Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 322, The World-Shocking First Battle

Chapter 322, The World-Shocking Battle (Part [-])
In other words, Lin Zhonghe said with a smile: "Lin has no other intentions, just want to know how you are doing in the other world? Why do I go to the void and only get beaten?"

"The old man is not good enough in Void, but more than the low? Do you mean that you don't care about the old man?" Bai Xingshi replied coldly.

"Lin doesn't know you very well, why should you be taken seriously? What's more, you have already gone to another world, but why do you still interfere in world affairs. You interfered today and ruined Lin's important affairs. Since you and Bai Niangniang If you go the same way, you will be regarded as a scum of the martial arts. In the eyes of me, Lin, you are a shameful person."

"Shut up! You are not allowed to insult the old man's personality, do you really think that you can run amok after practicing the heaven and earth magic skills?" Bai Xingshi was already in a state of desperation.

"Hahaha, old man, since you are in the same rank as the white lady, you are not worthy of Lin's respect. You don't have to act like an old man, Lin has indeed practiced the magical skills of heaven and earth, and today you and Lin will inevitably have a fight, you don't have to Put on a show, just shoot." Lin Zhonghe was fighting like crazy.

"Okay, that's what you said. Don't say that the old man bullies the young." Bai Xingshi was furious.

The young man in front of him has disrespected him many times since he fought him in the void.

Bai Xingshi secretly admired Lin Zhonghe's skill, he used [-]% of his power just now.Only then did Lin Zhonghe's [-]% success be blocked.

It can be seen from this that Lin Zhonghe's skill is extraordinary, and he can compete with him, the Void Elder who is the pinnacle of martial saints.

But Bai Xingshi always thought that he didn't do his best, and he didn't take Lin Zhonghe seriously.If he does his best.He thought Lin Zhonghe couldn't do a hundred tricks under his hands.

Seeing that Lin Zhonghe took the initiative to invite a fight, which fell into his arms, he was also trying to find an excuse to attack Lin Zhonghe.

Although it was the dead of night and no one knew about it, but he came from the void, and many people saw him. If he fought with Lin Zhonghe, this kid would have three advantages and two disadvantages.

To make a long story short, let's say that Lin Zhonghe saw Bai Xingshi's hypocrisy, so he replied: "You don't have to pretend to be polite, here tonight, only you and I are here, just give it a go, let Lin also see you, a strong man in the void. ability."

"Okay, have fun! But you have to think about it clearly. Once you make a move, your fists and feet will inevitably be injured. If you can admit your mistake to the old man, the old man may consider letting you go. You will be a rare talent in a thousand years." Bai Bai What he said was true.

He is the pinnacle of martial arts, although Lin Zhonghe disrespects him, but he has stepped into the void, there is no other choice but to bully the weak with skills.

Apparently he regards Lin Zhonghe as weak and a junior, and his goal of saving people has been achieved, as long as Lin Zhonghe apologizes to him, there is no need for him to fight Lin Zhonghe.He thought that there was no need to compete, and the loser must be Lin Zhonghe.It doesn't matter whether Lin Zhonghe has mastered the divine art of heaven and earth, he tried two tricks with him just now, and he thinks that his skill is slightly higher than his.

When Bai Xingshi said this, he was thinking about these things silently in his heart, just waiting for Lin Zhonghe to apologize to him, and then let him go "with a lot of adults" and "high integrity".

However, he heard Lin Zhonghe's words: "I, Lin, walked between heaven and earth. Since I stepped into the rivers and lakes, I have fought for justice. You want Lin to apologize. What a big joke! What's wrong with Lin? It's just that Mr. Lin advises you that you have lived a long time, don't do things against your will, or you may die without a place to bury your body, and you will be left with a bad reputation forever."

Bai Xingshi didn't expect Lin Zhonghe to say such words, he didn't take his words seriously at all.

He was originally a strong man, and he was also a figure who walked sideways in the void.

But I never thought that today I was repeatedly resisted by a junior, and the realm was only the second level of Martial Immortal.

No matter how good-tempered Bai Xingshi was, he couldn't take it anymore: "Boy, you really want to die!"

He was so angry that he yelled, the two fingers of his right hand were parallel to each other like a halberd, he had already tapped the eye point of the crane in the forest, his moves were extremely fast and vicious, with strong winds all the way.

Lin Zhonghe was on guard for a long time, and he had made up his mind to try the power of the heaven and earth magic in front of Bai Xingshi, a strong man in the void, combined with his original seven-style swordsmanship, to see how powerful it would be.

At this moment, seeing that Bai Xingshi had already launched an attack, and the speed of the attack was unusually fast, he secretly admired him, the Void powerhouse is really not to be underestimated.

Therefore, Lin Zhonghe used his finger to represent the sword, and sent out an unparalleled sword energy, which cut straight at Bai Xingshi's left hand, while his head was only slightly turned to the left, avoiding the acupuncture finger of Bai Xingshi's right hand.

Bai Xingshi saw that Lin Zhonghe was able to use his finger to represent a sword, and he could control the incomparable true energy, the energy formed into a sword, and cut off his left arm.He couldn't help being surprised, he was about to hit Lin Zhonghe's chest with his left hand, but he never wanted to be cut off by Lin Zhonghe's Qi sword, the move stopped immediately, and he hurriedly retreated five feet.

Bai Xingshi was not surprised by Lin Zhonghe's use of swords as swords, for martial arts experts who have reached this level of skill, it is common for martial arts experts to use Qi to form phantom weapons.

Just now, the second finger of his right hand was illusory as a judge's pen, and he pointed at Lin Zhonghe's Qingjing acupoint.

What surprised Bai Xingshi was that Lin Zhonghe really belonged to martial arts myths and legends. He did have the ability to know how to make decisive moves. Just now, his move against Lin Zhonghe was only in the blink of an eye.And the difference between the moves of his left and right hands is only a moment.

However, in such a short period of time, Lin Zhonghe was able to judge the changes in his subsequent moves, which is simply unimaginable.Even in the void, no one can force him to retreat with a single move, and danger is everywhere.

After stepping back five feet, Bai Xingshi fixed his eyes on Lin Zhonghe, and his mood became serious: It seems that this kid in front of him is not someone who is famous for nothing.The legends in martial arts, under the prestigious name, are indeed true.

But Lin Zhonghe cut it out with the sword, thinking that he could severely injure Bai Xingshi.However, he was still avoided by Bai Xingshi.

He wanted to chase after him, but Bai Xingshi was old and cunning, he had already protected his body with his qi, Lin Zhonghe's sword qi was blocked, so he had to stop, he didn't dare to rush forward, the opponent in front of him was after all a Void powerhouse at the peak of a martial sage, this is him Since his debut, the strongest opponent he has encountered.

Therefore, Lin Zhonghe decided to take a defensive position in the first stage, braking with silence, and seeing every move.He believed that as long as there were no accidents in the unparalleled internal force of the Heaven and Earth Divine Art, he would not be defeated.

The night wind was gentle, and the two of them were blown straight.

The two stood facing each other, but neither made any further attacks.

This is the feeling that the mountain and the rain are about to come and the wind is full of the building.

The arena was silent, with the occasional cry of frogs in the distance.

The two were planning in their hearts, and both wanted to solve their opponents as soon as possible.

After confronting each other for a bag of cigarettes, Bai Xingshi finally couldn't bear it anymore. He thought he was a Void powerhouse at the peak of martial arts, but in front of a young man in his early twenties, the two sides were at a stalemate.

If this situation is introduced into the rivers and lakes, it will be laughed out of the mouth.

Thinking of this, Bai Xingshi suddenly became murderous.Can't help but let out a long howl, the sound shook Heyue, both palms filled with [-]% real power, and hit Lin Zhonghe directly.

(End of this chapter)

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