Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 31 Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Chapter 31 Chapter [-]

In addition, when Ouyang Fucang and others saw the small boat capsized, they jumped off the boat and flew onto the big boat.The people on the big boat didn't understand what was going on, and the five of them flew off the boat.

Hua Rulei shouted again and again, since his debut, he has never been like this, he has been so useless, first he was forced to lose his dignity by the charity, and then he almost died in the belly of a fish.

So he went on a killing spree as soon as he came up, Dengping's movement across the water unfolded like a ghost, and he killed three of Shi Shijin's ten personal guards in just one bag of cigarettes.

The rest of the dead souls were all scared, and they were scared out of their wits by the ancient and rare old man in front of them.

Shi Shijin's bodyguards are actually not weak in martial arts, but they were not wary of Lin Zhonghe and the others for a while.Sudden attack, he didn't react for a while, so he became so passive, six of the top ten bodyguards of Shi Shijin were killed, and one was shot dead by Ouyang Fucang, Chang Hui and Hua Rudian each.

Then, this was a planned sniper attack by Shi Shijin, and the strength on board was more than ten personal servants.

Thirty feet away from the boat, a taller building boat quickly approached the boat, and on a chair on the boat sat Shi Shijin, the leader of the five provinces in the south of the Yangtze River.

Ouyang Fucang grabbed Lin Zhonghe with his left hand and held the sword with his right.The movement on the boat has already alarmed the people in the cabin.There are more than a dozen masters below, all of whom are desperadoes in the world.

After these desperadoes heard that there was an abnormality above, they drew out their weapons and rushed up.Ouyang Fucang was guarding the exit of the boat, a bandit inside rushed up, unexpectedly there was someone guarding the exit above, he was hit by a sword on his left flank, and he lost the ability to resist.

Seeing this, the gangsters below knew that someone above was guarding the exit, so they didn't dare to force their way in.They all sent hidden weapons towards the exit, and while Ouyang Fucang was hiding the hidden weapons, five bandits rushed up.

On the deck of the boat, besides the ten bodyguards, there are dozens of elite gangsters. Under the leadership of the other four guards, they have surrounded Hua's grandparents and Chang Hui as the core.

After the five gangsters under the cabin rushed onto the deck, they immediately attacked Ouyang Fucang. Immediately, Ouyang Fucang had one enemy against five. Because he had to take care of Lin Zhonghe, there was a sudden danger.

And the seven gangsters in the cabin below, seeing that the exit above the ship was unguarded, also rushed up. With the addition of these seven people, Lin Zhonghe and the other five had no chance of winning.

Shi Shijin's high-rise ship also approached, Shi Shijin stood on the deck of the big ship, condescending, and laughed wildly: "Hua family old fox, surrender obediently, I will save you from death?"

Hua Rulei was furious: "Shi Shijin, you are so despicable and capable. You will fight face to face with real swords and guns. What kind of hero are you using such indecent methods?"

"Hey, old man, I, Shi Shijin, have never claimed to be a hero. In your eyes, I am just a bandit king who robbed houses." Shi Shijin laughed at himself.

"Shi Shi Jin, I will kill all these thieves even if I die this old life. You despicable and shameless villain, you used to dye our sails with ink to make it easier to track." Chang said regretfully.

"Haha, Chang Regret, Chang Regret, you were my fellow travelers back then, logically speaking, the old man has to call you Senior, if the rivers and lakes can be calm, you admit it yourself." Shi Shijin sneered.

Those irrelevant merchant ships, fishing boats and other boats on the lake, seeing the fighting here, all avoided it one after another, so as not to get burned and bring about unreasonable disasters.

The fighting between the two sides on the boat had stopped, but Lin Zhonghe and the other five were still surrounded by the core.

Shi Shijin glanced at Lin Zhonghe, his eyes were very complicated: This kid, I have used Dharma swordsmanship for 30 years, and no one has been able to pass ten moves so far. Unexpectedly, I was beaten by this kid yesterday, and today I want to catch this kid , Ask about the situation.

Shi Shijin thought of this, and slowly said: "You hand over the son of Lin Shu, Lin Zhonghe, and today the old man will spare you a way out."

Ouyang Fucang scolded angrily: "Shi Shijin, you old bandit, even if I fight to the end, I will not hand over Lin Zhonghe."

Shi Shijin smiled slightly: "Master Ouyang's martial arts are world-class. Back then, Xiang Yu was able to pull mountains, but was trapped by Huaiyin Marquis Han Xin with an ambush from ten sides. In the end, the entire army was wiped out. You should know."

Ouyang Fucang didn't answer. This is a historical fact. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was indeed defeated and killed himself in Wujiang.

At this moment, Lin Zhonghe shouted at the charity: "Can you count your words, old bandit?"

Shi Shijin smiled and said: "Although the old man is from the green forest, he keeps his promises and never jokes. It's not like those who claim to be famous and decent, and do some shady tricks behind their backs."

"Okay, I'll just trust you once, if you let the four of them go, I'll go with you." Lin Zhonghe smiled slightly.

"Okay, happy, I like Mr. Lin's character, come here, let a small boat go down, and tell the four of them to leave in a small boat." Shi Shijin ordered.

Not long after, a small boat was put down by the gangsters, and a gangster drove it forward, and within a moment it was close to Lin Zhonghe's boat.

Seeing this, Ouyang Fucang said sadly to Lin Zhonghe: "Zhonghe, why did you make such a choice? Do you know that once you fall into the hands of bandits, you will never have peace."

Lin Zhonghe coughed for a while, and after his breathing slowed down, he said, "Uncle Ouyang, there are priorities and priorities. Don't die needlessly. Keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. This is the best way to achieve both. Don't worry, I'm fine. .”

Ouyang Fucang saw the situation in front of him, the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is very rare for Shi Shijin to do this, so he said to Hua Rulei and others: "Let's go." Then he walked out of the encirclement and jumped into the small boat.Hua Rulei and the other three also jumped into the boat.

Lin Zhonghe walked to the side of the big boat and shouted to the four of them, "Thank you Grandpa Chang, thank you Grandpa Hua, thank you Uncle Ouyang. Thank you Brother Hua, goodbye."

When the four of them heard this, they couldn't feel their hearts aching. Although it was not their responsibility to protect Lin Zhonghe, they were chivalrous men, and they would do it without hesitation to protect the hero.

However, because the enemy is strong and we are weak, in the end Lin Zhonghe still did not escape the clutches.Ouyang Fucang and the other four felt deeply guilty, and only said two words to Lin Zhonghe: "Take care."

The two big boats were moving forward slowly, and Ouyang Fucang and the others followed behind the two big boats. They still did not give up and wanted to find a chance to rescue Lin Zhonghe.

Let's say that after Lin Zhonghe saw the four of them leaving, he smiled and said to Shi Shijin: "You still have a little conscience, you haven't been eaten by dogs."

Shi Shijin said: "Who do you think this old man is? A devil who kills without batting an eye? Hahaha. Send him to my boat."

Someone had already grabbed Lin Zhonghe and jumped onto the tall boat.Bring Lin Zhonghe to Shi Shijin.

Only then did Shi Shijin take a closer look at Lin Zhonghe, and saw that his face was yellow and thin, and he coughed from time to time. It was indeed as rumored in the world that he had a strange disease that required two rare ingredients: a thousand-year-old sable blood.

Lin Zhonghe also carefully looked at the alms-giving money, and saw that the gangster had not given birth to a superhuman being.If you didn't know his identity, you would think he was a respected elder.

Lin Zhonghe and Shi Shijin were drinking tea and chatting on the boat, talking about some anecdotes about the world.I don't know, I thought it was the grandparents and grandchildren who were chatting about family affairs.

The boat was exercising the effort of a stick of incense, and suddenly heard a report: "My lord, the river is blocked by ships with the main rudder of the Jiangnan waterway ahead. All ships, big and small, will be checked." Exactly:
Search for boats on Dongting Lake,
Check the household registration in Yueyang City.

 (I hope you guys can put forward valuable opinions, but remember to vote, collect, and invest in a stable profit.)
(End of this chapter)

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