nodded. His daughter left Huashan, and there was no news for two years. He was not worried on the surface, but in fact, he missed his daughter all the time.

Although Xiao Gaiguo said that he killed people like hemp.Cruel and vicious.But he's also a father, and there's a benevolent side to being a father.

When he heard that his beloved daughter had rescued Lin Zhonghe, he felt very uncomfortable: Daughter, the fathers and Lin Zhonghe had an unshakable hatred. My father told you before that you should not associate with Lin Zhonghe. Why are you so self-willed?
Indeed, at this time Xiao Ziyan was following Lin Zhonghe.He rushed to Nanyue non-stop.

Lin Zhonghe heard the news along the way that the White Lady's soldiers were divided into three groups, and the three great talents of Tongtian Academy went there in person.

These are not enough to worry about, what worries him the most is: Xie Xian and the master of Tongtian Academy, Da Xiucai, also visited Nanyue in person. It is said that this time, Bai Niangniang will calm down the entire martial arts forest, and then she will fight against the imperial court.

From this point of view, Lady Bai couldn't wait any longer.It's finally time for a showdown with the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, Lin Zhonghe traveled day and night and only rested for three hours a day.

When he arrived at the foot of Nanyue Mountain, he saw that the positive and negative gossip yin and yang array he personally arranged hadn't been broken, and it was still faintly exuding infinite murderous aura.

Lin Zhonghe smiled slightly: "Bai Niangniang, you people in the forbidden area of ​​the martial arts forest, you have not cared about worldly affairs, but you have returned to the world to make waves. If so, don't blame Lin for killing saints and immortals in Nanyue, and his fame has spread all over the world."There are points to teach:

The light of swords and shadows of swords in Nanyue,
In the big formation, the soul flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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