Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 316, the sorrow of conceit

Chapter 316, the sorrow of conceit

It is said that Lin Zhonghe left Jusan Town safely for the sake of others, so as to achieve the purpose of going north to help Shenjing.So he decided to fight against the masters of Xiexian alone.

At this time, Lin Zhonghe was already standing face to face with Xie Xian, Er Xiucai and Si Xiucai.

The three masters in the crowd couldn't help being surprised to see Lin Zhonghe coming out alone, facing so many masters.They already understood Lin Zhonghe's good intentions in their hearts, but they were worried about Lin Zhonghe's safety.

At this time, Xie Xian had already opened his mouth with sorrow: "Master Lin Shao, in a fight at Nanyue that day, thanks to Master Lin Shao's mercy, so that the old man survived. Unexpectedly, time has passed and circumstances have changed, Master Lin Shao is also today?"

Lin Zhonghe said with a smile: "It is true as what the senior said, Lin is here today, but it is not Lin who was defeated by you, but Cheng Dan, a silly girl who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and loves vanity to cause today's passive situation."

Cheng Dan's face flushed when he heard this, and he felt ashamed.Fortunately, it was night, and everyone present looked at him, but they couldn't see much change in his expression.

Hearing Lin Zhonghe's words, Xie Xian said disapprovingly: "Ms. Cheng understands righteousness and knows how to advance and retreat. And if Master Lin can understand affairs like Miss Cheng, I welcome Master Lin to join us."

"Hahaha, what a big joke, senior must have given up on this idea. If you want me, Lin, to defect to the enemy, unless the sun comes out from the west!"

Er Xiucai shouted: "Bold rat, who do you think you are? With today's situation, you think you still have a chance to escape."

"You don't have to be arrogant, seniors. Lin knows that everyone wants to avenge Nanyue, but don't be so excited. Lin is standing here, come one by one, or all together?" Lin Zhonghe smiled freely, talking and laughing happily, without any fear .

This kind of heroic spirit of heroism made the three masters admire.

They already understood Lin Zhonghe's intention: he stepped forward to hold back the evil immortals and let them rush to Shenjing to reinforce the Heavenly Emperor.

Taoist Mu Sang and the other three originally wanted to help Lin Zhonghe, but judging from the comparison of their current strength, not only could they not be of help, on the contrary, once they were handed over, they would probably distract Lin Zhonghe instead of making him fight the enemy with all his strength.

Therefore, the three leaders made up their minds that as soon as the two sides fight, they will sneak away and go north to reinforce Shenjing.They believed that with Lin Zhonghe's martial arts, he would definitely retreat without any damage.

To make a long story short, Master Crazy heard what Lin Zhonghe said, so he smiled and said, "Young Master Lin may be a little too conceited. I will not bully you with more bullying. First, let the poor Taoist learn the master's tricks."

Hearing this, the evil immortal hurriedly said to the demented Master, "You must not, the Master, you are not his match."

Master Crazy didn't know that the evil spirit was defeated by Lin Zhonghe.Hearing the words of the evil immortal today, I thought that the evil immortal looked down on me.

He and Xiexian are the right arm of the White Lady, they are polite in the open, but they compete with each other in secret.

Therefore, the words of the evil fairy just now are indeed true words.Xie Xian's martial arts is naturally better than Master Crazy, she is not Lin Zhonghe's enemy, if nothing else, Master Crazy is naturally not Lin Zhonghe's enemy.

Naturally, Master Crazy is a geek in martial arts, it can also be said that he has both martial arts and martial arts, and he possesses two unique skills of Wudang and Damo sects. Although he knows that Lin Zhonghe's martial arts are incredible.But he always suspected that Lin Zhonghe was suspected of opportunism.

Master Chidian believed that if he fought with Lin Zhonghe, Lin Zhonghe would never have the chance to take advantage of it.

However, there are many people in the world who are conceited, Master Crazy is one of these people, but he forgot that with a great reputation, there must be extraordinary abilities.

Since his debut, Lin Zhonghe has achieved outstanding achievements: killing stiff, fighting against Shuangsha, competing swordsman and boxer, killing beasts, going to the Holy Palace with a lone sword, fighting against the white lady, defeating all heroes, and winning the position of the young leader.Gambling against the master and apprentice of the white lady, fighting against the forbidden master, killing the right guardian of the heaven and earth pavilion, defeating the five princes in yellow shirts, trapping the forbidden master, and defeating evil immortals.

With the above records, the opponent is not a thunderous, talented and brilliant person in the world, but a person who can be shaken by the insane master?
However, Master Chidian didn't believe in evil, and turned a deaf ear to the words of the evil immortal, so he had already snatched it out, and slapped Lin Zhonghe's chest with his left palm. The strike was fast and without warning.

Lin Zhonghe sneered in his heart: Why do famous people in the world, but no one remember my advantages.You are an old man, and you can't compete with me in moves. Just at this point, you have already lost at the starting line.

That's right, Lin Zhonghe has the ability to recognize and cut moves, but Master Chidian seems to have forgotten, and still competes with Lin Zhonghe move by move.

Lin Zhonghe didn't answer, seeing Master Chidian's left palm slapped him, but his upper body moved five inches to the left, barely avoiding the palm, his feet didn't move half an inch, but the five fingers of his right hand grabbed Master Chidian's right shoulder like a hook .

Lin Zhonghe seems to be avoiding moves and making moves in an easy and normal way, but he hides dangers, prescribes the right medicine, and attacks where the enemy must be saved.

It turned out that Master Crazy's left palm was a false move, and the real killer was the whisk of his right hand.As long as Lin Zhonghe hides his palm and backs away, his right hand will fly over thousands of troubled threads to cover Lin Zhonghe.

These two moves by Master Chidian could have been considered flawless, but the opponent was Lin Zhonghe, who had the ability to know how to move.Already preemptively, he grabbed the right shoulder of Master Chidian.

Master Chidian was taken aback, he didn't expect that Lin Zhonghe didn't dodge his left palm, and moved to grab his right shoulder.

Although there was a whisk in his right hand, but because Lin Zhonghe didn't back away, he didn't make a distance, it was almost a melee fight.

Therefore, the whisk in his hand is too long to be swung out. At this time, "the whip can't reach" has another meaning.

As soon as they met each other, Master Chidian was already in a cold sweat from fright, he quickly stepped back with his toes.

However, Master Chidian didn't know how powerful Lin Zhonghe was.In today's world, those who can defeat Lin Zhonghe can only defeat Lin Zhonghe if their internal strength is higher than him.

Of course Master Chidian didn't know about this point, and he was still fighting with Lin Zhonghe in a foolish way, which was obviously doomed to failure.

Master Crazy also retreated fast enough, thinking that he could escape this disaster.However, he was too naive.

Lin Zhonghe Zi's electric current light body technique unfolded, and he had already followed him like a shadow. His right hand was hooked like a hook and his five fingers did not withdraw, but still kept their original shape and grabbed Master Madman's shoulder.

At this time, Master Chidian really realized the name of a person, and the shadow of a tree has already been frightened out of his wits.It took five consecutive moves to escape Lin Zhonghe's control.

The witnesses present saw that Lin Zhonghe made a move just now, although it was only one move, it forced the insane Master into danger, and almost disabled his right arm, it was extremely thrilling.

At this time, the demented master had already turned pale, and he regretted his stupid way of single-handedly challenging Lin Zhonghe. Now that he was on the verge of riding a tiger, he could only bite the bullet and continue fighting, but in his heart he hoped that the evil spirit would help him.

The evil spirit knew early on that the insane master was no match for Lin Zhonghe.Secretly, the second scholar and the fourth scholar prepared to join forces to attack Lin Zhonghe.

Lin Zhonghe saw the insane master retreating, so he followed without haste, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Master Dementia greeted him as if seeing a god of death.

(End of this chapter)

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