Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 300, I don't hear your name

Chapter 300, I don't hear your name

It is said that in front of the stone prison, only Yang Jialie is here.At this moment, he was really at a loss, it was not appropriate to stay or leave.

When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard Xiao Ziyan call him in the stone cell: "Young Xia Yang, thank you for your help."

Hearing this, Yang Jialie felt a little embarrassed.He wanted to help her escape from Nanyue, and then the situation became more and more troublesome.Fortunately, the leader and Master Enlightenment have already figured it out, otherwise, I don't know what the consequences will be.

Seeing Xiao Ziyan thanking him at this time, he replied: "Miss Xiao is very polite! It's a pity that I couldn't help the girl leave Nanyue. Shame!"

Xiao Ziyan heard what Yang Jialie said, and felt that Yang Jialie was indeed a real man.

Xiao Ziyan likes bold men, and doesn't like those men who flirt with flattery, speak insincerely, duplicity, and act like women.

She saw Yang Jialie telling the truth, not pretending.So he smiled sweetly: "You don't have to blame yourself, you and I have nothing to do with each other, Yang Shaoxia's ability to see injustice and help him is already very valuable."

"Thank you for your affirmation, Miss." Yang Jialie also replied with a smile.

"Yeah. Yang Shaoxia, can I ask you a few questions?" Xiao Ziyan said.

"Girl asks casually, as long as I, Yang, know, I will tell the truth. But please call Yang Jialie by his first name. The girl calls Yang Shaoxia every time. It sounds a little awkward to me." Yang Jialie told the truth.

Xiao Ziyan smiled and said: "Okay, happy. I will follow your advice. My first question is: "Did you participate in the Huashan Youth Leaders Conference two years ago?"

"No, I wanted to go, but my grandpa wouldn't let me go."


"Because my grandfather doesn't want to see Lin Zhonghe and I become enemies."

"Oh, that's right! When two tigers fight, one is bound to be wounded. You fought Lin Zhonghe, what do you think of the result?"

"There will be no result."

"I don't understand what you mean? What won't work?"

"Lin Zhonghe and I will never fight. Unless one of us betrays the martial arts. Otherwise, we will not fight."

"There is no eternity in the world, suppose you have other conflicts with him?"

"What aspects does Miss Xiao refer to)? Can you be more specific."

"Oh, it's a metaphor for fighting for money, power, women, and many other aspects."

"Hahaha, this is what the girl is talking about. My Yang family has been loyal and good for generations, full of heroes, passed down from generation to generation, and indifferent to fame and fortune. As for women, it is even more impossible to fight. Brother Lin and Shangguan Zi are a couple in need. It is impossible to intervene. Because the two of them have long been in love with each other and will never leave."

Xiao Ziyan felt a pain in her heart when she heard this.

Yang Jialie's words were like enlightenment, and Xiao Ziyan finally woke up like a dream.

Yes, back then Lin Zhonghe and Shangguan Zi were chased and killed by their father and uncle, almost desperate.In order to save the Shangguan family from being wiped out, Lin Zhonghe had to walk alone on a dark and stormy night.

This situation makes anyone feel sad: a child who is only 12 years old, and he is sickly.Escaping in this vast and dark night... All this is thanks to my fathers.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ziyan couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart and a chill down her spine.

Now that he was standing in front of Lin Zhonghe, Lin Zhonghe would be burning high incense if he didn't kill him.

His fathers were Lin Zhonghe's father-killing enemies, and it was impossible for Lin Zhonghe to marry the daughter of an enemy.What's more, Shangguan Zi has preconceived ideas.

Xiao Ziyan fell into contemplation, and forgot to answer Yang Jialie's words for a while.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Jialie realized that Xiao Ziyan was a little abnormal, so he asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just now you told the love story between Lin Zhonghe and Shangguan Zi. I was so moved. So I forgot to answer your question. I'm sorry, but please forgive me." Xiao Ziyan explained.

"It's okay! Girl, is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Oh, have you heard the rumors about me on Jianghu before?"

"I've never heard of it. I was at the ferry of the Yellow River with my grandfather. My grandfather told a lot of anecdotes about the world, but my grandfather said very little about your Xiao family."

"Oh yeah? Why?"

"I do not know why either."

"Have you never heard that I, Xiao Ziyan, is someone in the Jianghu?"

"Excuse Yang for being ignorant, I only found out your name yesterday, and I didn't know your name before."

"Okay, I'm done asking my questions, you can rest early." Xiao Ziyan was so happy that she forgot that she was trapped in a stone prison and had not yet gained freedom.

Seeing Xiao Ziyan so happy all of a sudden, Yang Jialie also became happy: "I let you out, you leave Nanyue quickly?"

Xiao Ziyan smiled and said: "Why are you so eager to drive me away? You don't want to stay with me for a while? Do I hate it so much?"

"Miss misunderstood! I didn't mean that. I was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, which would be bad for the girl. So I want the girl to leave as soon as possible."

"I can't go. If I go, you won't be able to explain it."

"Leader Ouyang and the others have given up their plan to take you hostage, and you are free."

"Oh, I can't leave like this. If my father doesn't see me today, it might be another martial arts catastrophe."

"Oh, if that's the case, then wait until tomorrow to make plans. It's getting late, and it's almost dawn, so you should rest too."

"Okay, you can also rest for a while."

Yang Jialie sat down not far from the stone prison gate!It's easy to start doing exercises to get rid of fatigue.

At dawn the next day, Yang Jialie jumped up. After an hour of recovery, Yang Jialie was already full of energy.

He walked to the stone prison door, lightly pressed the door opener, the prison door opened slowly, and Xiao Ziyan walked out of the stone prison.

At this time Xiao Ziyan, although she was wearing men's clothes, her face had returned to its original appearance.

Standing in front of Yang Jialie was a stunning woman with long hair reaching her waist.

Yang Jialie saw that Xiao Ziyan was so extraordinary.But at this time, the morning sun was rising, and Xiao Ziyan was facing east, bathed in the sun, like a nine-day fairy, coming in the sun, standing in front of Yang Jialie gracefully.

Yang Jialie finally understood the mysterious smile of Lin Zhonghe and the others before leaving.It turned out that they thought Yang Jialie was helping Xiao Ziyan to save the beauty.

Yang Jialie complained endlessly in his heart! He has always been aboveboard and not good at playing tricks.Now it seems that even jumping into the Yellow River can't clean it up.The heroes of the world thought I, Yang Jialie, was a womanizer.

Xiao Ziyan saw Yang Jialie standing in front of her, not saying a word, as if she was absent-minded.Obviously something is on his mind.

Xiao Ziyan then asked: "What's the matter? Do you have something on your mind?"

Only then did Yang Jialie pull back his thoughts: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect Miss Xiao to be so beautiful. When I met Fangrong for the first time, I was shocked to be a nine-day fairy descending into the mortal world."

Seeing that Yang Jialie's words were so true, Xiao Ziyan was even more sure that Yang Jialie's previous words were true.

So she smiled sweetly: "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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