Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 310, the road ahead is blocked

Chapter 310, the road ahead is blocked

It is said that Lin Zhonghe stopped the "boatman" at the pier and asked the boatman to tell the reason before letting him go.

Seeing that it was difficult to get out, the "boatman" turned his mind. After several considerations and weighing, he gritted his teeth and said slowly: "My old man, Yang Xiong, used to be the head of the Jiangnan Waterway Chief Law Enforcement Hall. After Feng Li left office, the old man served After two months as the chief rudder, I saw that all the brothers in the gang were chilled, so I dismissed the general rudder of Jiangnan Waterway."

When Yang Xiong said this, his voice was choked with tears.

In the past, the chief rudder of the Jiangnan Waterway had a gang of [-] members, and was known as the second largest gang in the world, but it was made into a mess by Fengli back then.

By the time Yang Xiong took over, the gang was already fighting for power and profit, and had already fallen apart.Most of the gang members are no longer the original chivalrous generation, but have already become gangsters.They ran rampant on the water, hijacked passing ships, blatantly pursued and robbed...

As the chief rudder and rudder owner, Yang Xiong was powerless to recover. He already felt that the general rudder of Jiangnan Waterway was exhausted and the scenery was no longer there.

And Yang Xiong is originally from Yuezhou in the south of the Yangtze River. As the former head of the Jiangnan Waterway General Helm Law Enforcement Hall, his martial arts are superb, much higher than the original eight main rudder masters, almost comparable to Fengli.

Because Yang Xiong is a low-key person, not easy to publicize, and he is the head of the law enforcement, what he does is something that offends others.Therefore, he lived in seclusion, and if no one in the gang violated the gang rules, almost no one would remember him as Yang Xiong.

When Lin Zhonghe saw that the old man in front of him was actually the former director of the Jiangnan waterway, he felt a sense of intimacy.Speaking of which, he has an inseparable relationship with the chief rudder of Jiangnan Waterway.

Therefore, Lin Zhonghe smiled and said, "It was unreasonable for the junior to attack the senior just now, I hope the senior will forgive me!"

Yang Xiong heard the words, and said slowly: "You are Lin Zhonghe, the leader of Young Master Lin who is famous all over the world, right?"

"Exactly! Do seniors still recognize me?" Lin Zhonghe asked with a smile: "I have been to Yueyang for the Yueyang Alliance Lords Conference back then!"

"Well, it's changed a bit, it's grown taller, but after careful identification, it still has the shadow of the past. It's really a hero from ancient times." Yang Xiong laughed.

"Okay, senior, this is a misunderstanding, I hope you don't mind, now how about the situation on the other side?" Lin Zhonghe asked urgently.

Yang Xiong frowned, but stopped talking.

How could this detail escape Lin Zhonghe's eyes.Lin Zhonghe saw that he wanted to say something, but he had scruples, so he said, "What's wrong? Senior doesn't trust us?"

Yang Xiong said incoherently: "Oh, yes... no, the old man just wanted to say that you should return to Nanyue, advance with retreat and attack with defense." Why?" Lin Zhonghe asked back.

"It's nothing!" Yang Xiong said as he walked up, seemingly wanting to leave again.

Lin Zhonghe hurriedly caught up, grabbed Yang Xiong's hands and said, "Is there someone from the house opposite you, Lady Bai, who took your family as hostages?"

Yang Xiong trembled all over, and because Lin Zhonghe grabbed Yang Xiong's hands, his body also trembled.

Yang Xiong knew that he couldn't escape Lin Zhonghe's control, so he sighed and told about his family's situation on the other side.

It turned out that three days ago, Yang Xiong was in the wharf native goods store.Four uninvited guests came suddenly and took control of Yang Xiong's wife, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

At that time, Yang Xiong was compradorizing goods on the South Bank.It was raining again that day, and the boat could not go back and forth. When the wind stopped and the rain stopped the next day, Yang Xiong drove the boat back to the other side. When he came home, he found something different.

However, even though Yang Xiong is not bad at martial arts and can establish a sect, he was beaten to the ground by a veteran Taoist.

Yang Xiong was naturally defeated.After the defeat, those four people didn't make things difficult for him, and told him that as long as they agreed to cooperate with them, the lives of his whole family would be safe.So the cooperation plan was announced.

It turned out that they wanted to ambush Lin Zhonghe and his party.And Yang Xiong's store is the best location.His grocery store also doubles as a restaurant.

Therefore, travelers will stop and have something to eat here.Because it is located in the fortress of the Yangtze River Wharf, the business is naturally booming, no problem.

Lin Zhonghe was not surprised when he heard Yang Xiong's words, knowing that Lady Bai had finally taken action against his men who had aided Shenjing from the north.

Judging from the physical characteristics of the four people described by Yang Xiong just now, these four people must be Xiexian, Master Chi Dian, and the second and fourth talents of Tongtian Academy.

But Lin Zhonghe knew it deeply.As long as Master Chi Dian appears, the "dead warriors" and "evil soldiers" taught by him will definitely appear.

The evil soldiers and dead soldiers must be ambushing around Yang Xiong's local goods shop.

From this point of view, the other side is already in danger, full of dangers.

After hearing this, Taoist Mu Sang and others frowned.

Daoist Xi Hongchen spoke first: "Pindao thinks that the other side is more ominous now, but Shenjing is waiting for help, and we can no longer stay in the pavilion."

Master Huai Kong also said: "It is true, we have to find a way to pass silently."

Lin Zhonghe said: "This junior has a method, which can definitely deceive the four of them. But it needs the cooperation of Senior Yang, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed."

Now that Yang Xiong is telling the whole story, he no longer feels scared.So he said: "Although Master Lin ordered, the old man will do as he pleases, even if the old man is doing his best for the martial arts. The old man has always felt guilty about the rudder of the Jiangnan waterway, and feels ashamed of the martial arts."

Seeing Yang Xiong's agreement, Lin Zhonghe was delighted: "Senior, don't worry about the past. In fact, it is not a good thing to disband the Jiangnan Waterway Chief Steward. I am still alive, I am afraid that the senior has become a street mouse."

Yang Xiong and others nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Lin Zhonghe then told everyone his plan like this, and everyone nodded after listening.

Yang Xiong was even more in admiration: "Mr. Lin is indeed an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs. Such a layout can be described as seamless, which really makes me admire."

Lin Zhonghe smiled slightly: "Senior is wrong, if you have no other opinions, please follow this plan."

Taoist Mu Sang and others said they had no other comments.Seeing that they all agreed, Lin Zhonghe said to Yang Jialie and Wu Gai: "You two go with Senior Yang to buy what you need, and help Senior Yang by the way."

Yang Jialie and Wu Gaitong followed Yang Xiong and left.

Lin Zhonghe waited for the three of them to leave, and then said to Taoist Mu Sang and the other nine people: "After we landed, we can only walk separately. If the evil spirits and the others find out, we can only retreat quickly, and we can't be willing to fight.

The few who stayed at Senior Yang's house try to meet up at the designated place within three days, there must be no mistakes, everyone remember: too much talk is bound to fail!"

(End of this chapter)

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